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Core ele/tempest trash in SPVP


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I've seen good duelists in all 3 flavors. Weaver feels pretty good to me in 1v1 (+1 is another matter!). I find most weavers seem to prefer dagger-based power builds, but I still run a sword/focus setup like the pre-Feb meta. Only I like to run with either Grieving or Sinister amulet rather than Sage. I think the pressure is a little better, which is important because the mobility on sword/focus is terrible. You really need to try to maintain pressure or a lot of builds will kite and wear you down or force a stalemate with endless resets.


Unfortunately, I don't spend much time in PvP and I have nothing current to share. But here's a video of an informal 1v1 in the PvP lobby arena against a top tier (#1 rank at the time, in fact!) opponent from earlier this year. Don't get too excited! I suspect he just didn't have enough condi cleanse on his build as I think he was dueling Shorts on power mes just prior to this! Besides, I've fought this guy when he's used other classes and lost plenty of times. Still, I think if I can hang at all against that level of competition weaver can at least be a passable duelist, right?


Anyway, you be the judge. Build link in the video comments.



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Yes, Weaver is much better in duels but requires a bit of practice to get used to the rotations as compared to Core or Tempest. What makes Weaver better is that the class has built in survivability ( barrier and evades ) to pair well with the Elementalist's normal intense vigor supply. Core elementalist mostly have to rely on vigor for dodges alone as their only means of damage mitigation. In todays meta, Core just can't compete effectively with what Weaver offers in 1v1s in most situations, and sPvP the disparity is even worse than WvW. The only "viable" core Ele build in sPvP (if you can call it that) is usually a variant of Fresh Air, which Weaver can arguably perform better. Tempest is much better in sPvP than Core and probably more favored over Weaver, but not as a dueling or damage class. It's mostly used for Support. Like core, you can try some Fresh Air shenanigans with Overload Air and Warhorn, but other than that Tempest isn't particularly good for dueling in sPvP. Both Core and Tempest have better dueling potential in WvW because of the more varied armor stats.


For Weaver, builds usually come in two varieties: A sinister or grieving (sage amulet is often used too like Aliam mentioned) condi focused sword build that uses burning to help keep on pressure while comboing with CC to to land your bursts or a power focused Lightening Rod build that uses the Air Line to inflict loads of Vulnerability with your many CC skills so you can land thick bursts. This build can come in Sword/Focus or Dagger/Focus (or Dagger). The condi build is arguably easier and probably more effective but the Lightening Rod build is still incredibly fun to pull off.

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