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What makes you kick someone from group?

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I do commander in PvE. I very rarely kick players. If I do, I always use whispering to explain the reason why to the player. In the few cases it happened, the reasons were almost the same "standard" ones:

> - Blaming others.

> - Unfair behaviour: Afk for example (yes, I had that!) or clearly not contributing upon intention (staying behind and not fighting and just approaching toward the end). But that's rare.


> I believe that what helps a lot, is that before to go on with a squad, I always explain with a few words what we are going to do. I answer questions (public or whisper), and most of all, I tell clearly that we will wait for everybody, revive and help each others. That way, players know clear from the first in what type of squad they are, and can leave if they don't feel to support to work as a team with all players, strong or weak. Usually, that's no problem. :)


> Exceptions to that: When I tagged up unexpected, due to an emergency, and that everything happen within some seconds. Then I have of course less control on what the squad has for members. But even then, I cannot recall a trouble. Probably because in such cases, people are just thankful that someone tagged up! So they just enjoy having a team at all. =)






I rarely tag up. I like to command starter zones and do event chains. Dragons Stand is pretty good too. Communication is 100% the key, both ways.

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Didn't vote, since I don't lead groups and don't kick players. I have one PUG experience that I've mentioned on the forums before. I was the player that joined and didn't know what he was doing. I caused some wipes on the Flame & Frost bosses (yeah, that long ago), but the group kept me and even equipped me to wrap it up. There was harshness, and I was hurt. However, it was my responsibility to tell the group that I didn't know how to do the content. I hadn't done it before. That's where the problem started. If that prevented me from joining the group, so be it, but I should have been forthright.


I can't stress enough that expectations from both ends should be clear. A commander/group leader needs to explain what they expect, and members need to be honest about what they can deliver. I think that helps minimize the need for kicking people. Of course, bad attitude is another factor. You can promise and deliver on it, but if you're just nasty to play with, you may get kicked.

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> %99.99 of the time it's someone who picks a fight over DPS or a learning person being being assaulted for trying. Unless the lfg says something specific, don't. kitten. Talk.


> I do kick the occasional player who refuses to learn the mechanic if they do not know. If you are not willing to help, bye Felicia!


This. When I do start a party/squad it is usually lax as fuck. And if with noobs I will usually carry (dungeons and frac) and that's fine with me. But there's always someone who starts running their mouths at some other party member and pinging the minimap like a global thermonuclear war simulation.





On the flip side, this whole mentality of "play how I want" is only ok with me until the second you SAY IT OUT LOUD(on chat). For me that screams red flags and it's an auto kick.


I will gladly waste 2 hours full clearing Caudecus Manor with people who have no clue.


I will NOT waste 1 minute on someone who is already confrontational at the drop of a hat.


Hey man what are you running?

"Dw bout it"



Actual story^

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I just started using metres, and they are unreliable af. Understandable as it's a grey area that the developers don't really want to promote. With that said, I've never kicked anyone from a party in gw2 for bad or apparently bad dps, in fact I rarely kick anyone from parties full stop. If I do it's for trolling - not chat, but purposefully pulling adds / bosses and getting the group killed. I had to do that one or two times in my wow raiding days, but honestly it's rare.

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In all my GW2 life I never initiated a kick, and I agreed to kick someone still in an instance once. Once in 5 years. That was someone with no agony resistance in a higher-level fractal and the group wasn't able to carry that person. All other kicks I agreed to were people gone offline (disconnect) without notice for an extended period of time (> 5-10 minutes) during action.

Someone with bad attitude is the only cause I would actively kick, but in the past such persons either left themselves or were kicked by the other team members without me agreeing. Some people are really picky with doing stuff. Ususally, you just need to do the thing, and it will work out. No kick required. Dps is irrelevant, because I see things succeed even with the most mediocre dps by some people.

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**Usually just kick people for having a bad attitude.**


* If you join a group and then start bossing people around, you have a bad attitude and should go make your own group that functions the way you want it. Thinking you're better at the game does not put you in charge. Even if you're actually better at the game.

* If you are already in a group and expect people to respond to being insulted, you aren't helping anyone clear faster or get better at the game. You're just yelling insults at strangers on the internet and wasting everyone's time. PUGs are not a place where it is reasonable to assume everyone in the group is going to function like a well oiled machine. There will be weak players in PUGs. People will wipe because of mistakes. Learn to be graceful about it. You screw up sometimes too.

* If you join a group and get wiped out by an AR check, or in the instance of raids have literally no idea how a fight mechanic works, you aren't interested in pulling your weight. You're not a team player and should go do something more your speed, or get your friends to carry you. PUGs are not a place to show up and go "lol can you do everything for me?" No. If we wanted to carry strangers through content we would have mosted it in the group description. If you know you're unprepared for group content, tell your group before you start. You'd be surprised how many people who are upset with you when you hide it would be totally fine with babysitting you a little if you're just upfront about it.

* If your group is not working out, don't wait to be kicked. Be proactive and leave silently or if you must say something just tell the group its not working for you. We have all left groups because the people in it just weren't pulling it off. Bad PUGs. We have all left groups and gone "jeez that guy really sucked" in guild chat. Its video games. These things happen.

* Do not under any circumstances yell at the party to rez you in combat. Just don't. We know you need a rez. If we aren't rezzing you its because we're busy. There is a giant arrow over your body. We know. Shut up about it. I have kicked more people for spamming 'rez plz' and getting uppity when asked to stop than for any other reason.

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I never kick for bad DPS, because personally it doesn't matter to me. I have never failed content due to DPS not being there as a team. If we are raiding, a few people with lower DPS can be easily made up for by a few with higher, causing the fights to be easily completed.


I haven't kicked from a party in years, but the only times I would are if they are an negative person or exploiting. I also generally record my gameplay and if exploiting occurs (rarely does anymore), i submit footage accordingly.

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> **Usually just kick people for having a bad attitude.**


> * Do not under any circumstances yell at the party to rez you in combat. Just don't. We know you need a rez. If we aren't rezzing you its because we're busy. There is a giant arrow over your body. We know. Shut up about it. I have kicked more people for spamming 'rez plz' and getting uppity when asked to stop than for any other reason.


Omg this.

Was doing dredge suit boss.

Boss at 3%


1 dead including me and 1 guy downed. Other dead guy spans "OMG REZ" "HELLOOO?!!!" And I'm like nooooo no rez KILL ITTTT!!!!


The 2 go to rez him.





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I need to be able to choose more than one option.


Bad Attitude

Bad Fashion Wars


Someone who behaves in a manner to negatively impact the group as a whole needs to go. I have also voted to kick for characters wielding legendaries that interfere with the ability to see whats going on in a fight.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> All you dps meter people be honest.

> Going on the honour system here so non dps meter people dont troll rig the vote.


I almost never kick people from groups. I'd rather just leave and find a better group. But I've backed up a few kick votes. Usually it's for:


1) excessive AFK.

2) being the only one dying over and over and over and over and over (to an absurd degree).

3) being abusive and insufferable in chat.


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This is why I'm going to find a nice guild to join. I levelled without doing any dungeons or fractals - all solo play. So now, rather than joining a pug and getting booted for not knowing the content (lord knows nobody deserves the opportunity to learn), I'd just as soon find a guild that runs them together and get my assistance/education that way.

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> @Biff.5312 said:

> This is why I'm going to find a nice guild to join. I levelled without doing any dungeons or fractals - all solo play. So now, rather than joining a pug and getting booted for not knowing the content (lord knows nobody deserves the opportunity to learn), I'd just as soon find a guild that runs them together and get my assistance/education that way.


A guild is the best way to go, but advertising in lfg for likeminded players or a casual or learner group has worked fine for me....but its been a while so no guarantees.

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Bad attitude, for sure. I can work with bad players, new players, silent players, and players with real life distractions around them (ie. pets or kids). As long as they're friendly, are working with the group, and willing to learn, I can almost always handle any kind of player. But whining, stubbornness, and freaking out at other players are things I don't put up with.

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This poll needs an "other" category.


While I would in fact kick someone for being truly abusively horrid in attitude, it never comes up. My groups are mostly with friends who are also on voice chat with me. Now and then I tag up and get plenty of strangers such as in a DS run, the Labyrinth, or just trying to get folks to a group event, but only once has anyone said anything nasty to me. That was in a DS run where the zerg fell apart running around the tower despite my instructions in advance on how to stay together and one guy decided it was my fault. Since everyone else praised me for the run, I didn't feel terribly wounded by the comments :) When my friends and I need to fill out a five man, we PuG with an all-welcome comment, say hello to those who join, and help them if they need help. We always seem to get nice folks that way.


So really the only reason I ever click that Vote to Kick button is when a friend has said goodnight and logged out and forgot to leave the group and we need the slot.

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> @Biff.5312 said:

> This is why I'm going to find a nice guild to join. I levelled without doing any dungeons or fractals - all solo play. So now, rather than joining a pug and getting booted for not knowing the content (lord knows nobody deserves the opportunity to learn), I'd just as soon find a guild that runs them together and get my assistance/education that way.


First time I did dungeon was Twilight Arbor. I watched videos to see what to do and made my lfg saying "i'm new" and got invited in a group almost instantly. That same night we played through all TA, AC, CM, SE, CoF, and Arah 2 and 3. The next day the same guy brought me into CoE and the rest of Arah with other people learning. It obviously didn't make me experienced, but at least I had played through them once. Watching videos helped greatly too. I played dungeons pretty much every days for almost one year but then I stopped playing for a year, and now I would probably get lost in most of them again, I think.


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Attitude is King, gear is second.


I'll admit, 'll be very fast to kick someone that gets an attitude with me, or anyone else for that matter. I don't care how good or bad you are.


Second is gear., often if someone simply does not have the AR, I'll try to be nice and explain they are not ready for this content, Nothing against them or their build, and when they get enough AR, I'll be glad to have to have them back. But in Fractals, AR is a benchmark, have enough of it at least survive.


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