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Next expansion ideas and things to add.

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Probably getting ahead of myself here but I wanna share some ideas for future expansions and maybe it would be a good time for others to share theirs...


# Expansion Ideas #

- We've had Jungle map, desert map, maybe next map could be some high altitude Alpine map? Really make use of our gliders/Griffons.

- Next key feature (gliding/mounts) to the next expansion is giving all the minipets 1 unique ability so equipping minipets is like adding a combat companion.

- New playable race


# Side requests #

- Griffons to get an extra mastery to allow the use of Updrafts

- PvP to have a new game mode

- More Mount skins

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* Map themes: Underground maps or a sky map where towns float in the sky

* World event on the scale of "Save Lion Arch"... i think it would be fun to have more war-like scenarios where players come together to overcome something, i guess it's similar to a meta... but i really enjoy the "Save lion arch" thing... too bad it's a one off

* Instead of elite spec, i think we should get a special NPC companion who fights by our side, and we can customize their looks just like our character... i think it would be cool. and the companion has different skills depending on ur class. and we should be able to gear them etc.

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Ah, gee.... let me think....


New WVW maps?

New Guild content?

New Races?

A more complete & polished Revenant?

New weapon types?

New dungeons?


You know, all the things they should have done and didn't the last two expansions. I mean, I know they don't have unlimited resources, and I love the content we did get in PoF, but sheesh - they do take too long to release too little. PoF didn't even really have more content than HoT, despite Mo's claim in the hype trailer.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> Probably getting ahead of myself here but I wanna share some ideas for future expansions and maybe it would be a good time for others to share theirs...


> # Expansion Ideas #

> - We've had Jungle map, desert map, maybe next map could be some high altitude Alpine map? Really make use of our gliders/Griffons.

> - Next key feature (gliding/mounts) to the next expansion is giving all the minipets 1 unique ability so equipping minipets is like adding a combat companion.

> - New playable race


> # Side requests #

> - Griffons to get an extra mastery to allow the use of Updrafts

> - PvP to have a new game mode

> - More Mount skins


Better gear with better stats... lots of it. And penalties for dying. So there's something to actually do, and a reason to take it seriously.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> * Instead of elite spec, i think we should get a special NPC companion who fights by our side, and we can customize their looks just like our character... i think it would be cool. and the companion has different skills depending on ur class. and we should be able to gear them etc.


They did this in GW1, they were called Heroes and they made GW1 awesome. Literally you could bring a whole party of AI to fill out your party.



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As far as regions go, I would guess either Far Shiverpeaks or Depths of Tyria (underground), seeing that we have directly encountered the Elder Dragons this past season and will probably see more. Let's also not forget about Bubbles; I don't know if a whole expansion set underwater is feasable, but it could be awesome if succesful.


And I still hold out hope that we might get to see Dominion of Winds at some point!

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God I hate the idea of one player being a whole party. This system as disgusted me from so much mmos. That's the best way to kill any social interaction in a game.


Also the best gear should remain ascended. That's another great thing in GW2 : the Player is good, not the stuff he wears. And it's sufficiently difficult to get a full ascended armor for newcomers.

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Full underwater expansion!

5 expansive underwater maps.

1 underwater elite spec for every profession, with set of weapon, utility and elite skills available underwater (some also on land)

Abaddon, the god of Knowledge and **Water** as the Revenant Legend!

3 new underwater mounts, with their respective mastery abilities:

A jellyfish mount that allows you to see in the darkest areas of the ocean.

A manta ray mount that allows you to go super fast underwater and use underwater currents (like underwater updrafts)

A dolphin mount that can use Sonar pulses to find threats and hidden treasure!

Storyline: Bubbles/Steve becomes the next real threat! Ally yourself with the Largos to defeat the Elder Dragon of Water and open up the way to Cantha (the next expansion). Expand on the story of Quaggans and Krait and find out their origins (with heart vendors)

1 new full underwater pvp map!

A new pvp survival mode, where players swim underwater while being chased by evil sharks.

The first ever fully underwater Raid! 3 wings of underwater encounters (some land based too for variety) that push 3-dimensional combat to the limit!

The third WvW borderland will have lots and lots of underwater parts, at least the garrison should be immersed, or partially immersed, in water.

The long awaited Fall of Abaddon fractal is released and it is, you guessed it!, underwater!

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> @Fallesafe.5932 said:


> Better gear with better stats... lots of it. And penalties for dying. So there's something to actually do, and a reason to take it seriously.


a definite no from me here, this is not what gw2 was/is about.

there are enough mmos with gear treadmills just play one of those if you want it and don't force it on gw.


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more "Living" in the "Living World", right now it's really dead. 0% impact on the actual world. towers destroying half a zone would be a bit to much, but something of a smaller scale would be nice. ofcourse the new zones they add are nice, but it doesn't feel like the story is actually having an impact on the world that already exists. with the second season there was still a few minor changes to zones, which is how they should continue, since they have mentioned that the way they did season 1 won't return

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Theoretically the new expansion is going to be either further North in the Shiverpeaks or Cantha.


Honestly, I think that the devs should not have new features mounts or gliding or anything of that nature in the new expansion. I would rather them focus on higher quality and more maps. Mounts were will received, but PoF maps were a major let down. Clearly, much of the resources were expended on mounts. It seems to have been a good marketing tool for PoF release, however, can it keep player retention for long? HoT was not as warmly received, but it surely had strong player retention.

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> @Zefel.4681 said:

> > @Fallesafe.5932 said:


> > Better gear with better stats... lots of it. And penalties for dying. So there's something to actually do, and a reason to take it seriously.


> a definite no from me here, this is not what gw2 was/is about.

> there are enough mmos with gear treadmills just play one of those if you want it and don't force it on gw.



Oh no! My application is denied? Oh wait... I wasn't asking for your approval.

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ok ok bear with me but considering the the previous xpacs i've got a few (very) vague ideas as to how the next xpacs might go. prepare for text walls sorry :/ first of all i think the next xpacs should be loosely themed around an existing race~~ until we defeat all the dragons/go to cantha/ get the tengu as a playable race (please please anet)~~. if we consider that PoF prominently featured humans the same way that HoT focused on the sylvari, that only leaves asura, norn, and charr.:


* **xpac 3: _Depths of Stone_ ?**: an expansion where we go underground, with asuran/dwarven themes? Iike in derelict delve? we could deal w/ the reawakening of primordius and venture to the asuran homelands, or discover ancient dwarven ruins! it could take place around the deldrimor front/lower shiverpeaks, which would open up some new but distantly familar areas!

* **xpac 4: _Peaks of Ice_ ?:**shiverpeaks where we could venture further north, dealing with jormag's last stand, and interact with kodan among the way. hell, maybe there's even a small norn lodge inhabited by those who chose to stay behind. we could introduce customizable housing as the new mounts/gliders b/c we might need to take shelter from the cold? idk i think i might work lore-wise with the right touch.

* **xpac 5: _Forge of War_ ?**: as for the charr, i don't really know. maybe we go north/east towards the blood legion homelands? honestly, as much as I love the charr and would love to see more of them in game, i don't have too many ideas for them.

* **xpac 6: _Sea of Steve_ :** and from then on it's steve/bubbles! largos (maybe)! revamping underwater content! new mounts! cool stuff

* **xpac 7: Cantha! is! back!** yeah kinda self explanatory but it might include tengu as a playable race, plus a new threat after the dragons? idk,, again, this is just speculation

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**Underwater expansion**


- We're heading to the Unending Ocean where we'll finally be seeing one of the Elder Dragon, Deep Sea Dragon underwater.

- More content of Largos, Krait, Quaggans and other water-based creatures.

- We'll be visiting Cantha! Shing Jea Island, the Echovald Forest, the Jade Sea and Kaineng City.

- New playable race: **Tengu**. ft. their capital city, Dominion of Winds. Their story will explain why they shut out other Tyrians races and what they've been up to all this time during the World events.

- New underwater mounts

- New and updated/upgraded underwater combat system with better traits, weapons and fighting style for each professions.

- New Elite Specs:

**Revenant:** _Ritualist._ MH Scepter.

**Guardian:** _Phalanx._ MH Spear/Trident.

**Warrior:** _Lancer. _MH Polearm.

**Necromancer:** _Summoner. _MH Polearm/Spear

**Mesmer:** _Enchanter._ Longbow.

**Elementalist:** _Wizard._

**Thief:** _Assassin._ Axe.

**Ranger:** _Archer._ Spear.

**Engineer:** _Zealot_. Polearm/Schyte


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It seems I can't edit my post above here, I forgot to write some stuff so please forgive me for double posts. Feel free to delete it MODs.



**Underwater expansion**


- We're heading to the Unending Ocean where we'll finally be seeing one of the Elder Dragon, Deep Sea Dragon underwater.

- More content of Largos, Krait, Quaggans and other water-based creatures.

- We'll be visiting Cantha! Shing Jea Island, the Echovald Forest, the Jade Sea and Kaineng City.

- New playable race: **Tengu**. ft. their capital city, Dominion of Winds. Their story will explain why they shut out other Tyrians races and what they've been up to all this time during the World events.

- New underwater mounts, - Shark/ Dolphin/ Seahorse/ Water Skate/ etc.. etc..

- New and updated/upgraded underwater combat system with better traits, weapons and fighting style for each professions.

- New Elite Specs:

**Revenant:** _Ritualist._ - MH Scepter.

**Guardian:** _Phalanx._ - MH Spear/Trident.

**Warrior:** _Lancer._ - MH Polearm.

**Necromancer:** _Summoner._ - MH Polearm/Spear

**Mesmer:** _Enchanter._ - Longbow.

**Elementalist:** _Wizard._ - Gauntlets. _(fighting art style with hand-to-hand combat, but with elementalists power)_

**Thief:** _Assassin._ - Axe.

**Ranger:** _Archer._ - Spear.

**Engineer:** _Zealot_. - Polearm/Schyte

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  • 1 month later...

thing is no one gets is anet will never do these things at all . they not done them in 5 years pretty safe bet they will not do them at all in the next maybe new pack at all with this 5 year old game . if they really was going to do this they would done some of this stuff the player base been asking for long time . with pof :# :# :#

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> @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> thing is no one gets is anet will never do these things at all . they not done them in 5 years pretty safe bet they will not do them at all in the next maybe new pack at all with this 5 year old game . if they really was going to do this they would done some of this stuff the player base been asking for long time . with pof :# :# :#


You mean like add Mounts? Expand Material Storage? Give Shared Inventory Slots? Take us to Elona? Added new content to Halloween? Etc., etc.

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