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Please Change Ranger Immobilize Skills!


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Edit- I am being completely serious. So if any team members read this, just know that nobody got time for Ranger immobilized, nobody, and Rangers want DAMAGE! I also added in links below to old posts!




First, here is the massive list of Ranger Immobilize skills! It’s too much immobilize that nobody wants, including Rangers!


































So, what do we change it to? I got us covered!


ALL Immobilize effects become PURE DAMAGE effects ONLY FOR RANGER! So like all skills that Immobilize are changed to do a MASSIVE “nature thorny explosion” on the target(s) for high damage, PLUS with a unique function to it that BYPASSES BARRIER effects! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barrier


And that above, I think, we can all get behind! Especially for Rangers considering that damage numbers for attacks are reduced for this profession due to factoring pet damage, but pets die easily and struggle to hit moving targets (yes, I tested the pets and made a thread about pets completely missing moving targets!)! See below ?


*We can trace pet issue back to Alpha! We want damage, not gimmicky builds. And our pets screw over our damage. We need to fix this up, so we start by changing Immobilized on Ranger to damage output to factor in pets that were never fixed or improved!







And there we have it! Perfection! Happy players on all sides! You are all welcome!





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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> This is rly dumb


> I do not Like The imob game play yeah, but it's at least a bit tactical and allows to secure kills.


> Dmg instead of imob would be less strategic, would pulling less condo cleanse from enemy's and would Dumb done the game a log.


lmao, there's nothing strategic about GW2. It's not like the most effective builds aren't just AoE bombs anyway; every map has 3 bullseyes already painted onto them anyway--you can't miss. Either way, there's basically no thought process in chaining immobilize on ranger regardless. The moment that one of them lands, it's time to spam every other one because not only do they chain together, but they also all inflict conditions on top. A 600 radius DoT/immobilize with basically no real cue could be changed into a 600 radius AoE with a (1.0) damage modifier and it would be equally as dumb.

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The only problem I see with immobilize is the bug that allows turning around while immobilized.


Player skills will make them turn to face the target while immobilized if they were not moving when they were immobilized, making immobilize pointless to secure a flanking or rear attack.

With NPCs is even worse, as their skills always make them turn to face you while immobilized regardless on whether they were moving or not when immobilized.


It would be better if all creatures had a 'turning time' like mounts, just way faster. Slower turning speeds like those of mounts should be limited to extremely large creatures like giants, and creatures that walk in 4 legs like centaurs.

Players having a turning time of 1/4 every 90 degrees would be pretty fast, but still mean turning would always be considered movement, and it'll take half a second to look backwards, and it would make sure immobilize always prevents turning.


Once that problem is out of the way, balancing skills that immobilize and skills and traits that benefit from flanking and rear attacks would be easier as their behavior would be more reliable and consistent.

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You know half of those skills are not even used in one build? And half of those skills are connected to soulbeast, which, do not run an immobile version unless they want to play the subpar version of a build that druid cleaned up.


Ranger is not in a stellar spot, but listing all the immobilize skills they have doesn't do anything. A lot of those skills you don't see on one Ranger, but a variety of rangers, so that's not solving anything.


The biggest issue is Anet allowing immobilize to STACK. If it didn't stack, the build wouldn't be an issue and it would have a higher ceiling of gameplay.

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