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PVP is broken


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> @"Kachros.4751" said:


> > imagine care about non ranked games, funny guy . I really want to see when in games like LoL devs gonna change balance around non ranked clowns who have 0 clue about how to play but they know how to cry


> What? Ranked and Unranked arent all there is to pvp that means something, ATs show who has a better team/players, ranked is a circus of players with 0 idea how to rotate and understand their class much like you with thief. Im fairly certain if you fail to understand how strong thief is youre the same type of person as you just described :)


waiting screenshot with top classes and your rank 10 thief on eu/na . Really want to see how my (talker) pro sensei know how class and rotate work . If you don't drop, just don't type anything, cringe to read

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> @"Styros.8931" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Styros.8931" said:

> > > > @"Kachros.4751" said:

> > > >

> > > > > > im sorry please tell me this is a joke like thief is one of the top 3 classes right now xd

> > > > > oh yeah, show me how many d/d d/s thiefs you see per game in ranked? Oh, 0. I can say even more, I see almost 0 any thiefs in ranked arena , ANY . And right now you better drop class rank stats instead of pointing to sky and say " thats thief "

> > > >

> > > > Genuine question, have you ever been in any version of pvp that isnt ranked? ATs, mAT, or the like? I play thief myself and can have more impact than most players due to its absurd mobility, damage and burst/CC. Its also the cornerstone of pretty much every good composition in pvp teams as it has been the past many years. You would not be able to find any "good" team that doesnt use thief. If they dont then its a simple throw :)

> > >

> > > imagine care about non ranked games, funny guy . I really want to see when in games like LoL devs gonna change balance around non ranked clowns who have 0 clue about how to play but they know how to cry

> >

> > lol, Leagues balance is constantly being kitten over due to pro play. Almost every worlds fiora gets overbuffed cuz she is fun to watch top, then she gets 53% winrate in soloq and makes toplaners not want to play the game anymore. Or lucian buffs to make adc " spicy " that always ends up with lucian mid/top kitten on people.

> > Or lee sin buffs, kaisa buffs. List goes on and on.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/0qnUGiZ.png "")

> another guy with 0 clue, sry guys its cringe to read now


and that proves what exactly? I said they overbuff her for worlds play, and you gave me preseason patch notes, when they shat on balance with new items kekW

if you ever saw what grandmaster/challenger fiora can do to people you wouldnt be posting this bullshit

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> waiting screenshot with top classes and your rank 10 thief on eu/na . Really want to see how my (talker) pro sensei know how class and rotate work . If you don't drop, just don't type anything, cringe to read


I dont record my gameplay however im on numerous streams of Tpot casting ATs, other thieves that are better than me (who you should watch if you want to see what a good thief can actually do) is Pain Yamashiro, Fly or sindrener for EU thieves (idk many NA ones) I wont lie i checked you out in pvp and noticed that youre currently in gold division and that tells me that you have never seen a good thief hence why you assume its weak (or possibly you just dont know how to play it yourself) If you cant accepts facts from a player who has played at high levels AS thief then its a waste of time to convince you otherwise.

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> waiting screenshot with top classes and your rank 10 thief on eu/na . Really want to see how my (talker) pro sensei know how class and rotate work . If you don't drop, just don't type anything, cringe to read


Just adding, please dont put your opinion on balancing classes if you dont understand anything about it.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > i only agree with the necro. It kinda needs a little nerf for the core shroud

> >

> > pls dont say it like that.. because Anet who doesnt play their own game could udnerstood you wrong and just nerf shroud for core necro which sint the problem !

> > its only condition necro.. power necro isnt great ..

> > if you want to fix core necro you need to remove the fear damage trait from curse . and maybe replace it with power based trait

> > or.. change carrion ammu ... to not offer 900 vit + 1200 condi .. make it 1200 power and 900/ 900 vit/condi

> >


> its not the damage. Thats fine.


> The sustain through the core shroud is just ridiculos


well if that was the case then core power necro would've been just as good right?

but it isnt ... core power is wayy behind..

in my opinion its due to the long fear that condi has

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> @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > > i only agree with the necro. It kinda needs a little nerf for the core shroud

> > >

> > > pls dont say it like that.. because Anet who doesnt play their own game could udnerstood you wrong and just nerf shroud for core necro which sint the problem !

> > > its only condition necro.. power necro isnt great ..

> > > if you want to fix core necro you need to remove the fear damage trait from curse . and maybe replace it with power based trait

> > > or.. change carrion ammu ... to not offer 900 vit + 1200 condi .. make it 1200 power and 900/ 900 vit/condi

> > >

> >

> > its not the damage. Thats fine.

> >

> > The sustain through the core shroud is just ridiculos


> well if that was the case then core power necro would've been just as good right?

> but it isnt ... core power is wayy behind..

> in my opinion its due to the long fear that condi has


its not at all about fear. And core power necro does decent (ofc not as good as condi necro but nvm)

its just the insane big life force pool + regen + life siphon, that didnt get nerfed properly

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> @"Styros.8931" said:

> imagine care about non ranked games [...] I really want to see when in games like LoL devs gonna change balance around non ranked clowns who have 0 clue about how to play but they know how to cry

So a player, that accidently clicks on the ranked button, instantly becomes a better player?


Or is the ranked button greyed out for low skill players?


Or is every bad player like "Nah, I suck. I do only play unranked. Ranked is only for the skilled people. I don't enter that mode"?

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The only long base duration fear core necro has access to is shroud3, which got a nerf in terms of a 0.75s cast time.


When the necro uses that skill a BIG dark creature with a scythe pops up above his head. This is your hint to dodge that skill. It's btw. the only really impactful skill of core shroud as it is the setup for the other skills. So you can safe a dodge or interrupt for it. The exact same animation happens when a downed necro or a reaper uses its fear. So you just need to memorize one single very obvious animation for your necro encounters.


I have to ask: ever heard of dodging critical skills? And what about the old rule "focus the necro first"? Core necro is a freekill, if you focus it at the beginning of the fight like it was a freekill in 2012. Just kill the necro first and then snowball. People in 2012 adapted to this. People today complain about one-trick-pony fear chains.


To be fair: even most necros have no clue about that animation. It's pretty pathetic, when I can fear another necro trying to stomp me with that obvious animation. You can easily cancel the stomp, dodge the fear and continue stomping.


_Sry for the doublepost!_

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