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Serpent's Ire has a reward problem

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This needs to change drastically before I'll return to it.


I'll do something annoying that gives a reward that I want. A few times maybe. I did this once, for the funerary gloves.


I'll do something entertaining even if the rewards are bad. For the sheer fun of it.


Annoying and unrewarding though... That's how this event is now that I already have the one-time reward. Why would I go back to something like this?

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> It will probably get nerfed in a few months, or rewards boosted to make it competitive with tangled depths


Honestly, it needs both or no one will ever do it. I need it for the collection and look for groups every time I am on but I have never even found a group advertised either in the LFG tool or in map chat. I enjoy the big met events; AB, TD, DS, even Vinewrath... but this is horrible. There are just too many things stacked against it. This is OPEN WORLD content, not a raid where folks are likely on voice chat and well versed in their profession as well as the fights.

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Yesterday I was in Vabbi, trudging along, when a guy posted in map chat about this meta. Not knowing what it was I asked him about it and he explained just a few things, "bring lots of CC and we need lots of people", so I thought I'd join up. This was like 30 minutes before the event.

By the time the event started we had one full squad and one more comm with quite a few people. Our comm explained step by step and we breezed through it, with 10 minutes left on the clock when both bosses died.


But yeah, I can agree with people that the effort/reward balance just isn't right for this event. I most likely will not be doing it again anytime soon.

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I see people complain quite a bit about lack of meta events. This is a meta on a scale as large as any in GW2. The problem quite simply is the risk vs reward. As it is, it's just not worth the effort. If the rewards get adjusted with maybe something unique added, then we will see this get done on a regular rotation. It will get easier just by more people knowing what to do and actually wanting to do it. When Teqatl was upgraded, it was considered too hard and it was weeks before anyone actually succeeded. But it has good and unique rewards, so people wanted to do it. Now look at it.

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So, I managed to get on a team that completed the CC event. The third and final section has its own problems.


(1): The lag. Now, I'm running on a pretty high end machine. Well, it was high-end about 5 years ago, but I'm sitting on 16gb of RAM and dual-core 2.9GHz processor with an Nvidia Geforce GTX 770. I'd wager that I'm running hotter than most other players, and even on minimum graphics my computer could barely handle it. The effects are too big, the monsters are too big, and the environment is really cluttered.


(2): The monsters are too big. There's no auto-zoom, so I had to dig into my options and increase the FoV to max. Even doing that, the Hydra consumed the entire screen. The two legendary bosses spent most of the time standing on top of each other,, so seeing any sort of telegraphed attack was nearly impossible. Considering both of them had massive team-wiping attacks, this posed a really big problem. Occasionally Ysshi would warp away, but I hard a hard time even seeing when that happened.


(3): Ysshi's shield is really wonky. It took a moment for me to realize that Ysshi has a shield that alternates between blocking all ranged attacks and blocking all melee attacks. Aside from (1) and (2), the reason this took so long is because what his shield defines as a "ranged" and "melee" attack is open to interpretation. In melee things like wells and shatters were blocked while the melee shield was active. At range, things like the moa signet were blocked while the range shield was up. All in all, it seemed more like my attacks were randomly blocked, and whether the melee or range shield was up didn't matter much.


This isn't like the "find the weakness" shield that bounties get. That one can be reasonably controlled. This shield just blocked stuff randomly. The only way to tell what is happening is to target Ysshi, then hover over his buffs bar, then you can see what shield is up.


This event really needs some tuning down. When we "beat" the CC event, that is by the weakest sense of the word. The bar was so low that we couldn't even see it anymore. Down to the last second.

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> @MachineManXX.9746 said:

> I see people complain quite a bit about lack of meta events. This is a meta on a scale as large as any in GW2. The problem quite simply is the risk vs reward. As it is, it's just not worth the effort. If the rewards get adjusted with maybe something unique added, then we will see this get done on a regular rotation. It will get easier just by more people knowing what to do and actually wanting to do it. When Teqatl was upgraded, it was considered too hard and it was weeks before anyone actually succeeded. But it has good and unique rewards, so people wanted to do it. Now look at it.


The big difference is that Tequatl has good rewards. People will come and learn the fight if it's rewarding enough and keep coming back to it. Right now the only people attempting the event are those that have never successfully done it, so they don't know what works and what doesn't for the most part.

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> @Zohane.7208 said:

> Yesterday I was in Vabbi, trudging along, when a guy posted in map chat about this meta. Not knowing what it was I asked him about it and he explained just a few things, "bring lots of CC and we need lots of people", so I thought I'd join up. This was like 30 minutes before the event.

> By the time the event started we had one full squad and one more comm with quite a few people. Our comm explained step by step and we breezed through it, with 10 minutes left on the clock when both bosses died.


> But yeah, I can agree with people that the effort/reward balance just isn't right for this event. I most likely will not be doing it again anytime soon.


I was there for that. I really appreciate the time and effort the commander took into explaining everything and giving us ample time to prepare. After all of us worked to successfully finish the event it felt kind of hollow though. Like it was part luck based and so much hassle for something I never feel the need to do again. I really hope that content gets looked at and tweaked in many ways to feel like a smaller squad has a chance and that it is even worth it to try.

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  • 1 month later...

> @Zerocurve.6105 said:

> I have been trying to complete this for the last 2 weeks. No one participates in this event anymore and I am unable to complete my funerary armour collection.


Same for me. It's the last piece I need for the funerary collection. I keep checking regularly but haven't had a successful completion.

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After failing a few times, I stopped trying this event a month ago. I hoped to revisit in 1-2 months, when the community learnt how to do this event or in the update notes is something that tells me something has been done to let the event succeed more often. I need it once and never again. Unfortunately, neither has happened - it is as bad as at the first day: no established fan groups that are familiar with the event exists and the chances of failure got even worse (perceived failure rate: 100%).

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I completed it twice and it's pretty rare to get a clear. I stopped trying to do it once everything it gave dropped down in price so much that it isn't even worth doing this meta anymore.


They really need to figure out how to make this meta worth someones time. It's also not fun.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> The biggest problem is that players are lazy...they don't want to work for anything, they'd rather have it handed to them on a silver platter.


By crikey, this man's got it. Players should be grateful for the opportunity to endure poor mechanics for little to no tangible reward and no sense of accomplishment. Well, I live in a bath tub

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> @MachineManXX.9746 said:

> I'm afraid this will eventually NEVER get done. It's a MAJOR meta with very minor rewards. Nobody (not many at least) wants to put in the effort required without a good reason. There is reason to do it once, and once only, but after that, good luck finding anyone. It's a shame.


I know I was lucky to do it once for the Funerary Collection after they patched the rewards and have absolutely no intention of ever doing it again. The "find the zealot in a haystack" phase is OK, a bit dull. The breakbar phase is quite simply not fun. The final fight is fine. The rewards are terrible. Given how ArenaNet tend to move on and never look back at content I can't see this changing.


I think that the inclusion of Pallawadan and the Great Hall (even ignoring the vastly superior loot are actually really fun metas, IMO) are just two more nails in the Serpents' Ire coffin.


I just hope they add Ascended trinkets to the LW Vendors so we don't have to grind out hundreds of legendary bounties in order to buy some Grievers trinkets.

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> @LONGA.1652 said:

> Serpent Ire 2nd phase is a DPS golem with CC test. Most people on the open world don't run full DPS trait. And setting up skills for CC take time. 3 minute to that pase is bit rushing even for a full squad with instructions.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18045/organizing-serpent-ire-meta-is-painful-and-some-suggestions


Yeah, not to mention the fact that after you've set up your traits and skills for CC you find yourself with little to nothing else to throw at the zealots when you break their shield. Utility skills? Swapped out for CC skills. CC skills? Already used. So... guess I'll just auto-attack then?

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