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Empty areas on the world map


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I have long been annoyed that there are empty areas on the world map.

Even though I have been playing GW2 since the beginning, I sometimes get unsure if I missed anything.

Why are there empty areas that I can not visit? For example, Dominion of Winds.

The most logical thing would have been to continue build areas next door - instead of building a new area far away. It seems that Arena has not really thought through this. Because suddenly they discover: -Oh, there is a small empty area. -Then we have to put a jumping puzzle there.

I was also surprised that you in PoF can not go to Crystal Desert through the map. You must either take the aircraft from Lion's Arch, or use waypoint to get to Crystal Desert. Then, once you're there - you can't get back in any other way than using a waypoint. The best and most logical thing is that you can go from Fields of Ruin to Crystal Desert. In the same way as Arena did with HoT - where you can go all the way from Dragon's Stand to Fields of Ruin, if you want.

I also do not think that living world portal thome is a flexible solution. Because you - not here either, can get there in other ways than using a portal (though scroll).

Lastly, I do not think that raids or jumping puzzle should be included in the world map. Only areas what is included in the open and living world.

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The first part (why go to new parts of the world) has two reasons. The first is to create a new biotope that makes sense. It would not make sense to turn 'd Alesio seaboard (area to the west of LA) into a snowy area or a tropical forest. The landscape, vegetation climate and architecture should be the same as the maps around it. Which is boring. often these area's have been visited in GW1 and so there are also set rules in what they can do cause of that.


The second reason is that this forum has been crawling with posts asking them to go to Maguuma, Elona and specially Cantha.

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Sometimes the thought of an area is much more exciting than the area itself.

Stuff like the Wizard's Tower for example.

We know they are there, we roughly know what they are used for in most of the cases, but what exactly nobody knows. Wouldn't make sense for the current story to go anywhere near that though.

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> @"Gryphon.2875" said:

> The door in Fields of Ruin that hasn't been connected to Elona, even after PoF exists, has been a major OCD peeve of mine for the longest time.


But you see, CORE Tyria exists in a static point of time, that's why all the festivals are really screwy and everyone keeps forgetting that the dragons were defeated (or that the story, you know, happened at all).


It all makes perfect sense! That door is *in the past* -- it isn't the same one in the Elona you know!


(Conspiracy theorist humor aside, yes, all the weird unreachable / unimplemented / unused portals in the game bother me. Like the Polymock arena in Rata Sum. Or that the entirety of OG Lion's Arch still exists in the game's code, yet we will never be able to reach more than a small parcel of it dyed sepia)

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