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Scourge is unbearable to deal with


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> @"Unholy Pillager.3791" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > If they placed the mark beforehand, then you see it on the ground and can just go around it.


> Actually, they tend to place three marks on the ground, in slightly different locations, as well as their sand shade. Given all of the clutter, it is impossible to determine which is which; given the environmental obstructions, it is impossible to go around all of it without allowing the scourge to reposition themselves to a more favorable place. It's like trying to catch someone on the opposite side of a table from you, except that they can go over the table and you cannot. Even if you're faster than they are, it's still not in your favor.


> > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > They already nerfed it to the point it's almost useless now, how the hell can you still complain about it?! -.-

> > Now necro has become useless once again thanks to people like you OP....


> The nerf was essentially PvE only. In PvP, every scourge that knows what they're doing (and even most of the ones that don't) runs sand savant, which was unaffected by the bug fix. The cooldown increase wasn't enough to make a huge difference, given that those skills are primarily gated by life force rather than cooldown time.


> Scourge is still very strong, for those who know how to play it. In all honesty, though, I think that much of the problem is the boon corrupt rather than straight up boon rip. That gives them tons of trash cover conditions, making it much harder to counterplay the condition burst itself.


Pre-placed marks, if there are three, are simply a non-issue, since Reaper's Mark isn't one of them. Walking through is perfectly valid. If you're really that worried, a dodge roll disarms them.


Also, the nerf of Dhuumfire only proccing once on Desert Shroud definitely did hit Scourges using Sand Savant.

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Probably not the best suggestion but I had a fun time using DE against scourges for a while.


I was playing a silly build I made up in the beta and even played it PoF launch; deadeye full zerker... you know the drill - all burst possible 'kill it before it kills you' mentality. It was centred around the cantrip knockdown skill (3 seconds is it?) which was usually enough time for me to rain hell upon them with either #3 spam or simply Death's Judgement. Bait out their dodges, make sure you've forced them to use all stun breaks and certainly don't go spamming into reflects/projectile absorbs.

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> @DeadlySynz.3471 said:


> Scourge already took a hefty dps hit already. They need to be buffed, not nerfed, and condition immunity needs to be removed from the game completely or drastically lowered.


hahahahahahahahahaha yes buff scourges more more more! I agree passive condition AoE bombs that require minimal strategy and HP pool that doubles almost everyone else simply isn't enough. Lets make staff also do ranged retribution damage, maybe give the scourge a third weapon choice to deal with ranged opponents. Or put them in heavy armor. Even then, they need moar buffs

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Funny how you expect stuff to not have counters.


If scourge couldn't kill melees it won't be able to kill anything because anything with range shreds them easy. Got melees to kill those range guys so scourge can do stuff.


People are so used to their infinite buff bs that they don't realise how spellbreakers pretty much rule everything at the moment.


This is a L2P issue.

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> @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

> Play ranged then to burst the scourge down?


> By that same premise I could say melee is unbearable to deal with, so what's the point of playing ranged physical damage builds if a melee can simply run through my ranged and run me over?


> Rock, Paper, Scissors my friend. Scourge already took a hefty dps hit already. They need to be buffed, not nerfed, and condition immunity needs to be removed from the game completely or drastically lowered.


I agreed with you until the end. I'd be amazed if anyone on this entire forum would agree with you— including Scourge players themselves. However, to your other point, it is true that 100% balance is usually never achievable by developers. Meaning— some classes will be better than others overall. And naturally, some classes will simply be a threat to other specific ones. That's fine. In the cases of the general over-poweredness of some classes (ie scourge, sb, etc) then it makes sense to equip ourselves in preparation of meeting them on the field.

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> @Furion.4275 said:

> > @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

> > Play ranged then to burst the scourge down?

> >

> > By that same premise I could say melee is unbearable to deal with, so what's the point of playing ranged physical damage builds if a melee can simply run through my ranged and run me over?

> >

> > Rock, Paper, Scissors my friend. Scourge already took a hefty dps hit already. They need to be buffed, not nerfed, and condition immunity needs to be removed from the game completely or drastically lowered.


> I agreed with you until the end. I'd be amazed if anyone on this entire forum would agree with you— including Scourge players themselves. However, to your other point, it is true that 100% balance is usually never achievable by developers. Meaning— some classes will be better than others overall. And naturally, some classes will simply be a threat to other specific ones. That's fine. In the cases of the general over-poweredness of some classes (ie scourge, sb, etc) then it makes sense to equip ourselves in preparation of meeting them on the field.


Umm I agree with him. They fixed our bug, fine, it should have been done.


Then they proceeded to hit us extremely hard with stealth nerfs. Our shades no longer strike at all on DS procs, Dhummfire got a huge nerf from that, our skills got increase CDs shades got reduced uptime.


We went from one of the top damage classes, to one of the lowest damage classes in 5 secs.


That's all fine and good, I am fine with the current damage, however if it is to remain like that, then we need buffs. Buffs to our defenses, I do not have 3x others health like has been said, and the health I do have is quickly drained. Necro has always lacked mobility/damage midigation, due to the fact they had a second health bar, with shroud was fine. With scourge that second health bar is gone, and we are very susceptible to burst.


It's not even rock paper scissors, as Spell Breakers and Power Mirage eat me alive, as do alot of DD, a well timed stealth into serious burst and I'm gone. You have to play smart and stop trying to facetank the world.

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Scourge still has strong damage output, it just can't face tank a point and expect everyone to die instantly now. Players are probably becoming for accustomed to not fighting while Desert Shroud is up and not running through Trail of Anguish.


Also, as Scourge, you should probably stick near your team when running to mid. It is all to easy for Thief and Warrior to jump on Scourge and down them quickly.

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You can melee a scourge if you don't self apply boons and kite 2 key skills which are the F5 and the elite (both have well noticable visuals). This limits his damage output by about 80%. He is a sitting duck then.


If you play a boon heavy build you should bring some well timed blocks or cleanses (e.g. guardian + its elite specs).


If you play a boon heavy build and can't bring blocks or cleanses you have to go ranged (e.g. rifle engineer + its elite specs).


If you play a boon heavy build and have no blocks or cleanses or ranged options, well.... then scourge counters you (even scourge needs to counter someone). Deal with it or change your build.

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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> You can melee a scourge if you don't self apply boons and kite 2 key skills which are the F5 and the elite (both have well noticable visuals). This limits his damage output by about 80%. He is a sitting duck then.


> If you play a boon heavy build you should bring some well timed blocks or cleanses (e.g. guardian + its elite specs).


> If you play a boon heavy build and can't bring blocks or cleanses you have to go ranged (e.g. rifle engineer + its elite specs).


> If you play a boon heavy build and have no blocks or cleanses or ranged options, well.... then scourge counters you (even scourge needs to counter someone). Deal with it or change your build.


Umm...rifle engineer isn't ranged. It has a 1200 range auto attack, sure, but it's a weak auto attack; all of its actual damage is about 700 range or closer.


Which is the issue, honestly. Engineers have neither reliable ranged damage, nor a way to sustain themselves without boons. Gyros come close, but even then you have to take alchemy and stack might to be effective.

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> @"Unholy Pillager.3791" said:

> > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > You can melee a scourge if you don't self apply boons and kite 2 key skills which are the F5 and the elite (both have well noticable visuals). This limits his damage output by about 80%. He is a sitting duck then.

> >

> > If you play a boon heavy build you should bring some well timed blocks or cleanses (e.g. guardian + its elite specs).

> >

> > If you play a boon heavy build and can't bring blocks or cleanses you have to go ranged (e.g. rifle engineer + its elite specs).

> >

> > If you play a boon heavy build and have no blocks or cleanses or ranged options, well.... then scourge counters you (even scourge needs to counter someone). Deal with it or change your build.


> Umm...rifle engineer isn't ranged. It has a 1200 range auto attack, sure, but it's a weak auto attack; all of its actual damage is about 700 range or closer.


> Which is the issue, honestly. Engineers have neither reliable ranged damage, nor a way to sustain themselves without boons. Gyros come close, but even then you have to take alchemy and stack might to be effective.

Rifle engineer has a ton of CC. It has been a hardcounter to core necro years ago and pushed the class out of pvp. It can almost do the same with scourge and its embarrassing stability options - which adds another melee counter option to my list above: CC lock the scourge. I usually do that on my power reaper when I face a scourge: push/pull, daze, fear, stun combos are pretty effective.


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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> > @"Unholy Pillager.3791" said:

> > > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > > You can melee a scourge if you don't self apply boons and kite 2 key skills which are the F5 and the elite (both have well noticable visuals). This limits his damage output by about 80%. He is a sitting duck then.

> > >

> > > If you play a boon heavy build you should bring some well timed blocks or cleanses (e.g. guardian + its elite specs).

> > >

> > > If you play a boon heavy build and can't bring blocks or cleanses you have to go ranged (e.g. rifle engineer + its elite specs).

> > >

> > > If you play a boon heavy build and have no blocks or cleanses or ranged options, well.... then scourge counters you (even scourge needs to counter someone). Deal with it or change your build.

> >

> > Umm...rifle engineer isn't ranged. It has a 1200 range auto attack, sure, but it's a weak auto attack; all of its actual damage is about 700 range or closer.

> >

> > Which is the issue, honestly. Engineers have neither reliable ranged damage, nor a way to sustain themselves without boons. Gyros come close, but even then you have to take alchemy and stack might to be effective.

> Rifle engineer has a ton of CC. It has been a hardcouter to core necro years ago and pushed the class out of pvp. It can almost do the same with scourge and its embarrassing stability options.



I'm pretty sure a Holosmith can wombo a Scourge pretty easily. I wouldn't be surprised if the Holosmith's cc/burst combo kills Scourge outright.

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> @Loboling.5293 said:

> I'm seriously wondering where the balance patch is...


Well, if you think about the fact that Soulbeast alone (for example) has hundreds of bugs to correct, I can see why the balance patch is taking its sweet time. It must be almost impossible to balance things that are completely broken/non functional. I mean, they can't even get rid of the "Draft save" popup on the forum...

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Scourge is still ridiculous. Especially when playing in random teams vs. 2 scourges or something equally funny. Sure some pof specs can deal with them but rest are in trouble when red rings of doom just walk towards you unstoppable no matter what you do. There is no skill involved there at all, even very bad player can just smash keyboard randomly and win easily with some luck. Trust me I tried both ends.


There are some obvious problems that scourge can do "almost everything". They can spam boon removal, condi bomb, barrier, some condi removal etc., HUGE AoE control over points etc. (how are you supposed to bunker when scourge keeps bombing you with all that stuff and removes your boons)


In my opinion scourge should at least lose all shroud related proc traits and other DS procs (like sigils) at starters. They do not have real DS like core or reaper. (I'm very bad player but I think I have right to complain about my necro with around 1600 matches)


I really don't know more annoying spec atm in this game tbh.

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> In my opinion scourge should at least lose all shroud related proc traits and other DS procs (like sigils) at starters.

Even though some things still need balancing over a lot of specs I am glad that I can rest safe in the knowledge that this, and stuff like it about any class, will remain nothing more than an opinion and never make it into the game.

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> @jalmari.3906 said:

> Scourge is still ridiculous. Especially when playing in random teams vs. 2 scourges or something equally funny. Sure some pof specs can deal with them but rest are in trouble when red rings of doom just walk towards you unstoppable no matter what you do. There is no skill involved there at all, even very bad player can just smash keyboard randomly and win easily with some luck. Trust me I tried both ends.


> There are some obvious problems that scourge can do "almost everything". They can spam boon removal, condi bomb, barrier, some condi removal etc., HUGE AoE control over points etc. (how are you supposed to bunker when scourge keeps bombing you with all that stuff and removes your boons)


> In my opinion scourge should at least lose all shroud related proc traits and other DS procs (like sigils) at starters. They do not have real DS like core or reaper. (I'm very bad player but I think I have right to complain about my necro with around 1600 matches)


> I really don't know more annoying spec atm in this game tbh.


Made my day the hillarity of this post.


They can do EVERYTHING can they lol, I don't know when 2k tops barriers became equal to Full Heals and Permanent Blocks/Evades.


They have boon removal, yes, and they should. The boons are more out of control in this game then the Condis. I'm sorry there is a class that puts an end to your boon spam.


They spam the pijnt with huge AOE, that's true they do, and that AOE is for a short burst and easily cleansed. Bait it out, cleanse it off, and kill the scourge. It is very hard to stay alive as a scourge when you play against good players, Scourge is super glass, and againt good players far from noob friendly or button mashing.


I do love your closing, at least you admit, what we already know from reading your post. Your issue with scourge is L2P issue nothing more, not trying to be mean, that is just reality.


Actually alot of the thoughts about classes in the current I think are based on lack of understanding of the new classes. I see scourge be touted as OP, and Mirage being touted as bad, yet I seen my buddy carry entire plat teams on Mirage (power mirage btw), top kills, top DPS by alot, with scourges and Spell breakers on the team.


It has nothing to do with balance or OP, with the bug Scourge was OP, the damage was too high. Now on golems we have the second lowest damage in the game. It's not an OP issue, it's a learn the class and how to counterolay it issue. Learning classes and counterplay is what makes someone good or bad in PvP.

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> @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> > @jalmari.3906 said:

> > Scourge is still ridiculous. Especially when playing in random teams vs. 2 scourges or something equally funny. Sure some pof specs can deal with them but rest are in trouble when red rings of doom just walk towards you unstoppable no matter what you do. There is no skill involved there at all, even very bad player can just smash keyboard randomly and win easily with some luck. Trust me I tried both ends.

> >

> > There are some obvious problems that scourge can do "almost everything". They can spam boon removal, condi bomb, barrier, some condi removal etc., HUGE AoE control over points etc. (how are you supposed to bunker when scourge keeps bombing you with all that stuff and removes your boons)

> >

> > In my opinion scourge should at least lose all shroud related proc traits and other DS procs (like sigils) at starters. They do not have real DS like core or reaper. (I'm very bad player but I think I have right to complain about my necro with around 1600 matches)

> >

> > I really don't know more annoying spec atm in this game tbh.


> Made my day the hillarity of this post.


> They can do EVERYTHING can they lol, I don't know when 2k tops barriers became equal to Full Heals and Permanent Blocks/Evades.


> They have boon removal, yes, and they should. The boons are more out of control in this game then the Condis. I'm sorry there is a class that puts an end to your boon spam.


> They spam the pijnt with huge AOE, that's true they do, and that AOE is for a short burst and easily cleansed. Bait it out, cleanse it off, and kill the scourge. It is very hard to stay alive as a scourge when you play against good players, Scourge is super glass, and againt good players far from noob friendly or button mashing.


> I do love your closing, at least you admit, what we already know from reading your post. Your issue with scourge is L2P issue nothing more, not trying to be mean, that is just reality.


> Actually alot of the thoughts about classes in the current I think are based on lack of understanding of the new classes. I see scourge be touted as OP, and Mirage being touted as bad, yet I seen my buddy carry entire plat teams on Mirage (power mirage btw), top kills, top DPS by alot, with scourges and Spell breakers on the team.


> It has nothing to do with balance or OP, with the bug Scourge was OP, the damage was too high. Now on golems we have the second lowest damage in the game. It's not an OP issue, it's a learn the class and how to counterolay it issue. Learning classes and counterplay is what makes someone good or bad in PvP.


Are we talking about their PvE damage, or PvP? You have to remember, PvE dps benchmarks are about sustained damage, over time. PvP damage is "who can deal 17k damage the fastest?" And at the end of the day, every map is point capture map. If a scourge can walk in, and control a single point with little to no effort, then there is a balance concern. I agree that their damage on a golem is low, but if you're in a pvp match, that doesn't matter at all.


And yes, I agree, there are hard counters, like Rangers. I got on my ranger and had a hell of an easy time. But in this game, if you choose to play melee, you cannot contribute to capturing a point with a scourge on it. No way to touch him without eating a full row of condis and then some.


And the part that really concerns me is that this is a no-skill kind of build. I don't mind good mesmers that seem unkillable, I don't mind those thieves that are masters at roaming and carry their team, because those builds require a high level of gameplay to pull off correctly, otherwise you are a detriment to your team. I argue that a scourge needs none of that. A low skill cap class with a high damage output potential in a burst (remember, that's all that matters in PvP, we don't care about your dps when you're beating on a motionless golem for 5 minutes) is a real concern for balance. It's anti-competitive.

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If we are trying to be honest, the point isn't only about dealing with a scourge, but with a scourge + 2 warriors on maps like legacy of foefire. If we add to it the fact that some people do not have PoF ( although that is a minor issue) + solo queue common mistakes, it is really frustrating facing these setups, because they look like they're winning by not doing much and you can end up losing 500-100 by simply one mistake



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No point really.

The moment I step in a shade I get nuked by at least 5 different conditions,and I'll keep getting nuked until I step out.

Given the uptime they have and their radius,trying to play against a scourge at close-mid range is pointless,unless you have

some kind of invulnerability gimmick that allows you to do so.

Only range is effective against them.



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> @Aenaos.8160 said:

> No point really.

> The moment I step in a shade I get nuked by at least 5 different conditions,and I'll keep getting nuked until I step out.

> Given the uptime they have and their radius,trying to play against a scourge at close-mid range is pointless,unless you have

> some kind of invulnerability gimmick that allows you to do so.

> Only range is effective against them.




"The second I step into a shade, I get nuked by 5 different condis"


I think this is the largest problem here, people don't even know what is happening lol. The second you step into a shade you get hit with 2 Condis, Torment and Cripple, each of those is also on for 2 secs.


> @nish.2360 said:

> > @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> > > @jalmari.3906 said:

> > > Scourge is still ridiculous. Especially when playing in random teams vs. 2 scourges or something equally funny. Sure some pof specs can deal with them but rest are in trouble when red rings of doom just walk towards you unstoppable no matter what you do. There is no skill involved there at all, even very bad player can just smash keyboard randomly and win easily with some luck. Trust me I tried both ends.

> > >

> > > There are some obvious problems that scourge can do "almost everything". They can spam boon removal, condi bomb, barrier, some condi removal etc., HUGE AoE control over points etc. (how are you supposed to bunker when scourge keeps bombing you with all that stuff and removes your boons)

> > >

> > > In my opinion scourge should at least lose all shroud related proc traits and other DS procs (like sigils) at starters. They do not have real DS like core or reaper. (I'm very bad player but I think I have right to complain about my necro with around 1600 matches)

> > >

> > > I really don't know more annoying spec atm in this game tbh.

> >

> > Made my day the hillarity of this post.

> >

> > They can do EVERYTHING can they lol, I don't know when 2k tops barriers became equal to Full Heals and Permanent Blocks/Evades.

> >

> > They have boon removal, yes, and they should. The boons are more out of control in this game then the Condis. I'm sorry there is a class that puts an end to your boon spam.

> >

> > They spam the pijnt with huge AOE, that's true they do, and that AOE is for a short burst and easily cleansed. Bait it out, cleanse it off, and kill the scourge. It is very hard to stay alive as a scourge when you play against good players, Scourge is super glass, and againt good players far from noob friendly or button mashing.

> >

> > I do love your closing, at least you admit, what we already know from reading your post. Your issue with scourge is L2P issue nothing more, not trying to be mean, that is just reality.

> >

> > Actually alot of the thoughts about classes in the current I think are based on lack of understanding of the new classes. I see scourge be touted as OP, and Mirage being touted as bad, yet I seen my buddy carry entire plat teams on Mirage (power mirage btw), top kills, top DPS by alot, with scourges and Spell breakers on the team.

> >

> > It has nothing to do with balance or OP, with the bug Scourge was OP, the damage was too high. Now on golems we have the second lowest damage in the game. It's not an OP issue, it's a learn the class and how to counterolay it issue. Learning classes and counterplay is what makes someone good or bad in PvP.


> Are we talking about their PvE damage, or PvP? You have to remember, PvE dps benchmarks are about sustained damage, over time. PvP damage is "who can deal 17k damage the fastest?" And at the end of the day, every map is point capture map. If a scourge can walk in, and control a single point with little to no effort, then there is a balance concern. I agree that their damage on a golem is low, but if you're in a pvp match, that doesn't matter at all.


> And yes, I agree, there are hard counters, like Rangers. I got on my ranger and had a hell of an easy time. But in this game, if you choose to play melee, you cannot contribute to capturing a point with a scourge on it. No way to touch him without eating a full row of condis and then some.


> And the part that really concerns me is that this is a no-skill kind of build. I don't mind good mesmers that seem unkillable, I don't mind those thieves that are masters at roaming and carry their team, because those builds require a high level of gameplay to pull off correctly, otherwise you are a detriment to your team. I argue that a scourge needs none of that. A low skill cap class with a high damage output potential in a burst (remember, that's all that matters in PvP, we don't care about your dps when you're beating on a motionless golem for 5 minutes) is a real concern for balance. It's anti-competitive.


The potential for burst is not even close to as high as Mirages or D/Ds, and Daredevils require very little skill lol. Being insta gibbed by backstabs is pretty unfair, and doesn't take skill.


Again, it is as said rock paper scissors. That is where team play becomes a part. Melee can't fight scourges, fine, then dont, you have 4 other people one of those is almost guaranteed to be ranged.


You guys all want to kill everything and not be killable and that just isn't reality. That is why there is no 1v1 arenas, it is 100% team play.


As to your other comment, I haven't done much SPvP late due to no season. But on WvW I have been playing my Scourge and Mirage, roaming in WvW, the mirage is easier to play. The scourge dies, easily, staying alive on a scourge takes skill. My mesmer, well it doesn't die, and I litteraly played the class off and on less than a week. It also does a truck load of damage.


As to the comment sustain vs burst in PvP. Yes for some burst is all that matters, once you get away from insta kill gimmics, you will see long lasting much funner fights. Scourges in WvW as a roamer, have good AOE sustain, however I am far from bursty. Especially against classes that figured it out.


It is not even all melee that is countered, SB walk right through scourge, so can a good Revant, then all Ranged do, Scourge has to be able to kill someone....

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> @Ledavi.1803 said:

> > @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

> >

> > Scourge already took a hefty dps hit already. They need to be buffed, not nerfed, and condition immunity needs to be removed from the game completely or drastically lowered.


> hahahahahahahahahaha yes buff scourges more more more! I agree passive condition AoE bombs that require minimal strategy and HP pool that doubles almost everyone else simply isn't enough. Lets make staff also do ranged retribution damage, maybe give the scourge a third weapon choice to deal with ranged opponents. Or put them in heavy armor. Even then, they need moar buffs


Thank you. This.


It's still broken as hell. People tend to forget it wasn't even a nerf. It was a bug fix. If you needed a bug fix to win with a broken build I think you're doing something wrong. I barely played necro in the past and I am only an average pvp player. For the fun of it I went scourge to prove my point: everyone can win with scourge. Just spam buttons and watch everything die. Well, I went 10 for 10. 10 of 10 with damage/kill top stats. All I did was stand on a point and spam buttons. I'm sorry, but at least other classes still require skill.


But yeah, buff them even more. Sure.


Prediction: scourge will get buffed with the next patch, while they will make sure spellbreakers and soulbeasts will get nerfed into the ground. Condi wars must always win in the end after all. And there must always be a class to farm easy kills and win withs, even if the skill isn't there for classes that need skill to work.

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Scourge is perfectly fine. They are only the most popular build in spvp for no reason at all. I mean they ate a huge nerf with some bug fix so big that people continue to play them at the highest rate of all classes in spvp. To get serious for a moment take your hands out of your ears and look at the data and the number of them in spvp at all levels shows that some adjustments are necessary. Its a fair debate to discuss what kind of changes and there severity. To act like the class is op in any way shape or from is ludicrous.

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