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Crystal Oasis Chef Laraib

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I am in Crystal Oasis trying to get mastery point with Chef Laraib. I dont know how many times i have tried to complete this, probably well in excess of 100 times, been trying for a week. I am now unable to progress Story Line any further as i need the springer to get dragon crystal in desert. I need one more Mastery point to train Raptor one more level before i can get springer. I think problem is i am old and have a bit of arthritis in my fingers and I simply cannot react fast enough. How can i continue with Story line without this mastery point? or am I best to just delete game and forget all about GW2?

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You can get Mastery Points from alot of other places including replaying story for achievements or continuing to other maps for a small time. You only need the Springer to continue the story, not to explore deeper into Elona.


There's alot of extra MPs in the game and you'll have many leftover even after you max everything.


A helpful player (Mesmer or Thief) can teleport you directly to MPs that you can't get yet due to lacking a mount.


Some achievements that award MPs are also done in open-world, usually with the cooperation of other players. An example of a few you can do are "Lost Lore of Crystal Oasis", "Lost Pilgrims" and "Reins of The Raptor".


But you WILL have to do story acheivements to get enough MPs, the game is intentionally designed this way. Click on past chapters in your Story Journal and select "Replay this Chapter" then you can re-enter at the starting location to try again for achievs.


Your Achievments panel shows a purple MP icon next to those which award a Mastery Point.


As for this specific MP, you have to memorise where he will be and throw the item past him. This is known as "leading your opponent" and is a common tactic in FPS games, due to reflexes and network lag, etc. Having permanent Swiftness on your character also helps, as does using the Action Camera toggle key, which allows you to aim directly at a location without placing targetting circles.


Its important not to panic and throw the item too early and miss entirely, which resets your progress.

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Chef Laraib is the most annoying of all the HoT mastery points. There are plenty of other masteries easier to get. There are also a LOT of players who will help you get the masteries if you ask. Some players/guilds run regular event trains to collect mastery points.


The best times to seek help for alternate mastery points are weekends and days when Crystal Oasis or Desert Highlands are on the Daily Achievement rotation (either events daily or bounty daily will work). There are more veteran players on the maps then, and vet players are the most likely to help out.


Another alternative is to find mastery insights in LWS4 (if you have the episodes unlocked). There are often helpful players who will port you to out of reach mastery points if you ask. Don't worry about running out of Mastery Points, there are far more available than you can spend.


Finally, if you are dead-set on beating Chef Lariab, here's a bit of advice from when I beat the SOB. Learn where the ingredients are. Make sure the chef is targeted (so you don't lose track of him). Be patient. Sometimes he will ask for stuff that is too far apart and you can't keep up, other times he'll ask for the same ingredient 3 times in a row while standing right next to it. His requests and movement are random, so you can get eventually get a lucky run. If you have it, a Speed Booster will help you move faster and keep up with his running around (all other boosts you can give yourself are disabled during the challenge). If you have a friend player a Herald Revenant, ask him to park his character in the area with the Facet of Elements active- this will give you constant Swiftness. But above all, be patient and don't stress out. If you are getting stressed, take a break.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> As for this specific MP, you have to memorise where he will be and throw the item past him. This is known as "leading your opponent" and is a common tactic in FPS games, due to reflexes and network lag, etc. Having permanent Swiftness on your character also helps, as does using the Action Camera toggle key, which allows you to aim directly at a location without placing targetting circles.


You don't need to memorize where he will be. You need to memorize the locations to pick up specific ingredients.


Leading the target isn't necessary either if you know where the ingredients are. Just need to pay attention to see if he is about to start running and wait for him to stop before throwing. One of the tables in the middle of the room can also block throws so you have to walk around even though you should be able to throw stuff over a table ...

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