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Make 2nd Generation Legendary tradable on TP


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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?


> No one said that gen 2 legendarys are skill based. They are effort based and time spent. Some of the latest gen2 are even mostly gold based, so if you want to credit card warrior up, go ahead. Getting the reast of the materials is not that tedious. If you can't even invest that much time, well tough cookie.

Actually, the comment I was quoting did imply that Gen 2 indicates skill, since people with Gen 1 get called out for being unskilled based on that alone while Gen 2 does not. This implies that Gen 2 somehow indicates skill level.

Tough cookie, indeed. You seem to think I am complaining I can't get a Gen 2. I am not. I know what's involved and it's my choice. Time spent to you is time wasted to me. They are not worth the time required, IMO, and I choose not to pursue them and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. If I wanted them bad enough, I'd do it. They may very well release one I really want that'll change my mind, but as of now, none of them are appealing enough to me.

I mean, look at this quote from this thread:

> @Butch.4957 said:

> I spent the better part of the year making two legendary weapons at the same time. Let me tell you, it felt like my soul was being drained out of my body the entire while. I considered it worth it in order to make such prestige items. I wanted to be able to display my weapons proudly.


> TLDR: if you are not willing to spend the time and effort to make the weapon (half of the materials can be purchased with in game gold) then you should not have the right to buy it from somebody who did spend the time and effort to make it

Almost a year and felt like the soul being drained from your body. Yeah, sounds exactly what I want from a game. And then to put some prestige in it and wants to make damn well sure every else suffers the same soul draining experience if they want that flashy skin. Unless you do that same suffering, you don't have the right to a skin. Really?

This may be appealing to some people, but others like having options.


> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either.


> Good for you, others did the same and again others took the credit card approach. To bad there is no way to distinguish any of them ingame.

Why do you need to distinguish them? Why is so important to know if someone bought or crafted? You stated yourself that Gen 2 does not indicate skill level. So why does this matter? What's the fascination with how someone else chose to spend their time and/or money? I don't care, they can even add a title for people who craft them so they can display it if they want. It'll still mean nothing to me, but if it gets more options out there, I'm all for it.

Yes, others took the credit card approach. Good for them, I assume that means they have jobs and support themselves enough to be able to indulge in flashy things where they may not have time to farm it. Which was the only point I was trying to make. Different people have different resources. Some have time, some have money, some have a mixture of both. Gen 1 covers just about every one in being able to be acquired through many different means.


> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.


> Fine, no gen2 legendarys for you then. You'll survive.

As I said above, I wasn't complaining. At least not about Gen 2. Though yes, perhaps about people who assign prestige to things in games that are acquired via time only and desperately want to make sure no one else can acquire it any other way. It always seems to come off in MMO's that people with more time than others think they entitled to more, but when someone has more money, it's an abomination. I mean, reverse this argument and see how good it looks - take away gold to gem conversions. If you don't have the real life funds to buy gems, then you don't have the right to buy things with them. Blasphemy, right? But it's the exact same argument for time (and to be clear that's not something I actually advocate). Why can't both be options and suit everyone in between? Like Gen 1 does...


> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.

> >


> If it didn't matter, you wouldn't be here complaining would you?

It wasn't a complaint. It doesn't matter because a credit card warrior can buy a Legendary and actually be good and destroy you, while someone who "earned" a Gen 2 could be a terrible player. Or the reverse can be true. One thing this game doesn't have a true power creep like many MMO's do where your gear is the biggest factor and determines the outcome of a fight.

Anyone who's judging other players skills based on their skins (or how they got them) is stupid as no skin in this game is indicative of any skill. Anyone who takes someone serious that makes comments and tries to troll based on weapon skin is ridiculous. Some nobody in PvP trash talks and judges a skin? Well, who cares what that idiot thinks and actually takes him seriously? Wear your Gen 1 skins and be proud.

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I didn't read the whole thread, but who addresses the crafting of a t2 to the word **prestige** should take a cold shower and think about what is really the effort they put on the item, golds needed apart.


It's simply a snake and ladders with no difficulty.

Just time sink ( map completion, take part to some eventes, etc... ).


To me these people are simply scared of losing something which first was esclusive for some players.

And i also happened to see a huge hate towards players who use golds to buy their stuff instead of farming it ( and the question could be **if it's slower the other why, or simply annoying, why should I?** )

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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?


> > No one said that gen 2 legendarys are skill based. They are effort based and time spent. Some of the latest gen2 are even mostly gold based, so if you want to credit card warrior up, go ahead. Getting the reast of the materials is not that tedious. If you can't even invest that much time, well tough cookie.

> Actually, the comment I was quoting did imply that Gen 2 indicates skill, since people with Gen 1 get called out for being unskilled based on that alone while Gen 2 does not. This implies that Gen 2 somehow indicates skill level.

> Tough cookie, indeed. You seem to think I am complaining I can't get a Gen 2. I am not. I know what's involved and it's my choice. Time spent to you is time wasted to me. They are not worth the time required, IMO, and I choose not to pursue them and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. If I wanted them bad enough, I'd do it. They may very well release one I really want that'll change my mind, but as of now, none of them are appealing enough to me.

> I mean, look at this quote from this thread:

> > @Butch.4957 said:

> > I spent the better part of the year making two legendary weapons at the same time. Let me tell you, it felt like my soul was being drained out of my body the entire while. I considered it worth it in order to make such prestige items. I wanted to be able to display my weapons proudly.

> >

> > TLDR: if you are not willing to spend the time and effort to make the weapon (half of the materials can be purchased with in game gold) then you should not have the right to buy it from somebody who did spend the time and effort to make it

> Almost a year and felt like the soul being drained from your body. Yeah, sounds exactly what I want from a game. And then to put some prestige in it and wants to make kitten well sure every else suffers the same soul draining experience if they want that flashy skin. Unless you do that same suffering, you don't have the right to a skin. Really?

> This may be appealing to some people, but others like having options.


> > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either.

> >

> > Good for you, others did the same and again others took the credit card approach. To bad there is no way to distinguish any of them ingame.

> Why do you need to distinguish them? Why is so important to know if someone bought or crafted? You stated yourself that Gen 2 does not indicate skill level. So why does this matter? What's the fascination with how someone else chose to spend their time and/or money? I don't care, they can even add a title for people who craft them so they can display it if they want. It'll still mean nothing to me, but if it gets more options out there, I'm all for it.

> Yes, others took the credit card approach. Good for them, I assume that means they have jobs and support themselves enough to be able to indulge in flashy things where they may not have time to farm it. Which was the only point I was trying to make. Different people have different resources. Some have time, some have money, some have a mixture of both. Gen 1 covers just about every one in being able to be acquired through many different means.


> > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.

> >

> > Fine, no gen2 legendarys for you then. You'll survive.

> As I said above, I wasn't complaining. At least not about Gen 2. Though yes, perhaps about people who assign prestige to things in games that are acquired via time only and desperately want to make sure no one else can acquire it any other way. It always seems to come off in MMO's that people with more time than others think they entitled to more, but when someone has more money, it's an abomination. I mean, reverse this argument and see how good it looks - take away gold to gem conversions. If you don't have the real life funds to buy gems, then you don't have the right to buy things with them. Blasphemy, right? But it's the exact same argument for time (and to be clear that's not something I actually advocate). Why can't both be options and suit everyone in between? Like Gen 1 does...


> > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.

> > >

> >

> > If it didn't matter, you wouldn't be here complaining would you?

> It wasn't a complaint. It doesn't matter because a credit card warrior can buy a Legendary and actually be good and destroy you, while someone who "earned" a Gen 2 could be a terrible player. Or the reverse can be true. One thing this game doesn't have a true power creep like many MMO's do where your gear is the biggest factor and determines the outcome of a fight.

> Anyone who's judging other players skills based on their skins (or how they got them) is stupid as no skin in this game is indicative of any skill. Anyone who takes someone serious that makes comments and tries to troll based on weapon skin is ridiculous. Some nobody in PvP trash talks and judges a skin? Well, who cares what that idiot thinks and actually takes him seriously? Wear your Gen 1 skins and be proud.


I already told you, gen2 is more about perseverance and rarity of the skin, not player skill. They have no added functionality or other benefit over gen1. From a pure rational argument, getting gen1 makes more sense since they are far cheaper.


You wrote many walls of text saying the same thing over and over, and left the out the one comment which answered you repeating argument of:"what does it matter".


Here, let me requote myself:


> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> Actually it does. Gen 1 legendarys are so common now, people have started reskinning them for ages. Rarity has value. Keeping Gen 2 legendarys rare makes them more valuable skin wise. It's a very basic economic principle actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity_value


You enjoy bringing real life prosperity and achievements into this game, many other people/players enjoy getting away from their real life when playing. Both approaches are valid. You not accepting the way things are in GW2 does not invalidate them. You might not value ingame achievements, others do. Taking it further, why the hell are you even playing a video game, get to working, family and improving society.


That's the main problem with the:"nothing matters" argument. Nothing does matter in a video game, so why are you still playing?

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For the record, a few things:


1. I never said anything about 2nd gen legandaries being skillful to **attain** - they are extremely tedious time sinks. But the fact is you have to put in the effort to overcome such tedious tasks - you can't get them instantly with no effort like you can gen 1.


2. While of course I know a players skill is independent of how they dress their character, ie good players dressed as light bulbs and bad players in basic skins, the subconscious bias exists of seeing a player decked in all the finery with nice fancy titles is overcompensating and a player dressed in basic gear is not to be underestimated especially once seeing how said players play.


3. Funnily enough I would have thought gen 2 legendries should be more frowned upon because to get them you've not been playing pvp at all and so if any bias exists it would make more sense to be here. But in my experience I don't see this - maybe because gen 1 legendaries are more flashy (of the two that I have, one is far more subtle an effect than the other so this could affect the situation), I don't know. But it's usually the other way around.


Overall while yes I could deck myself up in all the bling and play well, I'd rather minimise negative attention by reducing the amount of bling. The less bullkitten I read in chat, the better my game time is.


Anyway I really don't want to get into heated argument over essentially nothing - especially what is a moot point. Anet are highly unlikely to make gen 2 legendaries be sellable as it would have too many repercussions.

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My two cent... i feel that all items should be saleable up to ascended, but on the same idea legendary should be account bound upon creation. I have been playing since gw1 and was very excited when legendaries were introduced. Then heart broken after spending countless hours busting my crackers crafting my sunrise gs, only to have someone with less than 200 achivement points have the same sword. Yes they are alot of effort to craft, but that is why we play,right?

One issue i have is why aren'tall items salvagable. They all take mats to make, so breaking them down will help with mat gathering. Just a thought.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:


> I already told you, gen2 is more about perseverance and rarity of the skin, not player skill. They have no added functionality or other benefit over gen1. From a pure rational argument, getting gen1 makes more sense since they are far cheaper.


> You wrote many walls of text saying the same thing over and over, and left the out the one comment which answered you repeating argument of:"what does it matter".


> Here, let me requote myself:


> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > Actually it does. Gen 1 legendarys are so common now, people have started reskinning them for ages. Rarity has value. Keeping Gen 2 legendarys rare makes them more valuable skin wise. It's a very basic economic principle actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity_value


> You enjoy bringing real life prosperity and achievements into this game, many other people/players enjoy getting away from their real life when playing. Both approaches are valid. You not accepting the way things are in GW2 does not invalidate them. You might not value ingame achievements, others do. Taking it further, why the hell are you even playing a video game, get to working, family and improving society.


> That's the main problem with the:"nothing matters" argument. Nothing does matter in a video game, so why are you still playing?

And I already told you that didn't originate with me, I was replying to a quote from the OP.

I ignored your quote because it doesn't even address the question I asked. I know you didn't do more than skim the walls of text because you still think I have a problem with Gen 2 and don't accept it, when that wasn't the point I was trying to make and said that I did. It's clearly lost on this, based on the whacky philosophical ending of that post.



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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:


> > I already told you, gen2 is more about perseverance and rarity of the skin, not player skill. They have no added functionality or other benefit over gen1. From a pure rational argument, getting gen1 makes more sense since they are far cheaper.

> >

> > You wrote many walls of text saying the same thing over and over, and left the out the one comment which answered you repeating argument of:"what does it matter".

> >

> > Here, let me requote myself:

> >

> > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > Actually it does. Gen 1 legendarys are so common now, people have started reskinning them for ages. Rarity has value. Keeping Gen 2 legendarys rare makes them more valuable skin wise. It's a very basic economic principle actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity_value

> >

> > You enjoy bringing real life prosperity and achievements into this game, many other people/players enjoy getting away from their real life when playing. Both approaches are valid. You not accepting the way things are in GW2 does not invalidate them. You might not value ingame achievements, others do. Taking it further, why the hell are you even playing a video game, get to working, family and improving society.

> >

> > That's the main problem with the:"nothing matters" argument. Nothing does matter in a video game, so why are you still playing?

> And I already told you that didn't originate with me, I was replying to a quote from the OP.

> I ignored your quote because it doesn't even address the question I asked. I know you didn't do more than skim the walls of text because you still think I have a problem with Gen 2 and don't accept it, when that wasn't the point I was trying to make and said that I did. It's clearly lost on this, based on the whacky philosophical ending of that post.




You asked why people should feel or associate value with ingame items which are more related to grind than skill. You repeatedly mentioned how it does not make sense to you.


I responded to this that it's mostly due to rarity. Keeping items rare makes them more valuable.


Still waiting on an argument which disproves or argues against why this should be a thing.



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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> It wasn't a complaint. It doesn't matter because a credit card warrior can buy a Legendary and actually be good and destroy you, while someone who "earned" a Gen 2 could be a terrible player. Or the reverse can be true. One thing this game doesn't have a true power creep like many MMO's do where your gear is the biggest factor and determines the outcome of a fight.

> Anyone who's judging other players skills based on their skins (or how they got them) is stupid as no skin in this game is indicative of any skill. Anyone who takes someone serious that makes comments and tries to troll based on weapon skin is ridiculous. Some nobody in PvP trash talks and judges a skin? Well, who cares what that idiot thinks and actually takes him seriously? Wear your Gen 1 skins and be proud.


Not to mention that since a Skin is Account bound, I could have earned the skin with one character (which I am good at) and used the skin on another character that I am bad at. So how decorated a character is, is irrelevant to how well the person can play that character, Case In point, some of most expensive skins are on my Ele, that I have had parked in DR, and just to farm my home instance.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> >

> > > I already told you, gen2 is more about perseverance and rarity of the skin, not player skill. They have no added functionality or other benefit over gen1. From a pure rational argument, getting gen1 makes more sense since they are far cheaper.

> > >

> > > You wrote many walls of text saying the same thing over and over, and left the out the one comment which answered you repeating argument of:"what does it matter".

> > >

> > > Here, let me requote myself:

> > >

> > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > > Actually it does. Gen 1 legendarys are so common now, people have started reskinning them for ages. Rarity has value. Keeping Gen 2 legendarys rare makes them more valuable skin wise. It's a very basic economic principle actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity_value

> > >

> > > You enjoy bringing real life prosperity and achievements into this game, many other people/players enjoy getting away from their real life when playing. Both approaches are valid. You not accepting the way things are in GW2 does not invalidate them. You might not value ingame achievements, others do. Taking it further, why the hell are you even playing a video game, get to working, family and improving society.

> > >

> > > That's the main problem with the:"nothing matters" argument. Nothing does matter in a video game, so why are you still playing?

> > And I already told you that didn't originate with me, I was replying to a quote from the OP.

> > I ignored your quote because it doesn't even address the question I asked. I know you didn't do more than skim the walls of text because you still think I have a problem with Gen 2 and don't accept it, when that wasn't the point I was trying to make and said that I did. It's clearly lost on this, based on the whacky philosophical ending of that post.

> >

> >


> You asked why people should feel or associate value with ingame items which are more related to grind than skill. You repeatedly mentioned how it does not make sense to you.


> I responded to this that it's mostly due to rarity. Keeping items rare makes them more valuable.


> Still waiting on an argument which disproves or argues against why this should be a thing.




Yah.. but having an item be worth 1000 Gold.. would also keep it pretty rare, give the limited number of people that Could/Would shell out that kind of Gold/Grind effort (or RL monies) just for a weapon skin.

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> @Skobel.6920 said:

> Hell no.

> Crafting them demands both materials you can buy on TP and account bound, so this is not that you need to farm every single thing.

> Yet still, they are LEGENDARIES. Didn't we forgot the powerfull meaning of this word? They should be proof that you put some real effort into this game.



Not all weapons have the same crafting requirements. The sword for example really only requires completing HoT maps and WvW, a lot of it can be bought or take no time to obtain. Are we really going to say map completions of a handful of maps is "some real effort"? Making 2,500+ gold to buy the weapon would take more time and effort than these easy map completions even if you were a GEM seller due to maintaining a job taking far more effort. Even the part where you have to WvW is effortless, you can basically afk for a lot of it and get the gift after a few hours of doing nothing.

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Honestly... I think letting Legendaries be tradable in the first place was a giant mistake... however, that said... it was a bigger mistake to make second gen non-tradable when first gen was already tradable... the mistake of making them tradable already happened, it was senseless and pointless to make the second gen non-tradeable.

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Regardless of our personal opinions on the topic — and clearly those are varied — no one has given ANet any reason to change the status quo. ANet went through a lot of effort to satisfy the group of players that think Legendaries should demonstrate dedication to an in-game project; they aren't going to undo all that work just because another group simply wants to be able to buy rather than build.


Where we might influence ANet is in future legendary weapons (if ANet even bothers to go down that road, after all the grief they've taken for Gen 1, 2.0, and 2.1 legends, admittedly, some of it well-deserved).


Personally, I have no problem with l-weapons being bound or not. I'm in favor of letting the market decide what things are worth, rather than ANet. At the same time, I can see the benefit of being able to wield a shiny that cannot be bought for love or money. What I hope is that ANet continues to offer a mix of rewards, with things that are collection/hunt bound (e.g. Aurora), things that can be done once per account (e.g specialization weapons), things that can be crafted & sold (e.g. Gen1), and things that can only be acquired via gems.

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> @starhunter.6015 said:

> Oh Kitten NO, Just No the reason many see the Gen 2 Legendaries as more of a real Legendary since it is earned and Crafted more so then the Gen 1's . Making the Gen 1 tradable kinda takes away from their prestige.



There's no prestige in crafting a legendary.

Only a Matter of time sink on easy tasks.

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> @Titan.3472 said:

> Because it would impact 1st generation of legendary weapons market price down in the first place and boost all required materials prices up to craft the now tradable 2nd generation of legendary weapons now newly available for a new legendary weapons market. Impact would be on wealth redistribution across players will be based on the basic mats provided & sold by players and controlled and bought by market flippers.


Bad idea. You can only ever make 1 of each gen 2 legendary, because there are no random precursor drops for them.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > >

> > > > I already told you, gen2 is more about perseverance and rarity of the skin, not player skill. They have no added functionality or other benefit over gen1. From a pure rational argument, getting gen1 makes more sense since they are far cheaper.

> > > >

> > > > You wrote many walls of text saying the same thing over and over, and left the out the one comment which answered you repeating argument of:"what does it matter".

> > > >

> > > > Here, let me requote myself:

> > > >

> > > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > > > Actually it does. Gen 1 legendarys are so common now, people have started reskinning them for ages. Rarity has value. Keeping Gen 2 legendarys rare makes them more valuable skin wise. It's a very basic economic principle actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity_value

> > > >

> > > > You enjoy bringing real life prosperity and achievements into this game, many other people/players enjoy getting away from their real life when playing. Both approaches are valid. You not accepting the way things are in GW2 does not invalidate them. You might not value ingame achievements, others do. Taking it further, why the hell are you even playing a video game, get to working, family and improving society.

> > > >

> > > > That's the main problem with the:"nothing matters" argument. Nothing does matter in a video game, so why are you still playing?

> > > And I already told you that didn't originate with me, I was replying to a quote from the OP.

> > > I ignored your quote because it doesn't even address the question I asked. I know you didn't do more than skim the walls of text because you still think I have a problem with Gen 2 and don't accept it, when that wasn't the point I was trying to make and said that I did. It's clearly lost on this, based on the whacky philosophical ending of that post.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > You asked why people should feel or associate value with ingame items which are more related to grind than skill. You repeatedly mentioned how it does not make sense to you.

> >

> > I responded to this that it's mostly due to rarity. Keeping items rare makes them more valuable.

> >

> > Still waiting on an argument which disproves or argues against why this should be a thing.

> >

> >


> Yah.. but having an item be worth 1000 Gold.. would also keep it pretty rare, give the limited number of people that Could/Would shell out that kind of Gold/Grind effort (or RL monies) just for a weapon skin.


Going by how widespread gen1 legendarys are, not really.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > Seriously they are easy enuff for anyone to get. No rng involved only dedication. Map completion is only 4 maps.


> ONLY 4 maps, he says.. you do realize that one of the worst maps in the entire game, Tangled Depths, is one of those 4 maps, right?


Tangled Depths gets easier with time, like everything else. The only hard part of map completion is some of HP that you can't solo. For me that about 4.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > Seriously they are easy enuff for anyone to get. No rng involved only dedication. Map completion is only 4 maps.


> ONLY 4 maps, he says.. you do realize that ~~one of the worst maps~~ the best map in the entire game, Tangled Depths, is one of those 4 maps, right?



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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > Seriously they are easy enuff for anyone to get. No rng involved only dedication. Map completion is only 4 maps.

> >

> > ONLY 4 maps, he says.. you do realize that ~~one of the worst maps~~ the best map in the entire game, Tangled Depths, is one of those 4 maps, right?




Heh, agreed - TD map completion is fun. DS map completion is the real chore, and VB is just boring.

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Alot of people in this thread saying "Work for it and earn it" and I majorly support that concept but I think it should be an option at least. This concept of I want to show off my hard earned shines feels a bit awkward imo do we not show off our fresh shiny gemstore skins we bought via credit card or gold to gems ...Or just gems if you had them? Do people not pay for raid runs anymore to get carried and come out with that eternal title? assuming I understand the concept of it correctly. Keeping in mind that utilizing ones credit card to buy a legendary for sure removes the effort and concept of earning said legendary ..but on the same hand it does support the game since we in fact don't pay a monthly sub. Earning it via hard work is nice ...also supporting the game and getting a shiny for your effort is also nice. If by chance people are still stuck on this earn it and work for it all the way I have to pose this question ...how many made their gen2 legendaries without any help from their friends or guildies lol? no mat contributions no help finding specific areas for the achievements on how to do it no help doing specific events especially if they had to fail in order to get legendary progress? not to be mean here but the reality is this there Is only a few people who honestly legit earned their generation 2 legendaries without any outside help contributions or help in general and grinded out the whole process on their own. To those few who actually did they know who they are I applaud their efforts...PS I didn't make this reply to justify wanting to buy a gen 2 legendary via debt card even if I was able to I wouldn't I have regretted to many prior purchases skins wise for the first legendaries half of which I wish I could sell back or toss in the mystic forge...

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