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Are you happy with the current state of WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> We had our own poll in the PvP forums.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11866/are-you-happy-with-the-current-state-of-pvp#latest


> Guess what.. THEY MATCH lol..


> Edit: its the same guy that made them, just sayn.. WvWers and PvPers are unhappy.


Which at this point maybe make up about %10 of the current GW2 population. Since most have quitted the game. Which is more than likely why ANet give very little cares. And have no shame about the total disgrace both modes are in atm. Anet move on to consolidate it's resources for a single targeted audience. One that is super easy to please.

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> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> We had our own poll in the PvP forums.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11866/are-you-happy-with-the-current-state-of-pvp#latest


> Guess what.. THEY MATCH lol..


> Edit: its the same guy that made them, just sayn.. WvWers and PvPers are unhappy.


GW2 is a 3-part game. PvP, WvW and PvE. One of the things that made Gw2 popular was the fact that you can get max lvl and gear even if you don't play all the aspects of the game. The important thing tho, is to have fun while doing it. Those polls prove my point, if the player community is not happy with 2/3 parts of your game, then you are doing something very very wrong.

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Oh my god, dont make posts/polls like this.....

They really get me started!


but seriously tho... Been playing WvW for years now (No, Not from Launch but soon after) and back in the day when we had decent melee trains going thing where way better, plenty of fights to be had, and nicely challanging.

IMHO things went rappidly downhill around the time HoT was launched, perhaps even slightly before that, i believe it all started with the change to Stability.

Having said that, the launch of HoT, new stats and new classes really upset the balance, things might have settled down a bit after that, but the condi meta did not make things better, with Vipers and Trailblazers...

and now we have PoF, things are just soooooooooooooo bad now, i dont even know where to start.........................

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Honestly, I think that short of some balancing and less monkey business with server population (keeping host servers locked) to keep BG perpetually at #1; it's about as good as it is going to get.

Short of a WvW focused expansion, I don't see room for growth with the current combat and play system.

So unless they want to fundamentally redesign WvW; I think it's at it's best point. Also it continues to do well thanks to a lack of competition. We'll see if CU is worth any of the hype and then we'll see if it can be done better.

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It's all been touched on ...Balance, Lag but I am most effected by the fact that I can't join my guildmates on their server. I understand Anet's thinking behind locking the servers, I do not understand why they have been locked for so long. Linking is a double edged sword IMO, yes it's nice to have more people around, but, the 'rotating' between host servers does not allow for long term 'relationships' to be built between "Host" and "Link".

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this just what i have exsperacenced so far frrom 4 years of wvw being mostly pve and just starting to go hardcore wvw. i have been part of 2 servers and they are now the same and it hurts the 2 servers are et and cd these servers a differant but the same in what i have been though. et is one of the top 3 lowest population servers in the game and i went in and was almost always stomped becouse no one was ever one then you did the merge and it was a little easer to get the population up and same as befor still geting stomped by so mean groups when in a group. now come the time i get a new guild and go cd for like 2 weeks the population was good for me fairly balanced and it was all good. now all the suden after that 2 weeks i got in and left and right i am geting stomped and i hardly see anyone on in cd. we went from haveing balaced group play to completly unbalanced and not being able to do anything then hide in wvw. i am seeing the merging system you are useing is brocken in a way that i feel like im playing rushion rulet with wvw now and from what i can tell its a lossing battale i think the system need more data and looked at very closely for better resolts and to make the fight more balanced. i am sarry for my spelling its not my strong suit.

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Zero skill, a thousand conditions. Seriously i can evade, resistance up all that shit but conditions are there to stay and stack. Forget fighting a scourge seriously, unless you stun him 24/7 he'll place 12 stacks of bleeding and 20 of torment on you in seconds with a duration of 3 moons.

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@Belishine.7493 - I'm in that linked fight, and it's the craziest thing I've seen since beta - both servers the CD group are matched against have blobs running on all maps - all day and night ....and to make matters worse, they seem to be double teaming us - and fighting each other over who gets to take our land, while we try to defend...it's a flank fest and we are the monkeys in the middle!! haha. it's waves of blobs after blobs after blobs in any bl you go ...never seen anything like it before.


I've decided not to let it bother me and use it to experiment with some anti blob builds - and found a few winners so far, I still die like crazy, but taking more down with me in every tweak!! lol.


It's kind of crazy that anet even scores this. - would love to see a psychological study on how extreme this game can get and it's real life effects on players.


PS - despite the insane odds, I have to give respects to cd and dh for holding their own, we may be dying a lot, but we are getting our share of kills despite being constantly overwhelmed and vastly outnumbered in extreme proportions. we still cap'd the castle a few times in that insanity -bro fist-


after this matchup, soloing tequatl is doable, just need to run really really fast, do a ton of damage and be in the air gliding when the tidal wave comes because you are going to lose something along the way, preferably not a limb!

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> @Ricky.4706 said:

> @Belishine.7493 - I'm in that linked fight, and it's the craziest thing I've seen since beta - both servers the CD group are matched against have blobs running on all maps - all day and night ....and to make matters worse, they seem to be double teaming us - and fighting each other over who gets to take our land, while we try to defend...it's a flank fest and we are the monkeys in the middle!! haha. it's waves of blobs after blobs after blobs in any bl you go ...never seen anything like it before.


> I've decided not to let it bother me and use it to experiment with some anti blob builds - and found a few winners so far, I still die like crazy, but taking more down with me in every tweak!! lol.


> It's kind of crazy that anet even scores this. - would love to see a psychological study on how extreme this game can get and it's real life effects on players.


> PS - despite the insane odds, I have to give respects to cd and dh for holding their own, we may be dying a lot, but we are getting our share of kills despite being constantly overwhelmed and vastly outnumbered in extreme proportions. we still cap'd the castle a few times in that insanity -bro fist-


> after this matchup, soloing tequatl is doable, just need to run really really fast, do a ton of damage and be in the air gliding when the tidal wave comes because you are going to lose something along the way, preferably not a limb!


I'm just going to say when a game starts having negative psychological impact on you IRL. It's simply time to put it up. Or at least come back to it, when it's not going to negatively impact you IRL. I'm just saying is all.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:


> I'm just going to say when a game starts having negative psychological impact on you IRL. It's simply time to put it up. Or at least come back to it, when it's not going to negatively impact you IRL. I'm just saying is all.


agreed, but the game is also open to a younger under 18 audience that take it quite serious. I laugh it off coming up with crazy builds- like the old gw1 necro bomb days, so to me it's a unique opportunity to test extreme builds - which brings me to having to get a ton of new gear because anet won't simply let me change stats.


right there is the potential of feeling hopeless(ly outnunbered) and Trapped in your stats because you are too poor to try any other builds. but it's just a game, with a score.

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nope, i dont like the way deffence siege can be placed..


3/4 AC's next to each other is beyond pathetic...

having 2 shield gens next to each other u can perma shield anything and break into any tower/keep without deffenders being able to do a jackshit unless they have blob also


think shield gens and AC's should have radius around it so u cant place it within X range of each other t o prevent retarded amounts of siege packed up on certain spots no1 can reach..


and condi obviously.. condi's are so much fun. im loving it how i can eat condi like a boss and cleanse em like a idiot but they get re applied within a flash of a second :cry:

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I would like to see a 5.ooo damage cap a skill pr/target.

So no one skill in the game no mater how much zerker one puts on can never hit for more than 5000 dmg pr target pr hit .


atm to much 1 skill heavy hitters in the game

9k valut.

15k chuning earth

8k metoers

7 k fireballs

12k rev hammer 2

7 k rev hammer 3


propperly alot more. Combined with all other sorts off crazy stuff like condis

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> @reddie.5861 said:

> nope, i dont like the way deffence siege can be placed..


> 3/4 AC's next to each other is beyond pathetic...

> having 2 shield gens next to each other u can perma shield anything and break into any tower/keep without deffenders being able to do a jackshit unless they have blob also


> think shield gens and AC's should have radius around it so u cant place it within X range of each other t o prevent kitten amounts of siege packed up on certain spots no1 can reach..


> and condi obviously.. condi's are so much fun. im loving it how i can eat condi like a boss and cleanse em like a idiot but they get re applied within a flash of a second :cry:


> @reddie.5861 said:

> nope, i dont like the way deffence siege can be placed..


> 3/4 AC's next to each other is beyond pathetic...

> having 2 shield gens next to each other u can perma shield anything and break into any tower/keep without deffenders being able to do a jackshit unless they have blob also


> think shield gens and AC's should have radius around it so u cant place it within X range of each other t o prevent kitten amounts of siege packed up on certain spots no1 can reach..


> and condi obviously.. condi's are so much fun. im loving it how i can eat condi like a boss and cleanse em like a idiot but they get re applied within a flash of a second :cry:


Have you tried opening a T3 tower or keep with fortified/reinforced gate?

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regarding siege: one of the biggest gripes i have is that the people outside and below a wall/gate have more of an advantage to those on a wall, which makes no sense. They should change the line of sight for folks on a wall to be farther, and those on the ground have less range when aiming up on a wall. Between eles and necros bombing everything on the top of a wall, to mesmers pulling folks at ridiculus ranges off walls, to revs hitting through gates, its silly to even try to defend unless you go outside and fight on the ground.


Aside from that, the spam aoe condi meta we currently live in is just plan boring. Back in the 'old' days, you have members of the zerg with different jobs..some would try to take out the opponents back line squishies. some would try to control the heavies. etc. Now its pretty much stare across the field. move sideways to and fro. Spam aoe condis, 1 push and hope the opponent zerg has less cleanse then yours does. I reckon 95% of the zerglings don't even target out potential targets anymore, they just spam aoe and hope they tag lots of stuff to get credit.

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> @Kamara.4187 said:

> double the reward for being out numbered and watch the population problem fix its self.


Doubt, players dont wan to fight mostly, and if they do i'll ive seen is groups of 5+ trying to gank 1 or 2 players, with broken builds/classes., scourges and spelbreakers mostly comps.

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> @JustDemons.4358 said:

> <3 Yes!

> Why? Cuz i think u should always just **like a game for what it IS** and not hoping for smth that u want it to be. i wish some down tuning of the new specs to match core specs and some more ways to deal with condi (food, utility food maybe?). But i still can enjoy this game and this mode!


So which do you play, Scourge or Spellbreaker?

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I can't vote 'yes', but I can't vote 'no' either. I am not entirely happy with the current state of WvW, but I'm mostly fine with the current progress and development.


Considering how many players participate in it compared with the rest of the game, it obviously can't have as many resources put into it, and the updates with content for it are scarce, but at least progress hasn't stopped.


As long as they keep working on it, there will be hope.


I particularly hope for

* A solution to low population problems different to world linking.

* Some sort of 'season' system or bonus that is in effect when PvP is off-season to attract more players regularly.

* Measures to keep people more scattered and more invested in defending objectives and supply routes so everyone is more likely to meet someone else in more places, and reduce musical chairs zerging gameplay.

* Shrines added to Alpine. They are the best thing in desert borderlands and Alpine could definitely use those jump pads to let people catch up with their friends ahead.

* A third borderlands map replacing Alpine for the green borderlands. Preferably something inspired in Cantha, with a labyrinthine urban area as the home citadel and large forests and tall trees like those in Echovald.


Any other problems I have with WvW do not come directly from the mode itself, but from builds and player behavior that need some... tweaking.

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just totalling 2 weeks: we had over 400+ new gw2 players players in a competitive game. Their #1 complain is that gw2:pvp+wvw has gone out of control. Things need to change for the better because players are leaving and are very serious about it. Today alone, i decided to take a peak into wvw+pvp and i was astounded by the 1 shots and the outrageous damages and the skill spamming everywhere. I left in athe state of shock and disbelief.


I really tried to pretend it wasn't happening but i couldn't hold it in anylonger. Players were killed in seconds left and right: splashes of red circles covered the entire ground were many of us stood, players being pulled and thrown up in the air: very devastating scene wvw+pvp has become.


Itr was unimaginaebale: this isn't looking well for gw2 at all. The satate of wvw+pvp are in need of critical overhall as soon as possible or risk losing more playerbase.


I do want Gw2 to succeed and want players to be competitive and to enjoy the game but the control is not in my hand.


-caring former gw2 player-

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The design with the war machines, the castles, etc is great.


However the imbalance in population between servers look like it was designed by a baboon.

In my server : ''Roche de l'Augure'', we are ALWAYS outnumbered, no matter how many we are.

Then people lose morale and it becomes even worse.


Roamers are totally useless to wvw. They just destroy others fun. There's pvp to bolster their egos.


When i go into world versus world, i want to see a great war between two armies, not a 60+ bus squashing a group of 5 players because arena net think the little bonus from outnumbered change anything.

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I voted no and I explain why: It is not related to the content. It comes from a different and very recent problem for me: Since the last server reset, when I go into WvW, at exactly same time slot than before, it is ...... empty! We are a few running around, always the same ones, but we are not enough to do anything (PPK hardly possible)... What is happening? I don't understand it, but that's a fact: It's empty.


Now of course, the server reset was only a few days ago. Maybe it needs some time? I am awaiting this weekend to see if it will be more populated. I will also try it at different times to see if maybe with the new worlds we were joined to are coming later or earlier. In the meantime, I miss a lot "really" playing WvW. :(

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