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Next Elite Idea: Dark Knight (Greatsword)


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**Purpose:** Ranged/Melee Tank Spec, Area Denial, Maximize Angst and Edginess


**Specialization Utility:** Symbols, Wells (Gates)


**Profession Mechanic:** Embracing Shadow/Grasping Darkness

The Steal mechanic is replaced with Embracing Shadows (F1) and Grasping Darkness (F2) and stolen items will not be obtained. Some Weapon Skills will be modified based on which mode you are currently on and switching to either one in combat will activate steal traits. **Both will have a CD of 15 seconds and can be reduced to 10 seconds using Trickery and Sleight of Hand.** The modifications will be as followed:


## Embracing Shadows: (Melee/Close Ranged)

- Ranged attack Range is reduced to 600.

- Attack speed increased by 15%.



- Number of projectiles fired increased by 2. Additional projectiles have reduced accuracy.

- Pistol shots spread slightly.

- Unload deals 50% less damage.

- Black Powder's Radius and Duration is doubled.

_NOTE: If the modified Unload was used in melee distance without the damage nerf, it would be hitting for 330% of the damage it normally does. Don't complain._



- Trick Shot becomes Wave of Anguish.

- Disabling Shot becomes Phase Shot.

- Infiltrator's Arrow cost reduced by 2.



_Wave of Anguish_ (3/4s)

Shoot a fan of shadow-imbued arrows that pierce through targets.

Damage: 100 (0.25)

Number of Projectiles: 5

Number of Targets: 3

Range: 600

_Clarification: This attack will hit up to 15 times max. 3 targets per arrow._


_Phase Shot_ (1/4s) (4 ini)

Shadowstep in your direction of movement and fire three arrows at your target.

Damage: 308 (0.75)

Number of Projectiles: 3

Evade: 1/2s

Shadowstep Range: 450

Range: 600




## Grasping Darkness: (Long Ranged)

- Melee attack range is increased to 300. Attacks act like spells and cleaving attacks hit others around the target with a radius of 130.

- Ranged attack Range is increased by 300.

- Outgoing melee damage reduced by 15%.



- Death Blossom throws three additional daggers and evades in the direction you are moving in. Thrown Dagger range is 600.

- Cloak and Dagger throws a dagger instead. Dagger range is 450.

- Flanking Strike makes you shadowstep behind your target.



- Infiltrator Strike range increased to 1200.

- Pistol Whip is changed and broken up into two separate skills, Token of Death and Flurry of Blades.



_Token of Death_ (4 ini)

Fire a bullet that digs into your target and marks them, dazing them in the process. Turns into Flurry of Blades.

Damage: 322 (0.8)

Daze: 2s

Marked: 5s

Range: 600


_Flurry of Blades_ (3/4s) (2 ini)

Shadowstep to your marked target and cleave them multiple times while evading.

Damage: 308 x4 (1.5)

Evade: 3/4s

Range: 600



## Greatsword Skills

**1a.) Cross Slash** (1/2s)

Attack twice in a wide arc, hitting enemies to the front and sides of you.

Damage: 481 x2 (1.2)

Number of Targets: 3 (front takes priority)

Range: 130


**1b.) Cross Cleave** (1/2s)

Attack twice in a wide arc, cleaving enemies to the front and side of you and make them vulnerable.

Damage: 481 x2 (1.2)

2 Vulnerability (4s)

Number of Targets: 3 (front takes priority)

Range: 130


**1c.) Symbol of Suffering** (1/2s)


Swing your greatsword in a circle and create a pool of dark energy at your feet that damages enemies that remain in it.

Damage: 403 (1)

Damage per pulse: 322 (0.8)

Pulses: 3

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Finisher: Whirl

Range: 130

Radius: 150


**Stealth.) Dark Flare** (3 Ini) (3/4s) (Ground Targeting)

Converge black fire into an orb that explodes shortly after, burning enemies at target area

Damage: 927 (2.3)

5 Burning (6s)

Delay: 2 Seconds

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Finisher: Blast

Radius: 200

Range: 600

_Inspiration:_ Profaned Flame from Dark Souls 3


**2a.) Dimensional Cleave** (4 Ini) (1/4s)

Shadowstep to target and swing at them in a wide arc that leaves a trail of darkness behind the blade which grows stronger with your Condition Damage. Turns into Symbol of Grief.

Damage: 322 (.8)

Darkness Damage: 322 (.8)

Weakness (3s)

Number of Targets: 3 (front takes priority)

Range: 600


**2b.) Symbol of Grief** (2 Ini) (1/2s)


Dash away from your target, leaving crippling darkness at their feet. Allies in the Symbol gain protection.

Cripple (3s)

Torment (3s)

Protection (3s)

Pulses: 3

Number of Targets: 5

Symbol Radius: 200

Evade: 1/2s

Evade Distance: 450


**3.) Dark Embrace** (5 Ini) (3s)

Channel Fury and Swiftness into nearby allies. Completing this channel grants Regeneration.

Fury 5s

Swiftness 6s

Regeneration 10s

Pulses: 5

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Finisher: Blast

Range: 600

Recharge: 10s


**4.) Dark Fireball** (2 Ini) (1/2s)

Cast a simple ball of black fire at your target that explodes on impact. Slight tracking.

Damage: 161 (.4)

Number of Targets: 5

Range: 900

Radius: 180


**5.) Symbol of Oblivion** (3-15 Initiative) (3s)


Sacrifice remaining initiative to summon a destructive symbol that smites enemies and augments allies within.

Damage: 362 (.9)

5 Vulnerability (1s)

2 Torment (1s)

2 Confusion (1s)

2 Might (1s)

Protection (1s)

Regen (1s)

Remaining Initiative is added to cost.

Pulses: 5

Additional Pulse per Initiative Spent: 1

Number of Targets: 10

Recharge: 30s

Range: 600

Radius: 300




**Heal) Gate of Cleansing** (25s) (Ground Targeting)


Cover the ground with a soft fire that heals allies and steals health from foes.

Initial Heal: 5214 (.8)

Healing: 354 (.2)

Life Steal: 239

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Combo Field: Fire


**1.) Salt the Earth** (30s) (Ground Targeting)


Create an area that saps the life energy from foes, inflicting them with vulnerability and weakness.

Damage: 121 (.3)

Weakness 1s

3 Vulnerability 3s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Range: 900


**2.) Gate of Asylum** (40s) (Ground Targeting)


Shield target area, creating a barrier that destroys projectiles while granting allies regeneration and protection.

Damage: 121 (.3)

Regeneration 5s

Protection 3s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Field: Water

Radius: 240



**3.) Gate of Harrowing** (40s) (Ground Targeting)


Corrupt the ground and dredge up long forgotten spirits to torment foes with hallucinations. Allies are granted Aegis when entering it.

2 Poison 5s

2 Torment 3s

2 Confusion 3s

Aegis 20s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Field: Dark

Radius: 300

Range: 900


**4.) Hellgate** (30s) (Ground Targeting)


Create an area that sears enemies with brimstone, inflicting with blindness and burning. You gain might every time it hits a foe.

Damage: 121 (.3)

Blindness 3s

3 Burning 5s

Might 5s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Range: 900


**Elite) Void Gate** (90s) (3s) (Ground Targeting)


Summon an orb of pure darkness and send souls into the void. Enemies in critical condition take extra damage and you are healed each time you kill a downed foe with this Well.

Damage: 443 (1.1)

Damage Increase vs. Downed: 500%

Duration: 5s

Number of Targets: 5

Heal: 1,539

Radius: 300

Range: 900



## Traits


Minor: **Dark Hands:** Steal is replaced with Embracing Shadows and Grasping Darkness. You can use Wells.

- **Lingering Void:** Wells and symbols last longer (2s).

- **Chaotic Void:** Wells and Symbols have a greater area of effect (+100 radius). The recharge on Wells are reduced (20%).

- **Mending Void:** Wells and Symbols grant regeneration (2s) to allies and steal health (183 (.1) damage/97 (.05) health) from enemies.



Minor: **Dark Armor:** Vitality +500, Toughness +150

- **Martial Training:** Embracing Shadows grants 10% increased damage and 25% condition duration within 450 units of enemies.

- **Void Training:** Gain 3 initiative when switching between Embracing Shadows and Grasping Darkness.

- **Arcana Training:** Grasping Darkness grants increased projectile speed by 50% to all projectiles and you take 10% reduced damage from enemies within 450 units.



Minor: **Dark Surge:** 20% Chance to gain 10 Might (5s) after being struck. (10s CD)

- **Echos from the Abyss:** Weapon skills you use leave a short-lived trail of darkness that damages foes who touch them. Damage: 144 x2 (.175). Duration 2s.

- **Warped Weapon:** Skills slowly revive (1% per hit) downed allies that they hit. _NOTE:_ This includes weapon skills. The attacks will be counted as a hit but deal no damage. This applies only to downed or fully dead allies.

- **Destiny Bond:** Boons you grant to allies are also granted to you.


In B4 "This is OP af."

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While I appreciate and admire the time you put into this, I'm gonna say please no.


I'm a thief/rogue. I do not want "big" swords, "magic", castable spells and effects. IMO we should be the closest thing to a "warrior" in this game when it comes to "clean/pure" weaponry builds. This "hybrid" you've created sounds more like something that's a mix between a whole new class/Mesmer.


Like the heart, but not the placement of classes.



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that symbol in the autoattack combo... 3 seconds? and it can be increased to 5? the whole chain lasts 1.5 seconds so welcome to AOE city plus all the wells. A spellbreaker fighting you would be like yus guaranteed full counter.


I like what you've done here though. It's cool you took the time to try and think this out. I had an idea for a hammer thief that was designed around sucker punching people. The idea is a cc class that encourages attacking from stealth, and doing so adds or strengthens cc effects. It also applies confusion. I'm too lazy to make it myself but seeing as you seem to like doing this sort of thing maybe you could make it for me... I'd like to see what someone else comes up with. Think of the small tricksy side character that that turns out to be one of the strongest characters.

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> @Fipmip.7219 said:

> that symbol in the autoattack combo... 3 seconds? and it can be increased to 5? the whole chain lasts 1.5 seconds so welcome to AOE city plus all the wells. A spellbreaker fighting you would be like yus guaranteed full counter.


> I like what you've done here though. It's cool you took the time to try and think this out. I had an idea for a hammer thief that was designed around sucker punching people. The idea is a cc class that encourages attacking from stealth, and doing so adds or strengthens cc effects. It also applies confusion. I'm too lazy to make it myself but seeing as you seem to like doing this sort of thing maybe you could make it for me... I'd like to see what someone else comes up with. Think of the small tricksy side character that that turns out to be one of the strongest characters.


I had something like that in mind for hammer. So maybe later :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @tongpo.3184 said:

> Sounds more like a Rev spec. Most of the core traits don't even work or make sense with what is presented here.


The mechanic that replaces Steal procs steal traits, making them able to proc twice as often but at the cost of no Stolen Items. Also each mode sorta transforms weaponsets and boosts certain ones based on which mode you are in. For example, being in Grasping Darkness will add range to melee (aoe weapon spells) and ranged attacks and modify certain skills so they can be used farther away. The utilities... well I ran out of ideas halfway. :I

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  • 1 year later...

> @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > not sure if troll or not. you basically recall what reaper was supposed to be? just minus shroud - the rest sounds so freaking similar


> How would this in any way be seen as a troll?


because it's just bad

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This is a completely different profession altogether. You don't see Thief looking at this.


IMO, Thief should be utilizing the Dual-wield mechanic at all times. Sure it would be easier for the Devs to add 2-H weapon, but after seeing the amount of work put into Weaver, they no longer have an excuse. Dual-wield mechanic should be exclusive and should always be for Thief.


With that said, Scepter/Scepter Shadow/Arcane Thief please.

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  • 2 months later...

I think giving Thief GS is the next thing honestly, my only thing about all this is that I feel like they'd call it The Assassin, or make it Samurai-esque, maybe pull lore from Cantha ( referencing gw1's more asian inspired faction ) That's what makes sense to me at least. ^.^


I'd like to add that I 100% predicted Thieves getting Rifle, and no one believed me.. now look where we are.


..I'm gonna be a little distraught though if they do, because I went ahead and made one of my characters into a Ranger since I didn't like the animations for Thief sword play, and I enjoyed that rangers could use GS, but if they came out with GS for Thief, i'm gonna be in a pickle on what to do..

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> This is a completely different profession altogether. You don't see Thief looking at this.


> IMO, Thief should be utilizing the Dual-wield mechanic at all times. Sure it would be easier for the Devs to add 2-H weapon, but after seeing the amount of work put into Weaver, they no longer have an excuse. Dual-wield mechanic should be exclusive and should always be for Thief.


> With that said, Scepter/Scepter Shadow/Arcane Thief please.


It would be nice to see us get back to some of our signature features that made the class interesting to begin with and I think it would be cool if your dual wield choice effected our other signature features, even a little, like stolen items and Initiative use.

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