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Still issues then?

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So, I decide to come have a go at a game I haven't played properly in a while (I have been updating and login on once a day) and decide to play the new story. Anyway, get to the fire dude and beat him and then get kicked out and can't get back in.


Not exactly the experience I was hoping for and not one that makes me want to come back to the game.

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> @"Stago.7608" said:

> I don't think this happens very often, it seems to be an outage for everyone so just unlucky that this happened when you were playing


It happens often enough to make it an issue obviously. Can't even remember how many stories are buggy as hell on release so that I have had to do them multiple times just to get past the story (hint, it's usually right at the boss fight)..

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Last night's outage was very short and a very rare one. Of all the mmos I've played, this has the least problems with server outages. As for bugged releases, well that has stabilised somewhat after a bit of a run on it, but then again it's an year old MMO. Such things are not unexpected when a patch goes onto the live servers and they are fixed pretty quickly for the most part.


If it's a continuous issue for yourself, there's something else going on.

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