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Tome For Convenience Passes


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I have Nobles Folley, Lava Lounge, Mistlock, and Lily . Can We please have a tome for all these passes similar to the LW3 tome booklet. Also before that . We really desperately need a key ring. I have 7+ keys in my shared slots and I cant put things like my vendors or tp to friends and revive orbs etc. Please soon .tm ? this year perhaps ? please

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Maybe give the tome a right click menu that lets you select which of your saved passes you want to use? That way we would have the issue with going through a menu under the inventory window. Even if it worked just like the current LS3 tome though, it would still be much better than the current situation

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> They have the technology as we got one for the LS3 passes. The problem is it opens below other windows. You open your inventory and click on the tome ..... then you have to close your inventory window to get at the tome window.


I have not experienced this. I have the tome in my shared inventory. I double click it and get the drop down on top of my inventory; a short mouse move then lets me select the destination.


Potential factors: I have all available shared inventory slots. I keep my inventory separated by bag rather than one big blob of squares and keep it sized to ten squares across; my passes/tomes are in my lower right shared slots. I have not tried using the tome from an individual character's bags.


OT: I would love a similar tome for passes. I already didn't buy Mistlock due to having nowhere to put it. Ditto with Ember Bay and Verdant Brink. My airship pass is languishing on a seldom played alt. So I use just DR and Lily and really won't be buying any more no matter how nifty they are or how useful their locations unless they can all stack in one slot.


EDIT: It does open behind the inventory after all. I just have my inventory panel over to the right of the screen so all the destinations are perfectly visible in the screen center and I never notice the overlap. My bad.

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"We heard you like tomes..."


And the tome needs to hold tomes, because I have a LW3 Tome and it would be nice to put that in the big Tome.


And while we're at it, let's let it hold all the other books and just call it a library, which you can visit permanently in your home, guild house, cities or using your portable tome. :)

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> @notebene.3190 said:

> "We heard you like tomes..."


> And the tome needs to hold tomes, because I have a LW3 Tome and it would be nice to put that in the big Tome.


Hmmm... why does this remind me of the Russian Matryoshka doll? ;)


@ topic: Yes, I have three passes, too, and it would be nice to be able to store them in a tome, similiar to the LSW3 ones. :+1:

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