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What makes you kick someone from group?

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Not using DPS Meters (only for myself, I don't care about DPS of others and I'm sometimes curious about mine when testing new builds) but I kick people who are bashing on others or think they need to blame others and stress everyone about beeing too slow or whatever. I'm sorry but some people actually enjoy playing the game and don't want to rush through all the content asap.

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I’ll kick 98 percent for bad attitude. 1 percent for afk. But I’ll wait like 10 mins if they drastically just quit to make sure it was just a internet thing and they get back on. The 1 percent is if someone is so bad and doesn’t want to try to listen how to get better. Idc if someone’s new and we die. All I care is if the person is willing to make it easier for everyone else. If the person listens to advice to make the whole event easier idc if they suck. But if we say things like wait. And the dude/dudes decides to spray at the boss. That’s when I’m like kick

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I'm not gonna carry a guy who fails every single mechanic in raids or fractals, simple enough after few wipes I'm gonna "kindly" tell him if he will fail again he's out, most of the time the rest of the party/squad isn't as stupid as the person who we have to carry and kick is pretty quick.

Also... Bad Attitude? Really? It's not always sunshine and rainbows fellows, sometimes some of the pugs need to have "small talk". C'Mon, we are doing T4's or Raids, if you insist on your "_super-duper-non-meta-200%l-legit-20k-dps-celestial-necro_" then go play this kind of abominations on modes which doesn't demand bloody the best of the best out of you.

BTW: There should be option in poll: FAILING EVERY SINGLE MECHANIC.

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I seriously kick for bad attitude. All that energy you spend bitching or fighting the group could be used towards the instance. I couldn't care less if your DPS is poor. I couldn't care less if you constantly get floored. But if you can't take advice or can't help but get on someone's ass unnecessarily, you shouldn't be in a group setting.


I especially have my finger on the kick button when someone pops into the group and starts acting all elitist.


But for moments where I feel extra salty, I usually ruin their run just to spite them. The hate mail is delicious!

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> @zeronatras.3280 said:

> I'm not gonna carry a guy who fails every single mechanic in raids or fractals, simple enough after few wipes I'm gonna "kindly" tell him if he will fail again he's out, most of the time the rest of the party/squad isn't as stupid as the person who we have to carry and kick is pretty quick.

> Also... Bad Attitude? Really? It's not always sunshine and rainbows fellows, sometimes some of the pugs need to have "small talk". C'Mon, we are doing T4's or Raids, if you insist on your "_super-duper-non-meta-200%l-legit-20k-dps-celestial-necro_" then go play this kind of abominations on modes which doesn't demand bloody the best of the best out of you.

> BTW: There should be option in poll: FAILING EVERY SINGLE MECHANIC.


I think you're a bad attitude kicker.


You sound like you join the LFG's that ask for experienced players who play the meta and want a smooth, quick run. Players who do not fit that requirement who join anyway have a bad attitude. Either a "don't care to read the LFG" attitude or a "the LFG requirements don't apply to me" attitude. Both of which are bad to take into a group.

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> @Seera.5916 said:

> > @zeronatras.3280 said:

> > I'm not gonna carry a guy who fails every single mechanic in raids or fractals, simple enough after few wipes I'm gonna "kindly" tell him if he will fail again he's out, most of the time the rest of the party/squad isn't as stupid as the person who we have to carry and kick is pretty quick.

> > Also... Bad Attitude? Really? It's not always sunshine and rainbows fellows, sometimes some of the pugs need to have "small talk". C'Mon, we are doing T4's or Raids, if you insist on your "_super-duper-non-meta-200%l-legit-20k-dps-celestial-necro_" then go play this kind of abominations on modes which doesn't demand bloody the best of the best out of you.

> > BTW: There should be option in poll: FAILING EVERY SINGLE MECHANIC.


> I think you're a bad attitude kicker.


> You sound like you join the LFG's that ask for experienced players who play the meta and want a smooth, quick run. Players who do not fit that requirement who join anyway have a bad attitude. Either a "don't care to read the LFG" attitude or a "the LFG requirements don't apply to me" attitude. Both of which are bad to take into a group.


Well. I do always make a PUG with standard requirements DPS/CPS/Chrono/Druid - Pots and Foods, pretty standard to be honest and yes, if i have 3 dps or 2 druids in the same party at first I try kindly tell one of them to reroll or leave becasue I don't need them, the fact most of them are getting butthurt on me and calls me "filthy elitist" (I'm starting to embrace it lol) doesn't really matter.

It is also funny how most of you guys see "Bad Attitude" as arguing with your team, if a man does less dps than freakin Chrono then said DPS deserves to be A: Given another chance and checking if said DPS is doing anything. B: Just getting rid of him.

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Was in an Escort run sometime ago, the group was 9/10 so we decided to add an LFG listing for the last spot.

There was no requirement, since it was Escort, yet we got someone that pinged Legendary Armor and 250 LI.

We go in and he died on the second set of mines. I know it's understandable for someone to die there by a mistake, lag, or anything but he didn't say anything at all.

We finished the first cannon, before deciding if we should all gg and restart, send some messages to the dead person and figured he went afk because there was no response.

Kicked immediately and got a better person, that guy joined a run, died instantly and expected to be carried. Honestly, the other 9 people could easily finish Escort anyway, but this kind of attitude really gets on my nerves.


In a similar way so long ago I was in a Sorrows Embrace path 3 run. A member of the group couldn't pass the bridge part, even when I used my Thief to provide SR, they were still attacking anything on sight and getting killed. It got to the point that they were clearly sabotaging the run and was doing in on purpose. In the end we got the message "Go on without me, I'll stay here".... another quick kick.


Was in a 100 Fractal group, we got a healer Druid. After taking way too much damage we figured our healer wasn't exactly healing. For reasons unknown he wasn't even entering Celestial Avatar. Talked to the person about his "healing skills" in a very polite way. No response at all. Kick.


So I guess the kicks I've experienced so far are due to leechers.

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I don't often kick people, but when i do it's mostly for being rude. Also, while i am often perfectly okay with having bad players in the group (especially in content where such a player can be carried by the rest), i would still fully expect such a player to put an effort into it, and, what's more important, be completely clean about their lack of skill/knowledge of the instance/lack of AR beforehand.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> Looks like DPS is not the gague by which players are kicked.




> Oh yeah me.

> Tell me more about how DPS meters are toxic and it's not, you know, toxic players who hate dps meters.


You're misinterpreting your results. Also, your sample comes from the general forums, and isn't limited to where DPS meters are commonly used for team-culling decisions (ie, not posted to the Raid forum, no request that non-raiders not reply).

And how many folks who should have marked "Bad DPS" accuse people of a "Bad Attitude" instead? I'm suspicious: "Oh, he didn't read the fight and watch 8 videos on the fight and has Toughness on one piece of gear: BAD ATTITUDE for raiding!" Same would apply for any "high performance" or specialized content, like dungeon/fractal speedruns. The "bad attitude" is dependent on the group composition and goals, so a breezy "as long as we win" guy in a group of speedrunners has an attitude problem, just as much as the impatient, salt-spitting speedrunner is going to get odd looks from the rest of a Fun Run group.

And I'll be honest, the sarcasm attached to the interpretation of these results is kinda ... well, kitteny. Not a good attitude, if ya ken.


But what the results *do* say to me is that, especially for the GW2 community, not being a kittenface does matter, and that most of us just want to have fun with friends, guildies, and/or strangers. That's pretty encouraging.


The other thing we can extend is that there might be a limited number of meter-users claiming Bad DPS as a reason, the "toxic meter players," that have a high impact on the perception of the population at large, provoking the "angry anti-meter" crowd with their poor people skills. And then the two sets of rabid wolverines collide on the forums and it looks much worse than data would suggest.






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It depends by game mode.

Bad attitude is a reason for every mode.

Specifically, in addition to that:

Fractals: Bad gear (not enough AR in particular) and/or low knowledge of mechanics/bosses (at higher levels/CMs).

Raid: Bad dps, low knowledge of mechanics/bosses and/or not enough LIs (I don't care if you are good, if you have much less LIs than required by the squad, you are out, unless I'm in good mood and I give you a chance to prove your skill but that's rare).

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Technically the "bad dps" choice should never be chosen anyway.

If someone joins an experienced run while not prepared for the run, has the wrong build, no knowledge of mechanics and so on, then it's actually bat attitude that is the problem and not bad dps. They are being rude to the other players of the group so their attitude is bad.

In that case, when is "bad dps" going to be chosen?

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Technically the "bad dps" choice should never be chosen anyway.

> If someone joins an experienced run while not prepared for the run, has the wrong build, no knowledge of mechanics and so on, then it's actually bat attitude that is the problem and not bad dps. They are being rude to the other players of the group so their attitude is bad.

> In that case, when is "bad dps" going to be chosen?


This poll has been created with premade conclusion in mind. It's no better than "I hate dps meter" poll not so long ago.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > Technically the "bad dps" choice should never be chosen anyway.

> > If someone joins an experienced run while not prepared for the run, has the wrong build, no knowledge of mechanics and so on, then it's actually bat attitude that is the problem and not bad dps. They are being rude to the other players of the group so their attitude is bad.

> > In that case, when is "bad dps" going to be chosen?


> This poll has been created with premade conclusion in mind. It's no better than "I hate dps meter" poll not so long ago.


That's why I didn't vote :)

Btw @OP if you wanted to know if players are kicked due to the usage of dps meters you could make a simpler poll:

"Have you ever been kicked by someone using a dps meter?" yes/no

But without a way to verify any claim that wouldn't work either.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Btw @OP if you wanted to know if players are kicked due to the usage of dps meters you could make a simpler poll:

> "Have you ever been kicked by someone using a dps meter?" yes/no

> But without a way to verify any claim that wouldn't work either.


That's the flaw with any self-report survey. But it's better than nothin'. :)

Or, actually, invert the question (which is the one I read the first time the words hit me):

"Have you ever used a dps meter to kick someone?"

•Yes. Without mercy or apology. In the middle of a run. Because I'm a jerk.

•Yes. I wait until the end and then explain to the kicked person why. I value my time, but I try to be polite.

•No. But if I see someone dead a lot, I will vote-kick for that.

•No. I use a dps meter to improve myself or my team.

•No. I don't use a dps meter.

I'm probably missing an option or two, but that's the general idea.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > Technically the "bad dps" choice should never be chosen anyway.

> > If someone joins an experienced run while not prepared for the run, has the wrong build, no knowledge of mechanics and so on, then it's actually bat attitude that is the problem and not bad dps. They are being rude to the other players of the group so their attitude is bad.

> > In that case, when is "bad dps" going to be chosen?


> This poll has been created with premade conclusion in mind. It's no better than "I hate dps meter" poll not so long ago.


Pretty much.

Why is it only ok when you do it but not me?


And I don't even use dps meter.

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Rudeness and stuff like that. I won't kick someone who messes up or isn't very good because I know how embarrassing it can be to feel like you're the only one in a group that stinks and is causing problems. Kicking people doesn't help that so I dunno, I guess I have empathy for people in such a position and want to help them along.

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