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When is Living World Season 4 coming?


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There's three points to calculate.

1) They stated they were aiming to keep the release cadence of 2-3 months between episodes, with the xpac treated like an episode.

2) However, they also mentioned maybe adding a little bit of extra time around the xpac because, y'know, it's an xpac and not just an episode.

3) Festivals.


Counting 2 months from PoF puts us at late Nov. Two weeks after end of Halloween is nov 21, practically 2 months to the day. That is earliest possible, but much later in the "2-3 months" span seems less than ideal, as we'd be coming up on Wintersday. (3 months after PoF lands right in days before xmas!). Later than Dec 5 seems highly unlikely, and even that feels *very* close to Wintersday.

Allowing for some extra time, I can see a early-mid january launch just fine.


**So, my guess is either late Nov or early-mid Jan.**

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Right now the bets seem about equal between 'between festivals' and 'after second festival'

I guess theres nothing we can do but wait and see. And experience tells us that festivals arent always enough reason to keep content back.

That said, with the festivals i wouldnt mind if they took the extra time to polish S4.1 for better quality

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S4E1 should already be complete if the living world team didn't stop (team 1 finished season 3 about 9 months ago). With Halloween ending on November 7 and Wintersday likely starting on December 12, they would want to release it between them, with November 14 or 21 being their best opportunity. They'd only hold it back further if it wasn't finished, since the longer they wait, the more players they loose. This is the most important time to keep players entertained. The problem with season 3 is that it started far too late to matter, so they completely missed HoT's launch wave. If season 4 also fails to make a difference, they'll likely shift more resources to expansions.

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Like others have stated, sometime between late November (22nd) and late December (22nd) if we're going by Anet's attempt to release Living World episodes at 2 - 3 month intervals.


I think it would be a huge risk and a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the foot of Anet to try to release Episode 1 next year. While it wouldn't be anything like the content drought we had between HoT and LWS3, it would still be enough of a drought to hurt player retention, in my opinion, and Anet needs all of the player retention they can muster.


I really wouldn't bank on holidays helping with retention either. Maybe if Wintersday and Lunar New Year were as popular as Halloween, I could see that. However, I don't think they are. I know I typically skip out on Wintersday and Lunar New Year because I don't find them to be fun and/or engaging.

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