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Things that bother me when I play PvP


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> @"Leona.2716" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > I've been actively playing sPvP for 4 years...Naturally, I've played across the majority of divisions - from low silver to high plat. I've experienced many skewed matches due to messed up match making, I've seen win traders / throwers / afkers and generally 'bad' players a plenty...but I am yet to see a bit with my own eyes.

> > > I'm not saying they do not exist, they might in fact if we are to believe some convincing video proof popping up from time to time. But every time when I see a statement - "OMG! BOTS IN EVERY MATCH!", I ask myself - Am I doing something wrong? Am I playing a different game? ~~What is real? Who am I? ~~

> > > -Shrug-

> >

> > I also wonder whether it might be an NA issue? Never seen a bot (I believe). Even cheaters and afkers occur, but pretty rarely. Though I am not playing as much anymore and usually only during prime times, but the picture people paint seems pretty different from my experience...


> Please check out this video from another eu player like me

> This guy literally has the same bots i have like tlou tou and ourach etc....been getting these for months on end an now i see them in other people's videos!!!! This is how obvious it is an anet chooses to ignore it 100%!




This video explains why I never get to see literally any of them.

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This post puts a big smile on my face because, really it has always been there. People keep saying “oh it’s just worst now” proving to me that even “plat 3 / legend players” have no clue how the game works.


When I came back for PoF, players I defeated would whisper to me “how is it to play with an AI?” because they were salty to lose to a ranger. Then I would answer with something about their profession “How is the perma stealth?” “How is the perma 25 might and passive regen?” “How is the evade spam and attacking at the same time?”. NONE of those people answered back because they knew I was right.


All professions have strengths, passives, builds, mechanics that feel like they are cheap or do not requiring a lot of thinking (which does not necessarily mean too strong). It is just that 99% of the players do not want to admit it.


For the past seasons I had a goal to play a new profession or build every season and reach plat. So far I did it on power scourge, on bruiser scrapper, now I am trying on deadeye. It does not improve my reflexes, nor does it make me master other professions, but it helps having another perspective.

For example because I have been on ranger for so long I can tell the pet is something to exploit and not fear. Get your free regen on it. Get free barrier on it. Spam free aoe to win. Abuse the pathfinding.


Yes some things are annoying (like the pet), there are outliers (but there will always be). I just do not think there are any magical solutions.

You have to keep a profession identity and find a way to make it work -> meaning you have to give suggestions to balance them (play a ranger without pets and see how it goes + some of us like having a pet [including myself]).

And sadly you have to admit that some mechs are just there to stay, even if you give suggestions (I would have prefered full counter to have a really short duration, returning a portion of the damage to the attacker instead of this long "you cannot hit me" and an aoe with a long daze but hey, maybe a war will tell me I'm wrong :) ) (or the suggestions to give ranger more control over pet [with longer cds] instead of letting it, just do it's things )


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> @"Azreell.1568" said:

> > @"Brimstone Jack.3462" said:

> > > @"Azreell.1568" said:

> > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > > I've been actively playing sPvP for 4 years...Naturally, I've played across the majority of divisions - from low silver to high plat. I've experienced many skewed matches due to messed up match making, I've seen win traders / throwers / afkers and generally 'bad' players a plenty...but I am yet to see a bit with my own eyes.

> > > > I'm not saying they do not exist, they might in fact if we are to believe some convincing video proof popping up from time to time. But every time when I see a statement - "OMG! BOTS IN EVERY MATCH!", I ask myself - Am I doing something wrong? Am I playing a different game? ~~What is real? Who am I? ~~

> > > > -Shrug-

> >

> > > Someone doesn't move for 20 secs - OMG REPORT BOT

> >

> > >

> > >

> > Uh, yeah. You deserve to b reported for botting/afk if you leave for twenty seconds during a match.

> >


> Things Happen - this is simply just a recreational game after all.


> You are 100% the current problem with the false BOT / AFK reports and why their system is overwhelmed and not able to actually get rid of the real bots.



they dont have any system to detect bots, mobile games on the phones do better job then anet

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> @"Leona.2716" said:

> As you are aware, botting has become so bad in PVP, that a lot of players went to PVE content due to the fact that PVP ranked and unranked has become unplayable! Each match consists of at least 2 or 3 botts (very often the same ones for a years on end)

> I already have gotten a standard reply from you guys about this issue stating that you are working on it and that you can't give out any info about how you guys are dealing with this. To be honest, I have even heard rumors that ARENANET is actually creating and or allowing these botts to exist to fill up the PVP to make it seem more full and reduce queue times. I hope this is not true, as this would be a clear violation towards your audience and consumers.

> I'll get straight to the point now; I don't expect you to do anything about the botting since I've read countless forums and thousands of review about people complaining about you guys not doing anything about it so i won't even try to convince you guys. But please, and I stress, PLEASE, why won't you guys just add 3v3 deathmatch permanently in the queue option!!! This way people can make their own pre-made groups which is amazing to play!!!! No botts whatsoever!!! You guys already have the 3v3 system all mapped out, so it's just a matter of adding it to the queue system permanently so you guys don't even have to do any extra work. There also an option for you guys to make conquest 5v5 available for pre-made groups of 5 and not 2. The last option would be to give us two conquest modes the standard 5v5 or another one that is 3v3 (pre-made groups possible) This way people can actually choose their PVP mode and play style and reduce and even eliminate botting altogether! Can you guys please discuss this on your next team meeting please? Since you guys are focused on bringing gw2 to steam and bring in new crowd, you should take it seriously that a lot of new players will be drawn to the PVP content as well and if they see that at the get go, there are non-stop botts 24/7, they will stop playing gw2 altogether.. Please discuss it at your next meeting and just implement the 3v3 deathmatch as fixed permanent thing to reduce botting! This way you guys also have less work on keeping an eye on botters all the time. If by a miracle you do decide to add 3v3 permanently, then please also increase the reward track by adding more ascended shards and marks so it can be a viable way to grind ascended gear. I still I have hope that one good soul(developer) at ARENANET will read this and help make the game better and the audience more satisfied and renew the faith in ARENANET!!!

> Thank you for your time

> Regards

> Leona


amazing post.. but the thing is.. 3v3 is such a gold making because the games are so short and quick.. and while you might not have bots in your team if you go with premades there will be tons of bots abusing it and they will make a whole lot more gold.. which will effect the already damaged ecenomic of the game even further.

also when you will be playing 3 premades against 1 team with bots .. will it really be enjoyable? its like flipping a camp on wvw xD

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> @"Leona.2716" said:

> @"chilled.6794" : Trust me, in the lower leagues like bronze, silver and even gold, botts are horrible! People who get to be platinum are very lucky and has nothing to do with actual real game play! Platinum players just have a lot of luck that their teams didn't have too many botts at that time or the apposing team was 100% botts! Skills don't come into play that much to be honest. Botts are the most present in the morning and late evening. It's practically impossible for new player to go beyond bronze due to always having a full team of botts and having to do all the work all yourself! Sometimes the botts actually run into walls or just stand beside points and do nothing! The reason i suggested the 3v3 is that, it's based on not only my own experience but also my guild mates! Everyone agrees that adding a 3v3 option as permanent would be a great way of decreasing botts! I have played the 3v3 and 2v2 deathmathes and guess what? I got to gold 3!!!!! Why? Because I ALWAYS made my own pre-made team of people that I actually know!!! I never had botts causes I always had a pre-made team! Also, there is nothing to balance! Arenanet already made the 3v3 system! It's already mapped out! They just need to add it on a permanent basis! And with 3v3 you can clearlys ee that 90% of the teams are pre-made through LFG so it is balances sicne both your own team and the otther team are pre-made (equal chances).They could also make a distinction between the two by giving different reward tracks to make people do both and therefore spreading out the player base! At least this way we can actually play pvp how its suppose to be! Why does World of Warcraft have multiple pvp modes? They have 2v2, 1v1,3v3, battlegrounds of 10v10 and bigger ones of 25+. And the 1v1,2v2 and the 3v3 never have botts in them because you can make pre-made groups! If World of Warcraft can do it, so can GW2!! No excuse!!!! World of Warcraft manged to heavily reduce the botts, so saying its a bad thing and not doing anything about its kitten. I have print screens and video recordings of botts that I have had in my team or opposing team like a billion times in a row on multiple days over a few months! Always reported them and nothing happens! 100% botts and multiple reports, and yet they do nothing! It's not that hard to spot them! I actually have recordings of them running against walls etc.... I mean come on! How hard can it be especially if we already reported them doing half the leg work for arenanet! We point them out, all they need to do check the account and the bott's behavior. I have a whole list of botts!!! Over 120 regular daily botts!!!!!!! Its ridiculous how obvious the botts are and get away with it for years!!!!!! In other games like World of Warcraft, you get a warning for the least suspicious thing and after that you get banned! In Guild Wars you can curse, insult people and the most violating things and still not get banned! Afkers also get no punishment at all! The whole report system doesn't work, or they are understaffed and cant handle all the reports. I know 100% that it's not money issues since they earn millions of dollars a year off of the black lion gem store alone without the expacs!!! They have time and resources o add weekly stupid worthless outfits to the store but don't have time or money to fix CORE issues that have been present for years without any action taken???? Nope....don't buy it! There also a possibility that the head of the developers or someone bigger in charge gives the team pointless objectives and assignments and misdirects their focus from core stuff to money making worthless stuff like weekly outfits on the black lion store....who knows?! The staff probably knows about the bot tissues, but they can't do anything about it cause the person in charge won't focus on the core issues. I'm not saying it's the truth but it is an objective possibility since every game has business/money part to it. @"chilled.6794"


like ... i admire you.. everything you say is 100%

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I haven't even thought about those easy investment skills in so long OP because I am so focused on stuff that is far more noticeable like Elixir S, and Shocking aura and engi shield, and ports and stuff like that. You make a good point. I wish I could go back to playing the warrior the way I used to back in the day, but with spellbreaker and might makes right, my playstyle was hijacked and dumbed down so much it feels insulting to play now. I 2yo could now play it without having to invest in learnging enemy skills/animations. I can only hope that this extremely long hiatus that anet is on with respect to PvP is the result of MASSIVE CHANGES on the scale we have not seen since the trait system rework. If ever there was a golden opportunity to fix the mistakes of PoF (mainly) this is it.

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I gotta say, I don't encounter too many bots. I've seen maybe 1/15 games so far. But I wanted to comment how funny it is that some bots are making it to plat. That's hilarious, cause I was just responding to a guy wondering how to climb the brackets. It's funny all my advice seems pointless if a bot can do it by just playing a lot of games and getting lucky. Haha

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> there should only be rewards for winning. cutting the farm in half would go a long way to combat botters. might need 1 other thing but thats a good start.


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> there should only be rewards for winning. cutting the farm in half would go a long way to combat botters. might need 1 other thing but thats a good start.


good idea ! reward track pips can and should remain for both losing and wining and the repeatavle pips which reward in gold shiould become only when wining !

and maybe reduce the amount needed to make up for it ! amazing idea !

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