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Is there a way to beat a condi chrono in a 1 v 1 ?


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Met a condition Chrono in WvW (wearing legendary wvw backpack so I assume he's quite experienced.)

Tackled him 4 times, with different set up, cleanse, stealth, whatever, as Deadeye.

No matter how I tackle him, how I encounter him, I couldn't kill him, and he always manage to wear me down with range condi spam and clone spam.


I'm assuming he's wearing full Trailblazer.

His weapon set is Staff / Scepter+ shield


So is there any particular class that can counter that build? Or are they the king of 1 v 1 in WvW in general?

Burst is a no go since he's so tanky and with reflect, block, invulnerable, and often hide behind clones.

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Exactly as mentioned before, fight fire with fire this time. Sadly in many cases you have to fight back with condi. I do the same. My vanilla Engi can easily tackle groups of people, last time I went into a 1v5 and killed them all one by one.


As a deadeye you have to be very patient to land a killshot. Mark him and decide whether to engage or wait for a better opportunity. It doesn't have to be a direct 1v1.


If your enemy is stronger, you have to be smarter.

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Some fights and builds you will be at a disadvantage against but also if you end up in a protracted fight. For example I play zerk shatter mesmer, if I don’t get the thief to blow all their cool downs in 10s I have lost and my only option is to run and hope I can juke them with limited stealth.


In your case your singular advantage to dealing with this player would be to stack malice on an ambient while staying in permastealth and then one shot them with quickness. If that advantage goes, just peg it, no sense in fighting something you’re not likely to kill. If you were daredevil with cleanse on dodge you could probably win all the time but I doubt a deadeye can win in a prolonged fight which is what condi chrono is good at.

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Everything class/build has a counter (usually), for deadeye, it's a condition mesmer. There was a lot of speculation pre-launch that deadeye was a mesmer hunting class, and it's turned out to be the opposite. Deadeye seems to be the counter to daredevil/core thief, whereas Mirage seems to be the counter to deadeye. Oddly, daredevil is a really good counter to condition mesmer and condition chrono (not sure about Mirage yet).


Circle of life stuff.

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> @Pelto.9364 said:

> Check this video; condi chrono comes after 6.5 mins.





Thx for the video.


Even though Daredevil seems to have a clear advantage over Condi Chrono, it still take ages to kill him


Condi Chrono really is a very very strong dueling class it seems.

That Daredevil guy is able to 1 v 3 and win, but condi chrono still takes him ages to kill too.


Guess next time I see one I would switch to Daredevil before encounter.


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> @Aomine.5012 said:

> > @Pelto.9364 said:

> > Check this video; condi chrono comes after 6.5 mins.

> >

> >

> >


> Thx for the video.


> Even though Daredevil seems to have a clear advantage over Condi Chrono, it still take ages to kill him.


> Condi Chrono really is a very very strong dueling class it seems.

> That Daredevil guy is able to 1 v 3 and win, but condi chrono takes him ages to kill too.



Accidentally posted a 2nd post.

Ignore this please.


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You may have to fight disease with more disease - I've had success on D/D condi daredevil against average/decent condi chronos. _Great_ condi chronos, however, know when to land their burst amongst the evade frames of deathblossom in general and cease attacking to not proc cleanse on dodge trait that daredevil has etc.


Hope that helps.

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> Exactly as mentioned before, fight fire with fire this time. Sadly in many cases you have to fight back with condi. I do the same. My vanilla Engi can easily tackle groups of people, last time I went into a 1v5 and killed them all one by one.


> As a deadeye you have to be very patient to land a killshot. Mark him and decide whether to engage or wait for a better opportunity. It doesn't have to be a direct 1v1.


> If your enemy is stronger, you have to be smarter.


vanilla condi ?

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Pre PoF, the only way I was able to beat condi chronos on guard was to play with maximum condi clear. It didn't matter which moves I dodged, how well I kited or how aptly I landed my bursts, a good condi chrono would always win if I didn't have enough cleanses. With the cleanses though, I could pull off a 50-70% winrate against the best of the best (losses were mostly due to them landing moa on me twice).


The takeaway from that as a thief is that you can't trade with them so you have to play to your strengths. Bait them into chasing you and blowing blink/stealths, never miss your steal (you NEED that ecto +improvisation if you want any chance of surviving) and go in for quick bursts frequently (don't gamble on a 1-shot and exhaust all of your stamina/initiative). You can frustrate them by frequently going in for bursts (even if they have no prospect of killing), then retreating and getting out of combat to try again in a few seconds.


If you kite them and keep your distance appropriately, they won't be able to generate enough clones and when they shatter from range, you can easily dodge.


For Deadeye it's different, can't really advise there... but your gear for Deadeye should work for a Daredevil build, so you can always swap to that to counter a condi chrono if need be.

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I like fighting them with power Revs. (Massive uphill battle due to very limited condi cleanses). But what I've gleamed is that unblockables mess them up hard.

I try to get my energy high enough (for equilibrium burst) with shiro up I wait till I see shield block pop up (at this point they are overconfident imho)

Shiro +staff -> Phase Traversal -> Surge of the mists (swap legend in SotM) -> Hydro trigger (weapon swap) axe 5 (interrupts them putting torment/ confusion for more pressure) into Sword 2. Now AA or Sword 3 (if worried about some blinds/Condi's)

Rinse and repeat if they are not dead. (Jade winds is nice and effective too. Almost always kills all their clones in a nice aoe, hits them hard and Hard CCs.)


What kills me most is chained Moas so they can unload that cancer on me.


-From power revenant main perspective


(Sorry for wall of text)

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> @Offair.2563 said:

> Give him a condition treatment back into its face. Fight cancer with cancer. If only rl scientists could do that.


Well they kind of are : http://time.com/4989537/blood-cancer-gene-therapy/


To the OP: the best way to counter a class that's giving you trouble is to make that class and learn its weaknesses. A lot of fighting chrono is understanding their time outs. It will help if you play it.

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> @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > @Offair.2563 said:

> > Give him a condition treatment back into its face. Fight cancer with cancer. If only rl scientists could do that.


> Well they kind of are : http://time.com/4989537/blood-cancer-gene-therapy/


> To the OP: the best way to counter a class that's giving you trouble is to make that class and learn its weaknesses. A lot of fighting chrono is understanding their time outs. It will help if you play it.


I have every single class as a head-start player , and I played every single one of them, fully geared. (There's no reason not to do so cuz I played this game for so long that I get bored of my main classes eventually)

I do admit that I didn't play mesmer nearly as much, but I know all their skills, weapons, cd, functionality, and so on.


Still that doesn't help me with how to deal with their range condi spam on top of constant block/ invulnerable.

I don't get confused by clone too and can instantly tell which one is the player, but that still doesn't help :(

I don't have trouble running away from him if I want to though. Maybe I should just leave him alone or something?

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