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Are you happy with the current state of WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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1.They need to balance out the classes.

2. Add GvG to WvW so that the winning GvG gains a added edge to WvW. (Meaning the Smaller Server with the better skilled GvG Guild can change the tide of War in WvW give us the reasons to wage a "Guild War") 8v8 15v15 20v20 50v50

3. Not enough variety in WvW. (Where is the Guild Wars at?) Ironic.

4. WvW doesn't have that persistent feeling of PvE. WvW doesn't seem to be evolving just altered and cut.

5. Nothing but conditions and tab targeting clicker meta. What happened to Frontline Melee find the target and try to lock melee gameplay?

6. I can keep going on....but everyone else can keep adding on whats lacking in WvW.

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> @Phizeke.9536 said:

> 2. Add GvG to WvW so that the winning GvG gains a added edge to WvW. (Meaning the Smaller Server with the better skilled GvG Guild can change the tide of War in WvW give us the reasons to wage a "Guild War") 8v8 15v15 20v20 50v50


The "winning" GvG already has an edge - they won. That guilds often fight randomly open field in GvG challenges to gain nothing for a victory is their own fault and choice. You want to hand them points on a silver platter too? Perhaps all guilds simply getting a "you're winner!" and win the skirmish as soon as their raid start?


But granted, if you balance this out by also giving everyone an edge who are trying to play WvW while heavily outmanned without the outmanned buff because GvG guilds are standing AFK in spawn for 1+ hours before raids not giving a kitten, sure.


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Give me WvW like it was when the game first came out on release. no profession was unstoppable no-one had the perfect build you never knew what setup they had.

now everyone uses the same builds and uses the few professions that now guarantee about 90% of the time a win because of 5 years of bad balancing.


I give you GW2 2017 WvW the guardian and the necromancer co starting the elementalist, thief, warrior with revenant, ranger and the other one.

( yes I've played all professions at level 80)

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @Phizeke.9536 said:

> > 2. Add GvG to WvW so that the winning GvG gains a added edge to WvW. (Meaning the Smaller Server with the better skilled GvG Guild can change the tide of War in WvW give us the reasons to wage a "Guild War") 8v8 15v15 20v20 50v50


> The "winning" GvG already has an edge - they won. That guilds often fight randomly open field in GvG challenges to gain nothing for a victory is their own fault and choice. You want to hand them points on a silver platter too? Perhaps all guilds simply getting a "you're winner!" and win the skirmish as soon as their raid start?


> But granted, if you balance this out by also giving everyone an edge who are trying to play WvW while heavily outmanned without the outmanned buff because GvG guilds are standing AFK in spawn for 1+ hours before raids not giving a kitten, sure.



Whatever is better for WvW I'm just trying to imagine what WvW would be like if Anet put time into it like how they put effort into PvE. I want to feel that I'm truly fighting for something and not just omniblobbin following a PUG Tag or just waiting for a common 25 man raid night. WvW needs some substance to feel like its truly a "GuildWars".


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Voted yes, not because I think there are no issues but because I don't think it's as bad as people make it seem.

I'm enjoying WvW at the moment, I just wish there was more counterplay to Conditions - I don't mind them beeing strong but right now they aren't just strong, they are overwhelming.

I wish my good old healing rain would actually do something against that, maybe reduce condi duration on all affected allies by 50%? That would be an interesting start (Obviously not enough but interesting)

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Absolutely no ...


WvW feels since years like a totally abandonded game mode, because of Naet as it looks missing a clear vision on how to make usaghe of the great potential of this game mode, or simply better said, Anet have not at all the ressources to make something really great out of WvW...


* The Class Balance in this Mode is more than horrible, it has reached the point for several years now, practically since June 2015, where playing it makes absolutely no real fun anymore, like it did before of that Condition Patch, that changed absolutely everythign to the worse for GW2 (except maybe for PvE, where the changes were solely intended for, but due to ANet making no split KSill Balance, the changes royally ruined everythign for PvP and WvW as ANet never cared for it, when their Skill Changes destroy the other game modes, when they actually wanted to change only somethign for 1 specific mode liek PvE)

* No single WvW Tournament anymore for over 3 years pretty much!! Just shows everybody, how neglected this mode has become due to Anets Ressources issues with Money and the amoutn of Devs they can put into projects to work on those things, because the Gemstore is alone just too weak to finance everything and Expansions are no answer.. they flush in big amounts of money, yes, but it needs also massive costss over like 2+ years and longe,r before this happens, in which the Gemstore has to do all the work alone and cover all of the games costs for all projects that have to be done in the meantime, the fix costs and so on and for that its more than obvious for several years now, that ANet is struggling massively with this payment model alone - an optional subscription fee must come to support the gemstore model, to ensure that the income of money for this game gets stabilized, especialyl for the times when they are working on an expansion, which draws in most of their developers, so that they usually have no ressources for other important thigns that might need to be done at the same time!!

* The Population Problems which won't ever disappear, as logn ANet doesn't fundamentally change the gameplay concept of WvW away from a server based concept to a faction based concept, where players among multiple servers polay together under the flag of their shared faction. This would allow ANet to merge Servers together, because then the game wouldnt need to have like multiple douzens of servers anymore just to warrant that theres enough servers for WvW.. Anet could save some money by merging servers and closign dead ones , which they coudl then spent better elsewhere for the game, like new content, or fixing finally some older content, like the reimplementation of Season 1 into the game, Dungeons or just the freakign Combat System, that has been ignored by 90% for the last 5 years that is a big part of the class balance problems in the first point.

* WvW needs to receive a 3rd unique borderline map and Battlegrounds/EotM merged as a redesigned multi layer WvW Map, so that theres a map with a castle in there, (as long there exists only one), to which people can have always access to, without waiting queues.

* The Player progression and Reward Systems of WvW need a complete overhaul... ANet supported this content only liek fir the first 2 years, then they completely stopped with it when they went off from the biweekly updates and megaservers happened. Peopel have already collected multiple hundreds to thousands of WvW points, they can't spent for anything, because the game provides no progression anymore or any kind of rewards for that you can spent those points.. really sad and another sign for how neglected WvW has become over the years

* Classes in WvW have absolutely no tactical, nor strategical roles to play.. it all sadly boils down into.. zerging. when there exists the potential, combine with the above point to give actually throiugh player progression in WvW all classes much strogner defined roles to play. thing,s in which each class is in WvW unique for and can fulfill certain tasks as pawrt of tactical gameplay, that only the specific class can do, to give players a reason for why they sjhould play class X in WvW

* Supply must become more strategetic as an important ressource in WvW, and be splitted up into multiple different needed ressources, like five (Food, Water, Wood, Ore, Energy Crystals), so that Camps get redesigned into two types of camps, so that there are practically Camps for Food/Water (or you go kill the wild life for food) and Mines for Ore and Energy Crystals, chop trees for Wood, so that the pve activities kind of finally have a reason for existance in WvW maps.

* Walls must get finally fixed, so that actually defending your spots becomes possible and that AoEs can't be playecd all over the walls. Defenders need to receive finalyl a form of "home advantage" from walls, like increased weapon range and damage when attickign foes below you as also beign not reeachable from belong by AoEs.

Cannons need to become undestroyable and players which use the siege weapons, shouldnt be receiving damage, so that the defenses of your keeps and towers ect. actually can be useful and helpful to defend your spots also effectively.. what is somethign you cant do if you have a huge zerg in frotn of you, which destroys all the defensive siege in a matter of seconds, with you as a defender having no chance to use the,m because you die in seconds from the spammed AoEs on the siege....

* Buff Food has finally to disappear out of WvW, it needs to become PvE only items finalyl, which woudl allow ANte also finalyl to make much more useful and fun and interestign buff items, when they wouldnt have to worry about it, if they do effect x for buff items, that it might destroy WvW, the removal of buff food and items from WvW would massively help in rebalancing WvW alot, because many broken builds in the game are only so broken in WvW due to the help of buff food being there.

* Some of the WvW gimmicks, as like the charr car need to get nerfed, it can't be that you can flee with these things and easily "outdrive" and disengage any of the most mobile classes with ease. Their skills need longer recharge times and shorter distances they can cover with them, so that you actually can catch up to them, and force them to fight you, if they already use such cheap gimmicks, then they shouldnt be able to flee with them easily too, otherwise you can add in principle directly mounts to WvW, because these charr cars feel pretty much like mounts, if you can disengage with them so fast, that you cant catch them up, while they provide them even pretty good combat skills that help them to deal damage agaisnt gates.... thse cars also shouldnt be running permanently, they should use your supply basicaly as their "fuel" and if your supply runs out, then bye bye charr car!!! as you wont be able to move then anymore. and become a target on the silver platter, if you dont immediately get out of it.

Like -1 Supply (in regard of supply change, -1 Energy Crystal liek every 10 seconds or so) Would mean, with 20 Energy Crystals in you you could drive the car for 200 seconds, so for basically 3 Minutes and 20 seconds - i think enough time to get where you want to help at gates, especially when they have mobility skilsl that allow them to move so fast from A to B and playrs can carry even more (25 as max supply value, so the durations would be even max 50 seconds longer, so 4 Minutes, 10 seconds with max supply on you)


I wish the game would see one day a Feature Pack or Expansion, that is 100% focused only on the improval of WvW, that would serve this game mode right, to bring it back on track, where it woudl be good and could make again more fun to play, like it used to be 3 years ago, when the last Tournament was made ...

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Absolutely no ...


> WvW feels since years like a totally abandonded game mode, because of Naet as it looks missing a clear vision on how to make usaghe of the great potential of this game mode, or simply better said, Anet have not at all the ressources to make something really great out of WvW...


> * The Class Balance in this Mode is more than horrible, it has reached the point for several years now, practically since June 2015, where playing it makes absolutely no real fun anymore, like it did before of that Condition Patch, that changed absolutely everythign to the worse for GW2 (except maybe for PvE, where the changes were solely intended for, but due to ANet making no split KSill Balance, the changes royally ruined everythign for PvP and WvW as ANet never cared for it, when their Skill Changes destroy the other game modes, when they actually wanted to change only somethign for 1 specific mode liek PvE)

> * No single WvW Tournament anymore for over 3 years pretty much!! Just shows everybody, how neglected this mode has become due to Anets Ressources issues with Money and the amoutn of Devs they can put into projects to work on those things, because the Gemstore is alone just too weak to finance everything and Expansions are no answer.. they flush in big amounts of money, yes, but it needs also massive costss over like 2+ years and longe,r before this happens, in which the Gemstore has to do all the work alone and cover all of the games costs for all projects that have to be done in the meantime, the fix costs and so on and for that its more than obvious for several years now, that ANet is struggling massively with this payment model alone - an optional subscription fee must come to support the gemstore model, to ensure that the income of money for this game gets stabilized, especialyl for the times when they are working on an expansion, which draws in most of their developers, so that they usually have no ressources for other important thigns that might need to be done at the same time!!

> * The Population Problems which won't ever disappear, as logn ANet doesn't fundamentally change the gameplay concept of WvW away from a server based concept to a faction based concept, where players among multiple servers polay together under the flag of their shared faction. This would allow ANet to merge Servers together, because then the game wouldnt need to have like multiple douzens of servers anymore just to warrant that theres enough servers for WvW.. Anet could save some money by merging servers and closign dead ones , which they coudl then spent better elsewhere for the game, like new content, or fixing finally some older content, like the reimplementation of Season 1 into the game, Dungeons or just the freakign Combat System, that has been ignored by 90% for the last 5 years that is a big part of the class balance problems in the first point.

> * WvW needs to receive a 3rd unique borderline map and Battlegrounds/EotM merged as a redesigned multi layer WvW Map, so that theres a map with a castle in there, (as long there exists only one), to which people can have always access to, without waiting queues.

> * The Player progression and Reward Systems of WvW need a complete overhaul... ANet supported this content only liek fir the first 2 years, then they completely stopped with it when they went off from the biweekly updates and megaservers happened. Peopel have already collected multiple hundreds to thousands of WvW points, they can't spent for anything, because the game provides no progression anymore or any kind of rewards for that you can spent those points.. really sad and another sign for how neglected WvW has become over the years

> * Classes in WvW have absolutely no tactical, nor strategical roles to play.. it all sadly boils down into.. zerging. when there exists the potential, combine with the above point to give actually throiugh player progression in WvW all classes much strogner defined roles to play. thing,s in which each class is in WvW unique for and can fulfill certain tasks as pawrt of tactical gameplay, that only the specific class can do, to give players a reason for why they sjhould play class X in WvW

> * Supply must become more strategetic as an important ressource in WvW, and be splitted up into multiple different needed ressources, like five (Food, Water, Wood, Ore, Energy Crystals), so that Camps get redesigned into two types of camps, so that there are practically Camps for Food/Water (or you go kill the wild life for food) and Mines for Ore and Energy Crystals, chop trees for Wood, so that the pve activities kind of finally have a reason for existance in WvW maps.

> * Walls must get finally fixed, so that actually defending your spots becomes possible and that AoEs can't be playecd all over the walls. Defenders need to receive finalyl a form of "home advantage" from walls, like increased weapon range and damage when attickign foes below you as also beign not reeachable from belong by AoEs.

> Cannons need to become undestroyable and players which use the siege weapons, shouldnt be receiving damage, so that the defenses of your keeps and towers ect. actually can be useful and helpful to defend your spots also effectively.. what is somethign you cant do if you have a huge zerg in frotn of you, which destroys all the defensive siege in a matter of seconds, with you as a defender having no chance to use the,m because you die in seconds from the spammed AoEs on the siege....

> * Buff Food has finally to disappear out of WvW, it needs to become PvE only items finalyl, which woudl allow ANte also finalyl to make much more useful and fun and interestign buff items, when they wouldnt have to worry about it, if they do effect x for buff items, that it might destroy WvW, the removal of buff food and items from WvW would massively help in rebalancing WvW alot, because many broken builds in the game are only so broken in WvW due to the help of buff food being there.

> * Some of the WvW gimmicks, as like the charr car need to get nerfed, it can't be that you can flee with these things and easily "outdrive" and disengage any of the most mobile classes with ease. Their skills need longer recharge times and shorter distances they can cover with them, so that you actually can catch up to them, and force them to fight you, if they already use such cheap gimmicks, then they shouldnt be able to flee with them easily too, otherwise you can add in principle directly mounts to WvW, because these charr cars feel pretty much like mounts, if you can disengage with them so fast, that you cant catch them up, while they provide them even pretty good combat skills that help them to deal damage agaisnt gates.... thse cars also shouldnt be running permanently, they should use your supply basicaly as their "fuel" and if your supply runs out, then bye bye charr car!!! as you wont be able to move then anymore. and become a target on the silver platter, if you dont immediately get out of it.

> Like -1 Supply (in regard of supply change, -1 Energy Crystal liek every 10 seconds or so) Would mean, with 20 Energy Crystals in you you could drive the car for 200 seconds, so for basically 3 Minutes and 20 seconds - i think enough time to get where you want to help at gates, especially when they have mobility skilsl that allow them to move so fast from A to B and playrs can carry even more (25 as max supply value, so the durations would be even max 50 seconds longer, so 4 Minutes, 10 seconds with max supply on you)


> I wish the game would see one day a Feature Pack or Expansion, that is 100% focused only on the improval of WvW, that would serve this game mode right, to bring it back on track, where it woudl be good and could make again more fun to play, like it used to be 3 years ago, when the last Tournament was made ...


One can only wish and hope that Anet recognizes the lack of this a forgotten brother of a game mode. Its been 5 years. I really believe still that Anet can revive and make WvW absolutely great like how they focused and made PvE it is to this day. One can dream of 'Guild Wars'.

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I must say that introducing the gliding mechanic and the pips system was actually nice, but it's not enough to make wvw enjoyable again.

The balance, as others have already said, is totally broken after Pof, condi damage and boon corrupt is op, lets just hope that the upcoming balance patch can fix at least some of this.

Also another big issue is the lack of variety, for example I feel we need a new map, so each border can have a different one (and I don't think the red map is bad, with gliding is actually quite fun), a GvG system, like an arena, is also needed imo.

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I dont really think anet cares about th sake of pvp and wvw whenever they make a class balance. I cant find any other legit explanation for new specs being able to stack loads of condition + aids on me with a few skills. I could probably play scourge by just mashing my head on keyboard and somehow be viable lol.

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So many threads with such overwhelming results which clearly show that the community does not want what Anet FORCED on us with PoF release. Yet nothing absolutely nothing has been done to please this community and what is more ridiculous, the same community won't move anywhere simply because there is not any MMO like this out there. And Anet knows that.

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There is a lot of good points brought up on this thread why WvW is not working. & I truly believe no matter how many changes or balance patches or server merges or rewards Anet add, this game mode is doomed. Not just for one reason but for many as mentioned on this thread.

To sum it up

- No Class Balance

- Lots of ridiculous power creeps Meta-condi -&- ect...

- Empty servers

- Unbalance population despite link servers

- No real competitive objective ( I could say lots on this subject)

- No one truly cares for rewards & reward track (This is just a gimmick to quick fix & bring back population) Does not work.

- Broken game immersion by entering a new instance. Google & look it up. Low population participation due to fact that pve players don't want to switch from one game mode to the Other. That's why i mentioned in my other thread to do an open world pvp (**In special reserved core map zone**) Only!

-And i know there's more to add to the list. I'll let you guys add on instead.

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The terrible class imbalance destroys any real meaningful effort of "teamwork" = rip GvG and organized Zerg dying to unorganized Zerg (or sometimes NO tag, just Wasp swarm around them to death with imbalance classes LOL) and there is no real objectives in WvW that can give us the motivation to strife for something. Except capping stuff and wait for timer = more points and get meaningless rewards zzz


Few ideas:


1. Balance the Condi spam meta (or better yet, Nerf it for glob sake!)


2. Anet should socialize with its community or well known players (PvP champions or youtubers) of all 9 different classes to summarize for ideas with other devs to start brainstorming on class balance that the community has been asking in the forums for years. (Take out pen and notebook!)


3. Give us less objectives to defend, and more objectives on offense (since most players can't be bothered to defend or lack any real manpower due to major difference in Time zone and server population to defend our tier 3 towers/keeps = wasted people's time and commitment to upgrade it.)


4. When your in EBG and home keeps is underattack vice-versa, how about something that tell us "Acension Bay is under attack" with reports of enemy number and siege + direction? From experience not a SINGLE player report about it to us on Teamchat or was already too late when he/she saw sword on bay and went to scout ahead = enemy already in Lord's room (Get creative with this one.)


5. Give us better rewards that forced us to strife for = teamwork like people needs to defend, capture and win big fights for loot that doesn't give you a FINE boot for winter... (this one can be connected with "3.") and not smacking flies in the swamps while friending frogs that has no real beneficial mechanisms for offense or even defense.


I tried thinking of all the solutions the people in WvW (Darkhaven and friends from other servers that roams, defend and commanding for guild ops + pugs) has been seeking for years while making it less a hassle for Anet to work on. If Anet truly doesn't start reading what we have to say... then the people of WvW will slowly disappear 1 by 1 till everyone we once knew with all the precious times and memories we spend together... is gone.



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> @Soulock.1752 said:

> The terrible class imbalance destroys any real meaningful effort of "teamwork" = rip GvG and organized Zerg...


WvW has never had anything but class imbalance, what you mean is, you were fine when the class imbalance suited your tastes, but now it doesn't, it is a problem, there is a word for that.

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