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New class or new race?


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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> This is a pointless discussion, because Tengu must be made playable.


> It doesn't matter when it will have to happen. We could waste hours in such a pointless argument.


> Mark my words. Even if it has to be done when alien archeologists dig up our world after we are gone and reconstruct our videogames and rebuild GW2 for their people, they will made tengu playable then. Even if they do not do it, whoever dig them up will do it.


> But It. Will. Happen.


You are awesome, and totally correct.

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I can see that it is totally possible to create an expansion that based on a new race: Tengu



Dominant of wind opened to public after season4


Story wise:

Non Tengu players now can enter dominant of wind to deal with another crisis;


Tengu players will start from lv 1 during Zhaitan crisis. He/she will has an own story until met up with a whatever commander that united the 5 races. Then the commander is killed and passed this mission to the Tengu player. Tengu player will get exciled by the Tengu home instance by accepted to help.


The tengu player story wise since they have killed Zhaitan, therefore they should go through LW S1(remake ver), LW S2, HoT, LW S3, PoF, LW S4 just fine. Their effort leads to the dominant of wind opens to public. The expansion can also include a remade version of LW S1 for expansion owner, and gemstore purchase version for whoever don’t want to buy the expansion.


This will help repopulate the lower lv core map, remake LW S1 help newer player understand the story more. It is contents that most players can enjoy.

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I really like to see Tengu as playable race even if they already said that a race wouldn't bring something new and the voice casting and stuff would be too time consuming and expensive... but i just love them.

I would even delete one of my characters to replace him with a Tengu (and i even have a free character slot but don't like the same class twice on my account).

Yes i admit that i would like to see a new class too because elite specs are never ever gonna give the new class feeling because the base class traits and weapon skills would always be the same, for example a ritualist would be a necromancer spec i guess or maybe revenant but that wouldn't feel as a ritualist at all with all the necro wibes or heavy classed revenant.

But for me a race offers more in the aspect of content because i expacting a new starter area and a little story content to that race which would make it an expansion feature like content. So if i have to choose i'll take the Tengu over the ritualist.

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Why you guys all saying Tengu? Because Dominion of the Winds would be a good starting area? Please no PoF spoilers.


But, would Tengu be good enough a variety? What would make them different to the other bipedal races? Aren't they just a little less feline variants of Charr, so to speak?


If you ask me I would find the idea of playing a Largos way more intriguing. But not sure what they may still have planned for them and the








deep-sea dragon.

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My Tengu obsession reaches back to Guild Wars 1 also i like those feathered colorful birdlike creatures more then goth or what it is like Largos for example. For me Largos are too human like and i like to see some more beast or animal like races (no matter the clipping issues). Also Guild Wars 2 Tengu are Cantha remains even if there were Tengu in Kryta they way they are dressed and cultural influenced are canthan themed now.

At least thats my reason why i vote for Tengu.

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In a game where everyone and their cousins are playing human female a new race would be a waste of ressources imo - For what purpose? to keep playing human female?


Same with the classes. More classes means more ballance problems - better ballance the ones we already have.

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New race: -Tengu (would work well if Cantha will be the setting of our next expansion)

-Largo (would work well if we get more info about the underwater dragon and more underwater content in upcoming living story updates or expansions)


New class: 3 New Classes at the same time would be a great option for Anet to do with their next expansion, 1 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light armor class.


Heavy: Dragoons (Heavy armor class that can channel all the dragon types magic energies to help fight fight)

Medium: Gladiator (Medium armor class that is a master with weapons and dps but has less defense or armor)

Light: Ritualist (Summoner, Summon spirits, animals, or beings from the mists or other realms to help them fight)

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Please no more human duplicate races.

Yes, I'm talking about those white haired, pale humans with black leathery armor, black wing backpack and black breather masks whose only difference from a normal human is to have different ears, pose as "mysterious" and bathe most of the day.

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I am not a huge fan of the armor system so my personal opinion is, if they add new races, just give them outfits! Make some of the armor sets outfits and give them cultural outfits unique to their race. This gives the artists freedom to rework the armors to be drastically different from the model that is recycled for the race while limiting the extra work involved with reworking armors retroactively. I feel, if all they did was just do minor alterations to the Charr armor so it fits on Tengu (for example) would ultimately not look very good AND not really warrant the necessary work involved with pushing to add more races.


If all the devs had to do was make more and unique outfits for new races, I feel they could add more than one race and the looks they could achieve would still be nice. If you had the option of armor rework for the Tengu race that looks a lot like Charr armor but with an altered tail hole and helmet or having Tengu, Kodan AND Largos but limited to outfits all of which would look quite different from Charr, Norn and Human respectively, which would you pick?

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I just really want the Tengu. I want them. Especially because I know they were on the verge of existing, I want to see someone SAB them into existence. I would definitely make a few new characters just for them.


I went through all the posts after making my own. I adore how every single person who opted to name a race, for those of us that chose race, named Tengu. It's pretty clear that the community would really enjoy them in the game.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > None of these is going to happen anyway.


> we got revenant, and look how that turned out

> they will prolly try tengu at some point


The more content they release without new race, the less likely option of new race is. They would have to record retroactively old content voiceovers and make schedules for future content. New race is by far more of a problem than new profession.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> I am not a huge fan of the armor system so my personal opinion is, if they add new races, just give them outfits! Make some of the armor sets outfits and give them cultural outfits unique to their race. This gives the artists freedom to rework the armors to be drastically different from the model that is recycled for the race while limiting the extra work involved with reworking armors retroactively. I feel, if all they did was just do minor alterations to the Charr armor so it fits on Tengu (for example) would ultimately not look very good AND not really warrant the necessary work involved with pushing to add more races.


I despise outfits with all my soul. I prefer some clipping to rigid designs that doesn't give me any creative freedom. Outfit are just a cheap excuse. I'm totally opposed to this idea, and I don't think I'm the only one. ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14819/outfits-vs-armor-skins-which-do-you-prefer/p1 )


> If all the devs had to do was make more and unique outfits for new races, I feel they could add more than one race and the looks they could achieve would still be nice. If you had the option of armor rework for the Tengu race that looks a lot like Charr armor but with an altered tail hole and helmet or having Tengu, Kodan AND Largos but limited to outfits all of which would look quite different from Charr, Norn and Human respectively, which would you pick?


Just Tengu with mix and match armor, 100%.

I not only don't want outfits, I also think Kodan and Largos are the worst possible choices for new playable races.


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New races and new classes all sound great, but aside from a fond memory for a Spirit Lord Ritualist, I think we have plenty.


There are many things that need to be addressed before they even think of adding another class or worse, another race. Sorry, Tengu lovers... (I like them too, but I can wait.)

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3 for each armor, there's plenty that covers all styles. Will most likely be more specs, but introducing a new race sounds ok - though people may not like it if the race is very cool and they have to redo everything like map completion symbols.


But hey, I would very happy if a new profession was added.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > I am not a huge fan of the armor system so my personal opinion is, if they add new races, just give them outfits! Make some of the armor sets outfits and give them cultural outfits unique to their race. This gives the artists freedom to rework the armors to be drastically different from the model that is recycled for the race while limiting the extra work involved with reworking armors retroactively. I feel, if all they did was just do minor alterations to the Charr armor so it fits on Tengu (for example) would ultimately not look very good AND not really warrant the necessary work involved with pushing to add more races.


> I despise outfits with all my soul. I prefer some clipping to rigid designs that doesn't give me any creative freedom. Outfit are just a cheap excuse. I'm totally opposed to this idea, and I don't think I'm the only one. ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14819/outfits-vs-armor-skins-which-do-you-prefer/p1 )



The thing is, you don't hate outfits, you hate the limitations of outfits. There's a difference.


For me, I can look at an outfit and 80% of the time it will look cooler, more sleek, more polished, more unique than most armor I come across and I was more a fan of the older armor sets. Most of the newer sets are overly designed, bulky and gaudy. So why would I want more of that? So I can be the special-est of all the special snowflakes?


There are other faults with the armor system but I'll leave it at that and posters that refuse to acknowledge them don't have a strong argument against my points.


PS: 250 votes? Lol you do realize polls are pointless, here, yes?

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Tengu!Anet has been working on their bird/feather textures game:


Maguuma Quetzal Tengu


Guild Hall Avicara(?) Tengu


Mists Tengu


Vigil Tengu (older model)


> "Morphologically, griffons bear a strong resemblance to the tengu species/people. Both are avianoid, with beaks, feathers, and clawed phalanges. Their pinnae are also strikingly similar in structure and are most likely homologous features, much like their forelimbs and hind-limbs are, having a common origin to one another.">


> "The Clouded Corvus, _Gryps corax nebulosae_ (shown above), is a different species of griffon than the common greater griffon (_Gryps gryps gryps_) which can be found in the arid and windy landscapes of Elona. They are, however, in the same genus: _Gryps_, of "greater griffons". Clouded Corvus griffons are predominantly found in the misty temperate rain-forests of the Woodland Cascades, but have been spotted ranging as far as the alpine forests of the Shiverpeaks--such as the Griffon Old Growth. The Corvus griffons are the only other species of griffon that are omnivorous (the other being the Sylph Griffon) and may occasionally dig up and consume tuberous vegetables--to supplement their diet of prey animals and grains like corn and wheat--much to the distress of the unfortunate farmer. The tails of the Clouded Corvus most closely resemble the tails of tengu, rather than those of other griffons and lesser griffons (_Gryps-parvus spp._) whose tails more resemble those of charr--the similarities of the latter (between the tails of griffons and charr) are more likely a result of convergent evolution and are analogous in nature to one another.">


> > "The Spotted Slyph griffon, _Gryps sylphes occulatae_ (pictured above), on the other hand, prefers dense humid jungle and makes its home in the heart of the Maguuma Jungle. Its spotted and counter-shaded plumage helps it to camouflage seamlessly in the dense dappled canopy of foliage. Its range overlaps slightly with that of the Clouded Corvus but are not known to interbreed with them. It is thought that their tails are partially prehensile, an adaptation which serves to improve balance in the dense treetops. Anyone who has encountered a griffon will remember seeing wing-claws protruding from the wrist section of their wings and wondered what they were for. For the Spotted Sylph, these appendages assist in clambering through branches and are especially helpful when they are young and are blown out of the nest in heavy storms. Speaking of wet weather, to protect itself from the damp conditions of the jungle, the Sylph's uropygial gland produces a near-excessive amount of preen oil which assists in reducing feather pests due to its anti-parasitic, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal properties. Like the Corvus griffon, the Spotted Sylph is omnivorous: in addition to its diet of fresh saurian meat, of course, it enjoys consuming the plentiful fruits of the jungle with other frugivorous creatures of the jungle.">


> > "The Highland Harrier griffon, _Gryps circus collinae_ (displayed above), occupies the highlands of Ascalon--namely, the Blazeridge Steppes--but range into the Elonian highlands as well as the eastern hills of the Shiverpeaks and Steamspur Mountains. It has been reported that the Harrier griffon's feathers and flesh are poisonous to consume due to the batrachotoxins present in feather and skin samples taken for analysis. Observations of its depredation upon venomous krait and poisonous hylek, among other creatures like: spiders, wasps, mosquitoes, devourers, bats, wurms, sand eels, ibogas and skale may explain how the Highlands Harrier metabolises and then incorporates the various toxins into its system. Highland Harriers typically prefer to nest in craggy outcroppings and caves below the alpine snowline on mountainsides, as opposed to treetops like the Corvus and Sylph griffons, or open-ground-nests as with the lesser griffons, and more like the cliff-side nests of common griffons and Badlands griffons.">


> > "Badlands Stalkers (a.k.a. Badlands griffons), _Gryps volatus taciturnae_ (shown above), are silent fliers, soaring across canyons on thermals rising from the baked stone of the cliffs they call home. Ranging from the deserts of Elona and the Blazeridge Mountains to the canyons of Maguuma Wastes and the Steamspurs in-between, Badlands Stalkers are among the most wide-ranging (though, not most common) of griffon species. Their stockier build allows them to thrive in both hot and cold climates, ranging farther into chillier regions than all other greater griffon species (other than the common greater griffon), though they require warm columns of air to hunt effectively. Specialised down feathers, called 'pulviplumes' help to insulate the griffon from temperature extremes as well as providing a copious amount of feather dust which it uses to blind foes." > --excerpts from 'Descriptions of Griffon Subspecies: A Feathered Flurry'.Tweet, tweet! :star:
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Tengu ! The domain of winds is just dead space on the map make it the starting area and start them at a higher level thus avoiding personal story. I hear a lot of complaining about resources not being available who's to say they haven't already done the groundwork ? Tengu are practically already in the game they've been in the code from day one, we don't need new classes with elites being a thing now and elites need a serious overhaul, anyone thought about what happens when we run out of weapons ?

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