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New class or new race?


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> None because:


> - adding a new reace would take up huge amounts of ressources which would barely have any benefit to the playerbase besides some new character models. The shiny of this would become insignificant faster than PoF content

> - adding a new class is not going to happen since we have an even split of 3 light, 3 medium and 3 heavy classes. Elite specialisations are what we get instead of new classes>


> @sorudo.9054 said:

> > if ppl worry less about how much work it might be and more about how much fun it could be we would have half the things we asked for already, and i thought i was negative about GW2......


> Yes because closing ones eyes to reality and screaming:"but I want it, I want it, I want it." works wonders. Like it or not, ressources are limited and finite.




but closing both eyes and scream "it takes to long so no" doesn't help at all, if ppl open both eyes and see what is possible then something might actually happen.

i rather see 1/10 suggestion happen with an open mind then kick any and all suggestion out of the window that takes more then a week of dev time, if the planning is done right they can do more with less resources.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

if the planning is done right they can do more with less resources.


A couple of things missed in your philosophy, Horatio:

* There's a limit to how much efficiency a company can gain from improving planning. ANet might have reached the point of diminishing returns on that ... or it might be the case that they are past the balance between efficiency and quality.

* Having more resources doesn't mean that this is the best use of those resources.

* There are other factors required to produce new content: voice acting, translations, reward balancing, impact of future specializations on balance, etc.. And other factors involved for new races: impact on future animation|armor|weapons, inclusion of new races in the stories, voice acting, etc.


It's not impossible or "too hard" or "too much time" for ANet to add a new race to GW2. It's that, on balance, it's not going to be the best use of whatever resources it takes. If they can "do more with less resources," then (for example) it might be better (for the game's long term health) to release LS episodes in 4-6 weeks rather than 8-12. Or add more instanced content. Or (pretending that teams are interchangeable), giving more attention to WvW or PvP. Or adding voice pack options to the existing races.


Personally, I'd love it if there were new races in the game. They can be a lot of fun, but... not for everyone; some people don't enjoy it at all. Further, most people end up choosing one race for most of their characters (e.g. because most armor looks better on humans & norn or asura feel like they run faster or due to voice acting preferences etc). The joy of a new race even for fans of new races tends to be short-lived; eventually, it's just like any other new content that gets taken for granted when the next, shinier thing comes along.



It's not _just_ a matter of doing more with less; it's also a matter of choosing what's the most fun for the most people over the longest periods of time.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> Personally, I'd love it if there were new races in the game. They can be a lot of fun, but... not for everyone; some people don't enjoy it at all. Further, most people end up choosing one race for most of their characters (e.g. because most armor looks better on humans & norn or asura feel like they run faster or due to voice acting preferences etc). The joy of a new race even for fans of new races tends to be short-lived; eventually, it's just like any other new content that gets taken for granted when the next, shinier thing comes along.

> ****


> It's not _just_ a matter of doing more with less; it's also a matter of choosing what's the most fun for the most people over the longest periods of time.




As true as that maybe, it would also mean that you would never do a maintenance job beside the absolute technical minimum and concentrate purely on instant gain aka gemstore items. If you think about it in a way that shinier is always better then a solid feature for anyone, the next step would probably be that your new shiny is already dull tomorrow and granted like a doormat next week so it does not make sense to buy it today if you are sensible for the gain vs cost equation.


That clipping issue is as old as GW2. Of course you can argue that they should fix that first, but I guess we all know that this won´t happen. Therefore it sounds kind of irrational for me to argue that ressources would be used better on housing, underwater or finally a festival that was not repeated ad nauseum.


I personally don´t have a problem when the new race would share thier voice actor with another race. I play without sound most of the time anyway,I would listen once and then forget about it anyway. Maybe it is time to change the personal story in something technically simpler to make it more flexible? I would also settle for text messages only for a new race as I am not too keen on replaying Zhaitan again and again and again...


If Anet knew ow to produce an absolute winner that leaves many questions answered and many wishes fullfilled, they would have already done that.

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Classes are pretty much covered. 3 light, 3 med, 3 heavy each with 2 elite expansion specs (at time of writing) makes for 27 fairly unique classes. By the next expansion we'll have 36, and that doesn't even include all the weird build variations you can make. The work needed to make all of these classes viable, balanced and fun is already proving a huge challenge.


Aside from better balance , I'd prefer that time went into better animations, physics, faces and hair for the races we already have, some beautification and gameplay updates to core maps and an upgrade to DX11+. Would help prevent losing players to 'prettier' but shallower new MMO's (specifically BDO). Despite its flaws GW2 is a great game with a great community, and it deserves a bigger population.

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While both a new Profession and or Species would obviously be great for different reasons, I think addressing core problems is far more important right now.


I would value a core balance overhaul over a new Species or Profession any day.


Sure, a new Species would provide a nice starting point for new players to come in, but it's hard to say how big of a pull that would actually be, especially with ArenaNet's marketing capabilities (or lack thereof). All while requiring massive work in form of adding new starting zones, story, voice acting and exclusive armour sets.


A new Profession, while sounding great in theory as it provides something entirely fresh and new themes, I think would get old and boring very quickly.

Looking at the Rev, it already has a pretty out there theme for a class. What theme is actually desperately missing, that a Elite Specialisation for one of the existing classes couldn't fill adequately?

The additional work for multiple catch up Elite Specs for another profession would be massive and just another balance nightmare, all while upsetting the current 3 Heavy, Medium, Light armour and health balance and making the HUD look wonky.


There are so many dead Traits or even entire Traitlines in the game right now and overhauling these in a massive balance patch could make entire core professions, and with it elite specs that synergise with the new traits, feel fresh and exciting, without people having to give up on their existing characters.


In short, instead of a new Species, I would prefer a core game overhaul and instead of a Profession I would prefer a core balance and design overhaul and more fleshed out Elite Specs (and more of them).

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > None of these is going to happen anyway.


> we got revenant, and look how that turned out

> they will prolly try tengu at some point


The Revenant was already planned for a longer time. It was on the drawing board for years. A new race is not. If they consider a new race now it won't be done in time for the next expansion.

Neither will be another class

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