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Keep Legendary Weapon draw/swing/footfall effects while transmuted to another weapon

Hot Boy.7138

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So this gonna sound wild, but hear me out. I'd like to be able to transmute my weapon to another skin, but still retain the draw, swing, and footfall effects of my legendary weapon of my choosing. Can you build a system for this? You see, I like so many black lion weapon skins. But I have not bought any, and likely will never put a non-legendary skin over my legendary weapons for the simple fact that the effects is what makes legendary weapons special. However, if I could keep my effects, i'd def be 1000xs more likely to get more weapon skins and actually use them. Right now, it just feels like a downgrade to transmute my legendary weapons for that reason. I like other skins, but I dont wanna lose my effects.

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I would like legendary aura and footfalls to be added to the Wardrobe, so once you soulbind a legendary you unlock the associated aura/footfall and can choose which weapon set to apply it to (assuming slot I or II for classes that have two weapons sets to swap between, and just single choice for classes that only equip one).


Maybe even arm/draw effects? No idea how difficult this may be to do.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I would like legendary aura and footfalls to be added to the Wardrobe, so once you soulbind a legendary you unlock the associated aura/footfall and can choose which weapon set to apply it to (assuming slot I or II for classes that have two weapons sets to swap between, and just single choice for classes that only equip one).


> Maybe even arm/draw effects? No idea how difficult this may be to do.


Yes it's a good thing. Effet addect to wardrobe, like that we can mix with any weapon and so be a little more unique with our own weapon and effect. Like that people who don't want the effect, turn them off and people who want the effect can turn them on. It's a good compromise.

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As long as there is _also_ an option to just transmute normally, I don't see why not. Assuming such a system is even possible; I wouldn't be surprised if the way these effects were built they were intrinsically tied to the weapon skin, at which point this becomes a question of if such a system would be worth it the time, effort, and expense. And if we're being real, we all know the answer to that question.

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> So this gonna sound wild, but hear me out. I'd like to be able to transmute my weapon to another skin, but still retain the draw, swing, and footfall effects of my legendary weapon of my choosing. Can you build a system for this? You see, I like so many black lion weapon skins. But I have not bought any, and likely will never put a non-legendary skin over my legendary weapons for the simple fact that the effects is what makes legendary weapons special. However, if I could keep my effects, i'd def be 1000xs more likely to get more weapon skins and actually use them. Right now, it just feels like a downgrade to transmute my legendary weapons for that reason. I like other skins, but I dont wanna lose my effects.


I have to admit, when I transmute my legendaries its to remove those effects so that they don't give me away in WvW. Modify the suggestion to a toggle and we might be able to meet more in the middle.

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A system like the OP suggested where the model of the weapon and the effects are entirely separate and can be transmuted or hidden separately is probably the only way this could be done that would keep everyone happy.


* If you like both you just keep it as it is.

* If you like the model and not the effects you hide/transmute them but keep the weapon the same.

* If you like the effects and not the model you do the reverse - keep the effects and transmute the weapon to a different model.

* If you don't like either you hide or transmute both (or just don't make a legendary in the first place, if you don't need the stat changing).

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