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[Poll] Should Deadly Chill be changed


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_Deathly chill_ in it's current form is probably the most usefull trait of the reaper. Without this trait and the fact that it's condition based, there is no solo fractal for reaper, no group content either, scepter become again the only weapon when you want to play condi... etc.


Changing DC for a power trait only spell doom for the reaper as it is.

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Deathly Chill is the only Saving grace of Necro atm (if you can call it that) and removing/changing the Trait won't fix any problems Necromancer has and it won't "force" the devs to finally fix Power Reaper, or Necro in general, as they have made it abundantly clear they don't care or ever intend on fixing Necro or compensating the class for when they nerf or "fix" something.


Reaper Rune Shout Necro for WvW Roaming is literally the only fun thing left with Necro for me. No reason to destroy that last fun and effective build Necro has, plus even in PvE with a traditional condi Build, not everybody who likes to play Condi wants to mess with those clunky shades, even if Scourge ever gets rescued from DPS shit tier.


With Condi Reaper > Scourge, asking for the removal of Deathly Chill can only be described as shooting yourself in the foot as Necro player. The Devs might just listen (when it comes to nerfing Necro at least), and then what are you left with?

A Power Spec that doesn't do any damage and a Support spec that barely offers any support (or damage)? Good luck with that...

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Here are just a few ideas for Deathly Chill:


* Chills last 30% longer

* When chilling an opponent, steal 1 boon, 6 sec ICD

* Cast Lesser Putrid Mark on your target when dealing a critical hit, 2 conditions transferred, 10 second ICD.

* Damage to foes with Defiance is increased by 8%.

* Nightmare presence: Duration of control effects are increased by 30% in a 120 radius.

* Gain 200 power when life force and health are above 90%

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I don't see a reason to remove Deadly Chill from the Reaper line. Leave it there for the condi (and/or hybrid) builds that use it already.


There are 10 other traits in the Reaper line to improve power Reaper specifically, and plenty of other traits in the other base necromancer trait lines that can be changed to improve power scaling for both Reaper *and base Necromancer*.


Not to mention the various power weapons that could be improved/changed which would *also* help base Necromancer builds.

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There are two reasons for this discussion.


1. Changing one trait is hopefully easier for the developers to manage so it may make an improvement in power builds more likely.

2. Deathly Chill offers has the highest dps short of Scourge and may be holding the rest of Reaper builds back from receiving a proper buff or more group utility. Right now, dps-ing on Reaper requires DC.



Besides, as history of this game has shown, sometimes a profession has to be so bad that ignoring its issues becomes impossible. That is how Blood Magic got fixed, as well as other past problems. Maybe if DC was nerfed hard on condi dps and Reaper was forced to compete with power and support, then more extensive Reaper buffs would come about a year later.


Leaving even a single good build in a trait line can prevent it from being a priority for rework; e.g., Death Magic's minion support or Curses' sceptre support.

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> @Warcry.1596 said:

> If the goal is to make Reaper a power focus, then it should change.

> Maybe striking a chilled foe applies Vulnerability to target or might to self (nearby allies?). Or applying chill removes a boon (ICD). This way for power specs there isn't two competing traits.


The one with vulnerability is already existing. Its on the spite traitline if i am not horribly mistaken.

The boon remove sounds actually kinda sweet, but u would go one further and say you steal a boon when you chill.

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Boon steal isn't really appropriate on Reaper though (much less on Deathly Chill).


I just thought of a better version of Blighter's Boon though, make it work like Adrenal Health. "Every boon your grant yourself or you corrupt on enemies grants 1 stack of Blighter's Boon. Infusing Terror (Reaper Shroud 3) grants 2 stacks, in addition to the stacks granted by the stability." "Blighter's Boon: "Gain .2% life force every second. If you are in Reaper Shroud, gain health instead. Max 10 stacks. Stacks last 7 seconds (affected by Boon Duration)."


This makes a solid defensive pick that doesn't even need Spite to cap out on sustain, as you can pop shroud and use infusing terror to gain 5 stacks immediately, putting you at the same sustain as the old Blighter's Boon (.2% * 5 = 1%, same as before). Any stacks after that give even more sustain than the old version (up to double).

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Keep it as it is, sort of. Replace the bleed application to a Power based burst of damage. I know it will kill condi reaper, but for the health of the class and the elite spec, I think condi reaper needs to go so Reaper can be a Power focused spec and conditions in the other trees.


Change it to a Power based burst of damage and bake the old effect into traits in corruption. That's my vote.

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> @Lobo.1296 said:

> Keep it as it is, sort of. Replace the bleed application to a Power based burst of damage. I know it will kill condi reaper, but for the health of the class and the elite spec, I think condi reaper needs to go so Reaper can be a Power focused spec and conditions in the other trees.


> Change it to a Power based burst of damage and bake the old effect into traits in corruption. That's my vote.


That's what I'd want.

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> @UnDeadFunToo.8409 said:

> > @Deadvillager.1956 said:

> > I dont understand the hate.

> I'm not sure it's hate as much as trying to solve our identity crisis. If the rework the trait lines a little to be more focused on one thing or the other (power, condi,support etc...). Reaper was sold as the slow moving heavy cleaving power build(Pyramid Head?), instead we got a better condi build than power.




Its not an identity crisis. Necromancer has always been good in the area of condition management and application. Reaper is no exception. Its the a few players who think of reaper as a power-based class.


That said, I don't see why people *want* one of the most useful traits across necromancer to be taken away. This post is essentially saying:


"Give a major nerf to reaper in exchange for something that *might* help a *little*."


One trait isn't going to make a difference. Multiple traits, like cold shoulder's damage component, the spite trait line (which should be our power trait line), and Reaper's Onslaught (Reaper's Power Trait) need to be looked at.




Just killing condi reaper may make power reaper look "good" for a few moments. But shit (power reaper) standing next to even worse shit (condi reaper without deathly chill) is still garbage and won't be good.

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> @Aplethoraof.2643 said:

> > @UnDeadFunToo.8409 said:

> > > @Deadvillager.1956 said:

> > > I dont understand the hate.

> > I'm not sure it's hate as much as trying to solve our identity crisis. If the rework the trait lines a little to be more focused on one thing or the other (power, condi,support etc...). Reaper was sold as the slow moving heavy cleaving power build(Pyramid Head?), instead we got a better condi build than power.

> >

> >


> Its not an identity crisis. Necromancer has always been good in the area of condition management and application. Reaper is no exception. Its the a few players who think of reaper as a power-based class.


> That said, I don't see why people *want* one of the most useful traits across necromancer to be taken away. This post is essentially saying:


> "Give a major nerf to reaper in exchange for something that *might* help a *little*."



This post is just a poll to estimate what the necro community is voting for.

Anything else is implied by the people who comment on this poll and does not cover my real motivation why i postet it.

I myself dont want to remove deadly chill. I want it on base necro to give necromancer more freedom in specialization choice when speccing for conditions. So you can actually decide which new class mechanic you want to choose.

-The more melee oriented bruiser

-The more range oriented supporter

It is a fact that condi reaper outshines power reaper by a longshot, despite the fact that reaper only has 1 condition dmg based trait which is DC. Of course they could just buff the power based traits, but to evaluate what the majority wants i started this poll.


In addition:

It was actually stated from Anet that Reaper should be a slow heavy hitting elite specialization, that does more dmg to an opponent the closer he gets to death.

Its basic design is slow heavy hits and thus mainly power. It is not stated that reaper cannot have a condition trait, but it isnt implied in its design idea either.



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In GW2, damage is damage, and most people don't seem to understand or acknowledge that the original version of Deathly Chill could have just as easily been a power-scaling trait as it was a condition-scaling trait. If it were a power-scaling trait, then—with a few updates to Reaper Shroud, Greatsword and probably a few other traits—we could see power reaper use its trademark weapon for once and emerge as a more competitive DPS spec.


[Deathly Chill]

Whenever you would inflict chill upon a foe that is already chilled, you instead inflict a stack of Deathly Chill (effect stacks in intensity).


* Deathly Chill (5s): [(weapon strength) * (Power) * (0.25) / (target armor)] damage per second

* Maximum Stacks: 5


PvP stack damage modifier reduced from (0.25) to (0.1). The damage should critically hit in PvE (can be kept non-critical only in PvP).

Deathly Chill DoT damage scales with power now and is affected by target armor (identical to regular direct attacks).

This effect is not removed by condition cure skills.


This would give Reaper access to a (1.25) modifier DoT in PvE while the PvP DoT would cap out at (0.5). Add some extra, actively-generated sources of chill, and you have a huge base boost to baseline DPS which can be maintained throughout a rotation. A trait like this would also regulate itself in PvP by preventing insane chill stacking. All outgoing instances of chill which would otherwise stack an oppressive duration of "Haha, enjoy not doing anything." would instead convert into Deathly Chill stacks. Chill would keep its power and presence, but not go out of control, and power Reaper would get a boost to DPS. There is no effective difference in how this trait would work compared to how it does now. You just keep applying chill as usual. The damage just scales with power now and encourages greatsword use as a result.

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