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2 new server at EU

Sankt Viking.6021

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> We have enough server for 4 tiers, just a Tier to much.


> Main problem that needs fixing are the overstocking mass transfers after relink

IMO the better option, yes. Just start doing 3 server links or merge 3 of the current T5 servers into other medium servers and keep 1 of them for all dual links.


Adding 2 servers doesnt actually do anything. The players has to come from somewhere, they dont just magically appear and add to the population.



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I don't think a change like that would have much effect.


The same goes for the people who think reducing tiers would have any larger effect.


In fact, it is even related to the people who complain about having no population while being full.


This isn't a total population issue as much as it is a productive population issue. I'm not denying that the total population has likely seen a sizable decline over each let-down but that isn't what makes servers 'dead'.




The real issue is rather to get more of the playerbase to be socially- and productively active again. That is what creates content and content is what the appeal of the mode is. It's intertwined with total population in that sense since more activity means more players will come to play. That's an important distinction for both sides of "the fence" in discussions like these. Total population is important, yes, but people often mistake that with productive population. So people here have a tendency to believe that highly productive groups are larger than they are and they have a tendency to believe that rather unproductive groups are smaller than they are. It is important to pull your head out of that to further the discussion and address the real problems, but there are nevertheless problems with these things so the overarching discussion is important.




All in all, the problem is much more that there is a lack of commanders to lead groups than there is a lack of players to fill out groups. That is true for dead T5 servers and for full T5 servers (or any server who feel smaller than what they are). On a server level the problem is much more that there is a lack of guilds to form cores and produce tags (and a general point seen in overall organisation or off-hours) than it is total server population, with something as low 1-2 guilds being incredily important for alot of servers' overall content-production. Figures that by HoT was still in the 10's and in vanilla in the 20-30's.


If a small server gets a good community, people flock to it. That is how the stacks are made. If a large unproductive server gets good tags, people flock to them. Many times those servers have no issues filling out three maps and their problem is rather that they have maxed one map instead and created a 50-man queue. That is an entire extra squad in queue and likely another squad of players that did not want to sit in queue who went off and did something else. There are easily upwards of 150 people looking to play most of the time in prime. However, there are not 3 players looking to lead that at all times (and I can understand why). As always, solving these problems involves Anet supporting guilds and other content-producers. Server magic has little to do with it.

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Transferring will always happen but reasons it happens in such a massive scale are:

_1. Conditions change considerably_

This is every relinking. Timezones, commanders, players and guilds go anew every 2 months. Meaning you might not enjoy your server anymore and might hop.

_2. The requirements to do so are small_

Well transferring to link servers is cheap. And server loyalty doesn't matter with relinkings bringing randoms to leech off you.


It is no difference from reactions between chemical elements. You can adjust the rate of it to desirable but it will still happen as long as it is possible.


So just remove relinkings, or make them very infrequent. I will however stress that existance of claim buff and superfast upgrade times are what makes casual servers so terrible to play in for _daily blobbers, scouts and small groups so basically anyone that wants to play the game more than once per week_. So removing relinkings won't fix the biggest problems WvW has since HoT.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> We have enough server for 4 tiers, just a Tier to much.


> Main problem that needs fixing are the overstocking mass transfers after relink




Do people really spend tons of gems to transfer servers? I just sticked to the one I chose at the beginning, I can't understand it.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > We have enough server for 4 tiers, just a Tier to much.

> >

> > Main problem that needs fixing are the overstocking mass transfers after relink

> >

> >


> Do people really spend tons of gems to transfer servers? I just sticked to the one I chose at the beginning, I can't understand it.


Due to the holes in the pricing (repeated transfers cost the same as 1st transfer, major-server population doesn't count and population only updates once a week) that's 500 gems every 2 month. To cheap, you can see them transfering every 2 month in the 1st week aftger relink to overstack their newly selected wining team.

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> @"Sankt Viking.6021" said:

> ...could solve a part of balance problems:

> - Any existing Server has a linkpartner (expect Baruch ofc)

> - no single server has to suffer any longer around T5

> - more movements between lower tiers

> - less mass-transfers


> etc.


> As a goody: Free transerperiode for the 2 new ones



yesterday ppl will allways vote no ..

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as others said, this won't fix the population issue. plus, the distribution of players is kinda problem as well.


on the other hand, if the steam release ever happens, then technically they might need more servers, but that's a long time until this will be even worth to speak of. (or just filling the existing ones up with the new players)

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People transferring en masse are not the problem. That is a sympton of the problem. Adding more servers does not address it.


Transfers happen for multiple reasons, but it boils down to two main ones:

- To move away from something

- To move towards something


Once people understand the above reasons, we can then look towards working out a solution instead of bashing each other for transferring.

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> @"Vardy.3592" said:

> People transferring en masse are not the problem. That is a sympton of the problem. Adding more servers does not address it.


> Transfers happen for multiple reasons, but it boils down to two main ones:

> - To move away from something


From the link that's not strong enough to win


> - To move towards something


To the link that can be cheaply overstacked for another 2 months domination



> Once people understand the above reasons, we can then look towards working out a solution instead of bashing each other for transferring.


Easy to understand. The people doing the mass transfers don't want balance, they want to win, and the coordinated masss-transfers gave them an cheap to exploit to do their pay to win.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> Easy to understand. The people doing the mass transfers don't want balance, they want to win, and the coordinated masss-transfers gave them an cheap to exploit to do their pay to win.


You are missing the point of my message as well as not understanding the current state of WvW.


Winning means nothing in WvW. Very few people care about being 'top dog'. Server pride has not been a thing for multiple years.

All thats left in WvW is the content. That is ultimately why people transfer. They are looking for content.


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