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What's your favorite class to play and why?


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I honestly enjoy aspects of every profession (I'm a self-proclaimed altoholic), but Guardian is definitely one of my top favorites. I just love the aesthetic of a holy warrior and the blue fire is nice change of pace and is quite pretty. Being able to do a little bit of supporting is nice, and I find Guardian fun and engaging without being boring. I have a power Dragonhunter and a condi Firebrand and I love them both. Different styles of gameplay, but the same heart.

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I've leveled and played everything except Warrior and Guardian. Guardian I tried a couple of times, then got bored and deleted it. Recently bought extra char slots and insta-leveled Warrior and Guardian, and found Warrior to be interesting. Favorite is always Necro, but when I want to take a break, I go to Thief or Ranger first and Mesmer, Elementalist or Engineer second.


I'm mainly an open world player, with some (non-roaming) dabbling in WvW.

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Time for me to cheat as I can't pick:


Reasons I do: Decent survivability, really fun with swords/torch + longbow, quick and exciting to play.


Reasons I don't: Sometimes Longbows can seem like it takes a while to attack (that's how longbows are, but still), takes way too long to die (only bad when I'm in a party/group/whatever that sometimes just refuse to help me up when I'm downed so I can be downed for over a min or 2 because I keep regaining my HP and then losing it from attacks while no one helps me up)



Reasons I do: really fast class, Sword/Axe or Sword/Sword with Hammer was a lot of fun, and Shortbow was a lot of fun as well.


Reasons I don't: 6-0 skills limited to the spirit, I die way too fast (personal preference) in some of the higher level areas due to so many things nipping at my heels, lots of traits on the skilltree are lackluster, feels like all I'm doing on the class, I do better on another I've played.



Reasons I do: Super fast and agile, awesome dual pistols and dual daggers, I like range classes with guns.


Reasons I don't: No AoE or several targets for long range.



Reasons I do: Axe/Torch Axe/Axe makes me think of Slicers from PSO, really like the pets


Reasons I don't: Can't get the black widow, can't use pistols or rifles (which is okay now that Deadeye exist)



Reasons I do: Since in diapers I've had a huge fascination with the dead and spirits and sprites and zombies and everything like that, I like my minion army as they're cute and adorable, awesome staff and sceptre/dagger gameplay for me.


Reasons I don't: No good elite class for minions, making me play as only a core Necro



Reasons I do: Mirage is super fun and awesome. Had a little bit of range as a Axe/Torch or Axe/Pistol player and I really like the teleporting and dashing around. Also, really nice to help my friends who's in need of teleporting... which was the reason I even made Mesmer in the 1st place.


Reasons I don't: Super super squishy and can die quite fast.


I loathe Warrior and Engineer with a passion, and I just made a test Elementalist to level up to 80 to try out if I would like it or not.

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Thief is my favorite class to play primarily because of core class mobility. Daredevil improves on that mobility further while Deadeye loses the shadowstep from Steal but gains an extra teleport via Shadow Flare and some rapid escape mobility from rifle 4 (even though rifle has its own problems, Rifle 4 is fantastic and I love it). Any other class I play I tend to try and build it as mobile as possible within the constraints of that class. I dislike the warrior the most despite it being easy for me to play (though I am having a surprising amount of fun on Spellbreaker) and I am pretty bad at Chronomancer despite liking the class (though I find I can play Mirage with similar mobility to thief and am enjoying it). If I had to pick a second favorite class it would probably be Guardian.

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Used rev as my main for the last 5 or 6 months (which is most of the time I've been playing).


I just find glint too useful for solo PvE. And because I can never stick to a single playstyle, I also like having the option to play a decent condi or dedicated healer build when I feel like switching things up.


Always default back my power herald though. I just find it to be a pretty safe build where you can tank a lot but still deal out acceptable damage.

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i dont have a clear favourite... i play all 9classes and each one has something to bring to the table

in general pve content - maybe firebrand since rotations are easy and dmg is high

pvp - i like to play thief because i dont like direct confrontations, and if i cant kill someone within 3 seconds, i rather move on to a new point, i don't like to fight for a long time

wvw - thief/necromancer... thief has so much mobility... i really enjoy ganking between 2 enemy zergs... and getting bags from them both lol...

td meta - elementalist

jumping puzzles/achievements etc - mesmer since it has portals


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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> Thief, because I'd rather the game trust me to manage a resource pool so I have actual choice in my weapon skills than have everything on cooldowns. I find playing other classes frustrating because the skills tell me when I can use them rather than the other way around.


Initiative is a great mechanic, in deed! I also want to spam my weapon skills when switching to other professions after playing thief :p

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I love playing my thief, the build I made is perfect for soloing pretty much everything (pretty bad at pvp though). with almost 24/7 evasion and aoe on every dodge. high bleed stacks. it's really fun to play, most of my other characters always stand on the same spot, waiting on the cd's. whilst my thief is always doing twirls and dodges all over the place.

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I play various situational classes, there is no one that is my favorite.


I have a guard and a warrior for dungeon/instance content. Necro and Engineer for WvW, Ranger for Open World, and Rev for PvP.


I just started an Ele for, of all things, Lab farming, and they seem to be doing a great job of it.

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As Hawks put it somewhere "The real problem with Engie is it makes every other profession boring to play".

Engie has a lot of incomplete, useless and buggy stuff, tend to get the short stick on many aspects, from balance to representation, and is in a constant state of "please don't nerf me even more". IMO only Rev can say it suffer more from lack of dev support in the game... Yet Engie is still the most fun to play, ever.

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