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What makes you kick someone from group?

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > I voted bad attitude, but if i kick someone i kick for inactivity. I don't use DPS meters so idk how much anyone does, or even me for that matter, but if someone is obviously not trying, or is really bad at the content and doesn't know how to clear it (why am i dead at the beginning of 40 boss fractal? What's agony resistance?) then i vote to kick. But if someone isn't all that familiar with the content but is trying, then i try to do the content with them for them to learn.


> I have been carried by groups in t4 fracs who use arcdps.


> My AR is 90.

> Still no kick.


> It's all about HUMILITY.

> You don't show up to a raid wing in rare t3 cultural armor and then yell "this is how I wanna play!" And expect people to not hate you.


> No. If you want to play a certain way tell your group upfront at least. "Hey guys, I only got a couple ascended, still cool?"


I sort of agree here. I would rather have someone that maybe doesn't have the gear but is willing to try and wants to learn then someone who has the best gear but a lousy attitude.

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Both bad attitude (afk included) and bad dps.

I mean... If it is not required and we can complete with this bad dps person I woudln't kick them. But if we keep failing X times due to some low dps on timer (like in Twin Largos) then I won't make other 9 people suffer because of 1 person.


I'd never kick someone outside of raids based on anything else than attitude. Everything else is finishable with 0 gear and basic attacks basically :P

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"Nilson.9865" said:

> > Rangers with longbows in dungeon/fractal. Zero dmg, zero cc, too far away to receive heal/boons, they keep their distance do not revive downed guys in melee range.


> Then speaking as a longbow ranger main, those rangers aren't doing their jobs right. I do solid damage. Longbow 4 and 5 have CC, as do my preferred pets. I drop spirits and use shouts to add my own boons and regen splash to the mix. I stay mobile, get in range of the good stuff, and run around reviving people. And depending on the fight, I may just switch off longbow entirely and jump in with greatsword; I run around in a WvW roamer setup, so I'm not scared to get dirty. Don't judge all players based on the bads.


Let's be legit though, because of powercreep dungeons are so weak now you smash through everything anyway so adding dungeons into the "i'll kick rangers with longbows from a dungeon/fractal" is just lel. Before powercreep no one wanted to take anyone under 80 in their groups, even for ascalonian catacombs, but now heck, I'll take people too low for the explorable paths (and i've done it).

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