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What's your favorite class to play and why?


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Though I have several characters (and all of them are a different class), I always seem to gravitate back to Thief. I just enjoy the tactical gameplay and the fact you have to think on your feet to do well with it. The mobility of the class is also an attractive aspect, though playing Deadeye you lose a lot of that (strangely, I do enjoy playing DE in spite of that fact).

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When I started to play GW2 some weeks after launch, people told me that every class is good on its own, so you don't have to choose the "best class" but rather the class that describes and interests you the most. I watched YT videos about all the classes and read their descriptions and the one that struck to me the most was the **mesmer**.


I've always liked mages the most in MMOs and the mesmer was so unique and special to me when I first heard about them. I really like the concept of having **multiple versions of you** on the battlefield, **deceiving** and **playing with the enemy's mind**. Being able to cast **chaos storms** and **time warps** to harm your enemies, making them weak, while buffing yourself and your team really excited me.


Furthermore, **pink** is my favourite colour and the **butterflies** theme really fits well with the mesmer in my opinion :)


Gameplay-wise I really really like to have the **portal ability**. I always like to help people out with it in jumping puzzles or things like that. When exploring new areas and having to drop down and look for a vista or stuff, it also comes really handy as a back-up :D


The only thing I **don't like** about the mesmer are the shatter abilities. I always want to keep my clones up and trick my enemies so shattering my illusions is not logical to me. That's why I was hoping that the mirage changed the shatter skills to work differently but well...


However, the Mesmer is absolutely my favourite class. I just love everything about its theme and its style. I am looking forward to have a spec without shatter skills in the next expansion tho :)


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I'm biased with most play time being on the Guardian. I've enjoyed the versatility of the class. I was playing "my way" for quite a long time, which was heal-tank based. It wasn't terribly efficient for my solo play, but when I was playing a map event, I really liked the support role that I could provide. I play Power DH now, but I'm still learning. My DPS is far better, so I feel like I contribute more to that goal. In a game that doesn't focus on the holy trinity of MMORPGs, versatile play can be fun, rewarding and appreciated.

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I tend to float around characters. Some weeks I'll feel utterly mesmerising, while other times I'll feel like I need to bring out the LIGHTNING WHIP! And, of course, I can't forget my adorable pets. Oh! and I can't forget to polish my sniper rifle from time to time...


I do envy people who have a "favourite class", but I tend to find different professions can just do things better, and it saves the time and effort of trusting someone else to fill the role. A half arsed attempt is always better than none, I always say!

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My first class. Magic and archery was always my favorite to use and I liked the uniqueness of the mesmer. I've seen elementals and necromancers before. And I've played plenty of archer types over the years. So why not try something completely new? I struggled at first, but kept at it. Even boosting her to 80. I knew I was willing to keep learning. Plus the effects were just gorgeous~ I love how everything shatters in butterflies.


Best of all, however, is confusing your friends. I got commanded one time during a Vinewraith champion to attack the bulbs. They were looking at an illusion while the real one was at that moment attacking a bulb. "Your illusions are everywhere!"


Every time I see a mesmer in the story, I just love them more. All the cool stuff they can do. I like to headcanon my three use their illusions to send messages to other people close by. My first one is a chronomancer and I still use her for nearly everything. 'Specially in groups. I love spreading that alacrity~ She's also the classic purple/white theme which I always found extremely pleasing as the mesmer's colors.

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The truth is that I love all of them. I like variety of gameplay so I switch back and forth between toons frequently, but every time I play a class I haven't played in a while I really dig it. I didn't like revenant at first, but that's because I was playing it in centaur mode. I've since learned better. So yeah - I have like 25 toons now, so that I can enjoy every playstyle possible without having to switch gear around...

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Tanker. Blaster. Er, I mean, ritualist! Uh. Well, I don't really have a favorite profession in GW2. I've probably clocked the most time on my thief, but that's more because of inertia than anything else. As in, been there, done that, might as well keep going. Took her through HoT and LS3. Not sure what happened with LS2, as she's still not been to Dry Top. I hear it's really lovely this time of year. Um. I really enjoyed my second ele, back when she was new, and she's been fun again as a Tempest running bravely away from Steve in ye olde Mad King's Labyrinth. My hohosmith (2nd engi) has been very hoho this latest go 'round, and is the one I played through the PoF story. The professions I tend to not play the most are revenant and necro (even though my Guild Wars main was a necromancer -- just not the same here). So... I mean... yeah. Okay, then.

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Just a week ago I rerolled to Guardian (specifically Firebrand) after finally being fed up with ArenaNet's incompetence with Necromancer, having played Necro for 2 years since HoT (and a bit since launch), and Thief for 3 years since launch before that, and I have to say I'm absolutely amazed.


After thinking for years that the grass always just seems greener on the other side, actually stepping on the other side and realising _"Wow, it actually is WAY greener over here"_ was quite incredible.


It's an actual cohesive and well designed class, with real options be it in Traits or weapon choices. Proper DPS, while also casually being able to throw out literally twenty times the support a Necro or Thief offers if the situation demands it/you are willing to sacrifice some DPS to help out your team should they need it (and that's without changing traits, gear and to an extent weapons, completely gimping your damage).


Just 3-6 hours into playing Guardian for the first time (after boosting it to 80 and throwing gear on it and build crafting/familiarizing with skills) I was able to comfortably clear T4 dailies in under 25 Minutes.

Every hour playing the class something new "clicks" about it, some new mechanical interaction is discovered.

Here I can reflect or block projectiles to help my team, there it is super useful to cleanse condis of the team like a mad man, this is a part where handing out stability like candy helps alot, every boss fight I can prebuff like half a minute of protection, I can clutch heal, I can anticipate devastating attacks and hand out aegis at the right time to in some cases single handedly avert a wipe, I can group up mobs, do massive single target and AoE damage...


After years of playing classes without Aegis, Stability, Protection, Blocks, Invulnerability, Heals, practical and frequent projectile defense, let alone the ability to share almost all of that with my team, It's quite frankly mind blowing and nearly a new game in terms of possibilities.


Now while Thief certainly has improved with Daredevil and Deadeye, a heartfelt message especially to all stubborn Necro players out there, clinging onto the Theme of the class, **give other professions a try**!

Just experiment, maybe it's Ele for you, maybe Warrior or Mesmer and if those don't click for you like they did for me as well, give Guardian a real try.

There is this bright fun world out there in GW2 for you to meaningfully mechanically interact with.

No more _"Oh, my team is having trouble and we ware wiping? Well tough luck, nothing I can do about it..."_.

No more _"Well, they nerfed or fixed this one thing about my class and now we are bottom tier again, because that was the only trait/weapon/bug that made us viable"_.

No more _"Alright, let's check the class forum and see if everybody else is as upset as I am about how crappy this trait/entire traitline/weapon/specialisation is... Yep, they are"_, and instead reading the forum of your chosen main class and realising _"Oh right, there actually really isn't anything to complain about I guess."_


I even started running some dungeons which I have not done in 5 years or never, having a blast even duoing them the first time around, just to dicover all the mechanical interactions with my class, blasting through them with clever use of mechanics, instead of just waving my scepter and hoping Deathshroud eats a burst for me while my teammate/s die while I do mediocre damage at best.





Guardian is pretty cool! If you are playing Necromancer, give other Profession a real shot, you may be surprised.


Also Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm actually pretty excited about "discovering" Guardian, and this Thread seemed like a good opportunity to share that discovery.

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I love the Elementalist. Being able to swap through elements depending on the situation, I love the tactical challenge. I also like being able to stand off a bit and blow stuff up at range. In WvW, I really enjoy making areas less comfortable for the OpFor. It is not an easy class, very squishy, and I don't play glass canon. I do like that in my build I can strip conditions off not only me, but my squadies.


I also enjoy playing the Mesmer, although I suck at it in WvW and seem to do quite well in PvE. But Ele was my first character in Guild Wars 1 and in my head canon, my GW2 Ele is the son of the former.

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Thief with primarily Deadeye as the main reason. I am glad Anet finally added a class that fits my play-style. In all the games I play, I gravitate towards the stealth long range fighters( Loki with Dex Syberis, Infiltrator in ME franchise, infiltrator PS2, and many more). All they have to do now is live up to their promise and have the damage be equal to that of DD with the rifle.

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My main was/is ranger, but after the rifle announce I decided to break out my thief to play again and I am quite amazed at how much thought I have to put into it since I do not have a pet to help deal and take damage. DD is very neat and I could survive a group of mobs, except for pocket raptors, since I would always be constantly healing. Then I had to get use to not being mobile after switching to DE and be more aware of what enemies I should take out/ avoid damage if possible. The only gripe I have would be being targeted first and the distance gap closing too fast for me to make use when facing more than one enemy.

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* Can summon adds.

* Can create portal to summon players from point A to point B.

* Have access to mage and warrior weapons such as staff, swordS, pistol,torch.

* Chaos magic. Not the dark, not the magic of light, nor 4 elementals.

* Shatter, mirror, Phantasmal Duelist bullet barrage...etc skill animations.

* Has Wifi to share boons.


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Engineers and elementalists both get a bit of flack because of constant kit/attunement swapping, but for me that's part of the fun. They're the more difficult classes to play but also more rewarding when you get it right. I also find that kit engineers make a great stepping stone to being an elementalist so if you can swap your kits, you can learn to swap attunements (with a couple of other nuances, but it is so worth it).


In reality, I've been swapping between my warrior, engineer, and elementalist lately. I have to agree with Mea in that the engineer is incredibly versatile and because of that, engineers get my vote as well.

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The honest answer is: Whatever I logged in to last.


But right now I'm pushing to do the PoF story with my Elementalist using the new Weaver spec. Kinda stuck with it just because I seem to be the only Weaver in my guild, and I've only ever seen two other Weavers out there in the game (both of them randomly in the same dungeon run I joined... never seen one since or after).


So I feel like I've found this great, powerful, amazingly fun spec... that nobody but me knows about...


People keep telling me "I don't get weaver" or "too much going on, not fun enough" all while I'm perfectly in tune with what to hit when and finding all the 'going on' to be a blast (figuratively and literally). I often just "mash buttons" on many classes in this game, but with Weaver I actually have a pattern down based on what's going on, and know that "if that happens, do this" more than I feel with other classes.


Plus my weaver has an awesome 'fro. She's my best looking character by far. :)


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So far only class I haven’t gotten into is the Mesmer. Out of the classes I’ve played it’s thief. The reason because you have to actually fight per se. thief is a melee class however the squishiest. So it’s most hardest to kill mobs up front. I personally think thief is hardest because it’s designed up front combat. Even though elemental is probably hardest. It’s always in the back of combat. Since you have a choice of staff , Which is a very good weapon choice that makes combat easier. And then you have the elemental skill that adds a element body gaurd.


However the reason I love it the most is because to me thief takes the most skill to kill multiple enemies at once. You can ether be very good or bad by the skills you use. Specially pvp everything counts and you have to wisely use skills or you die much faster then other classes. However thief can leave you on the loner side.


If you have thief as main it sucks cause no one wants you with raids.

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> @Asum.4960 said:

> Just a week ago I rerolled to Guardian (specifically Firebrand) after finally being fed up with ArenaNet's incompetence with Necromancer, having played Necro for 2 years since HoT (and a bit since launch), and Thief for 3 years since launch before that, and I have to say I'm absolutely amazed.


> After thinkings for years that the grass always just seems greener on the other side, actually stepping on the other side and realising _"Wow, it actually is WAY greener over here"_ was quite incredible.


> It's an actual cohesive and well designed class, with real options be it in Traits or weapon choices. Proper DPS, while also casually being able to throw out literally twenty times the support a Necro or Thief offers if the situation demands it/you are willing to sacrifice some DPS to help out your team should they need it (and that's without changing traits, gear and to an extent weapons, completely gimping your damage).


> Just 3-6 hours into playing Guardian for the first time (after boosting it to 80 and throwing gear on it and build crafting/familiarizing with skills) I was able to comfortably clear T4 dailies in under 25 Minutes.

> Every hour playing the class something new "clicks" about it, some new mechanical interaction is discovered.

> Here I can reflect or block projectiles to help my team, there it is super useful to cleanse condis of the team like a mad man, this is a part where handing out stability like candy helps alot, every boss fight I can prebuff like half a minute of protection, I can clutch heal, I can anticipate devastating attacks and hand out aegis at the right time to in some cases single handedly avert a wipe, I can group up mobs, do massive single target and AoE damage...


> After years of playing classes without Aegis, Stability, Protection, Blocks, Invulnerability, Heals, practical and frequent projectile defense, let alone the ability to share almost all of that with my team, It's quite frankly mind blowing and nearly a new game in terms of possibilities.


> Now while Thief certainly has improved with Daredevil and Deadeye, a heartfelt message especially to all stubborn Necro players out there, clinging onto the Theme of the class, **give other professions a try**!

> Just experiment, maybe it's Ele for you, maybe Warrior or Mesmer and if those don't click for you like they did for me as well, give Guardian a real try.

> There is this bright fun world out there in GW2 for you to meaningfully mechanically interact with.

> No more _"Oh, my team is having trouble and we ware wiping? Well tough luck, nothing I can do about it..."_.

> No more _"Well, they nerfed or fixed this one thing about my class and now we are bottom tier again, because that was the only trait/weapon/bug that made us viable"_.

> No more _"Alright, let's check the class forum and see if everybody else is as upset as I am about how crappy this trait/entire traitline/weapon/specialisation is... Yep, they are"_, and instead reading the forum of your chosen main class and realising _"Oh right, there actually really isn't anything to complain about I guess."_


> I even started running some dungeons which I have not done in 5 years or never, having a blast even duoing them the first time around, just to dicover all the mechanical interactions with my class, blasting through them with clever use of mechanics, instead of just waving my scepter and hoping Deathshroud eats a burst for me while my teammate/s die while I do mediocre damage at best.




> **TD;DR**

> Guardian is pretty cool! If you are playing Necromancer, give other Profession a real shot, you may be surprised.


> Also Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm actually pretty excited about "discovering" Guardian, and this Thread seemed like a good opportunity to share that discovery.


May I ask what build you use for your Firebrand? I’ve been trying to get into using Guardian, and I’ve been tinkering with base Guardian, DH and FB sets, but I can’t seem to find one that resonates with me well.

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