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The Small QoL updates in the patch


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Not at all saying this needs to be exclaimed as something bigger then it is, but wanted to appreciate the "Added additional map currencies to the bottom of the Inventory panel on many maps." from the latest patch. Along with the checkbox for the Compact button. The original implementation, which I'm not sure how many people really remember/think about when the inventory first had its UI updated was pretty bare bones and I for one was worried it'd stay like that. But every once in a while a patch will come out and have improvements that just make it better and better. Sure, I would have loved it to be this fleshed out at the start, but just getting to this point has not at all gone unnoticed. Thank you for the many improvements to the Inventory UI over the last few years.

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I was very happy about the ability to disable the compact button, especially since it seems like it carried over from the old version so it was disabled for me as soon as I logged in. Now that's happened I can enjoy the new deposit button without worrying a slight mis-click will mess up my inventory.


I like that more currencies are shown too, and I noticed that at some point it changed from showing gems to karma in towns, which I find much more useful. I use both, but gems are more 'self contained' since they're only used in the gem store and you can always see your balance when you have the store open, so there's no real need for the second display.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Yes I liked some of the little additions as well. I do wish they'd mention them though - if they're going to take the flack for what they are getting wrong, they should also take the priase for getting things right even if small details


One place they are always mentioned is in the Wiki. Specifically, the Game Updates 'Notes'.

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