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Volatile Magic Harvesting Sickle not working

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> @"Nasty Qwerty.3482" said:

> I have the same issue - volatile harvesting tool doesn't grant VM.


> I asked a guildie to replicate this but their vm sickle works just fine.


Maybe they don't have the one bought from dragonfall and instead use the upgrade components for it...i forget what they are called but essentially sigils/runes/infusion for gathering tools

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Experiencing the same problem; I did submit a bug report via GW2

Also confirmed this is only for the consumables (my infinite VM harvesting sickles still give Volatile Magic)


Update: ANet has replied to my website bug report. They have stated they are unaware of the problem and are requesting all players experiencing this issue to submit a bug report in-game to connect the user data. You can also submit a bug report through the forum, but in-game will contain more pertinent information (as it links to the instance, your account, etc...).

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On a somewhat related note, the Glyph of Scavenging (33% chance to return Fine mats) is also broken. I've tested it on open world nodes, synthesizers, and node farms, and despite harvesting probably in excess of 100 nodes, not a single one has returned a Fine mat. Other glyphs such as the Watchknight, Logger, Unbound or Leatherworker still work correctly.

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> Just tested mine. All three unbound magic tools are giving unbound magic. That's going to potentially be a nightmare to debug.


It really shouldn't be BUT it would make things much easier if people reporting included node type, map, tool, tool skin, glyph.


"Does not work" is usually not a great report.



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I was sent here by support as it's a thing that would need to be noticed by the dev team and not the support team, it seems to be an account related problem, as opposed to the tool / node / etc.


Playing with multiple family members or friends, on a LAN sitting right next to each other, exclusively I have had this issue out of the group I usually play with. We've walked around entire maps together, in a party, in the same instance, gathering the same nodes and everyone but me gains Volatile Magic when foraging.


For example, if we walk around Queensdale, everyone but me gains Volatile Magic on every gather. I gain Volatile Magic only when mining or logging, but never from foraging. We'll then change to Plains of Ashford, with the same result. (everyone but me gains on every gather, I gain never if the gathering type is foraging)


All of us are using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Volatile_Harvesting_Sickle


None of are using a skin or unlimited gathering tool.


None of us are using a glyph.


None of the nodes this issue arises on are gatherable from multiple times.


The issue arises both when gathering from a "node farm" and when gathering from a standard node.


The Pick and Axe that are intended to reward Volatile Magic when gathering are working correctly on the same account as the Sickle is not working on.


The issue persists across every character on that account.


The issue persists on new characters created on that account since the issue arose.


If I change accounts on the same computer, then gather a node, gathering with the Sickle rewards Volatile Magic as intended. Switching back to the "problem" account on the same computer and gathering the same node rewards no Volatile Magic.


All of us are (usually) using a tool purchased from the karma vendor in Dragonfall, specifically this vendor https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Bloom_Quartermaster

but, the same issue happens when using the Volatile Harvesting Sickle purchased from other vendors, that vendor is just the most convenient one to get to.


edit: I have also included this information in a bug report, and linked support to a video of the issue happening in case it was useful, but was directed by support to also post on the forums in addition to the bug report.

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I've also been sent here (forums) via a support ticket. Posted in another ticket also (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119673/bug-glyph-of-the-scavenger-not-working?) but I suspect these are related.


First response in the support ticket was stating it was down to % odds, but I've done well over 50 harvests so far, since I've been monitoring more closely, and not a single instance of bonus yield. At 50 attempts this is a 0.00000020125% chance of it occurring I think? As soon as I swap the glyph to logging or mining - it works fine. Only seems to be occurring during harvesting. Various nodes used, both home instance and in the open world. Currently have the Choya harvesting tool equipped with the Glyph of the Scavenger.

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Still an issue as of 15/12 post wintersday patch. x15 attempts in home instance with Glyph of the scavenger on Choya harvesting tool, 0 bonus materials.

Swapped glyph onto mining tool - x21 attempts , 7 bonus materials exactly in line with 33% chance.

To validate other posts, glyph of forester does work on harvesting tool though.

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