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Jerry CCH.9816

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1. They should add patrols, what kind of castle has the guards on the 2nd floor guarding nodes.

2. They should make the outer walls higher, which means 3rd floor should be higher, then they would be able to treb the keeps from there.

3. They should add a camp inside smc courtyard since it runs out of supply so fast from constant repairs.

4. The airship should upgrade with smc tiers, the t3 guns should sound like star wars laser pewpew sounds.

5. They should add doors to the inner lords room, as it gets drafty in the winter.

6. Emergency waypoint should be moved to the 2nd floor and made available every 3 mins, as the regular waypoint seems to be permanently contested.

7. The lord needs to be upgraded with legendary armor and weapons, also a nice crown with spikes, can't forget the spikes.

8. Chilling fog needs to upgraded every smc tier, t3 would produce hot steam which causes burning.

9. Smc needs diving goggles on the 3rd floor, a building that size needs emergency fire escapes.

10. The cloaking waters need to be removed from the courtyard and placed under the lord.

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> @Sleepwalker.1398 said:

> > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > 10. The cloaking waters need to be removed from the courtyard and placed under the lord.


> I love those waters outside. I've killed so many trying to run back into SMC using this. Its the best.

> Placing inside will just make it pointless.



It's a joke to hide the lord....

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> @jamesdolla.3954 said:

> i mean, it's not just smc all the tactics on everything need major nerf. People are just hiding in towers keeps and castles avoiding fights.


I mean what else do you expect players to do? More so when that's the tactic that devs. are pushing for players to utilize the most. It's not you can zerg bust with all of the low risk/high reward power creep specs that now pervades WvW. It's sooo bad IMO, to the point skill really takes a backseat to, numbers/coverage, and who is playing this easiest and most overpowered build.


So to me it's no wonder why players now just sit in towers with their tactics and stuff. It's not like they are going to gain anything by leaving in most cases.

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> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> 1. no iron guard buff at Lord

> 2. no 3rd floor Cannon

> 3. SMC Max upgrade is T2


They should probably also need whatever profession is your personal main as well. I mean, it is just as reasonable a request as yours, and I explained the logic behind it in equal detail.

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> @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > > Interesting it seems to be Blackgate players asking for this.

> >

> > If I am correct, @"Jerry CCH.9816" is not from BG.


> Well he's the one that only posts threads about how unfair it is that BG is locked and to open it up, so I assumed......


Could be.. but I think that is him trolling... not really wanting BG open.


But who knows..

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> @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> Interesting it seems to be Blackgate players asking for this.


It's not a sever issue, its a design/mechanics issue... at least for me. One person sitting on a treb, being able to safely fire on 5 towers is not good design imo. It makes upgrading and defending those towers useless after a certain point and they just turn paper and flip constantly. I would prefer a group actually have to fight for it rather then just waiting for the walls to drop. This also hurts smaller groups who do not have enough to hit SMC, but might be able to defend those towers if they were attacked the conventional way.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > Interesting it seems to be Blackgate players asking for this.


> It's not a sever issue, its a design/mechanics issue... at least for me. One person sitting on a treb, being able to safely fire on 5 towers is not good design imo. It makes upgrading and defending those towers useless after a certain point and they just turn paper and flip constantly. I would prefer a group actually have to fight for it rather then just waiting for the walls to drop. This also hurts smaller groups who do not have enough to hit SMC, but might be able to defend those towers if they were attacked the conventional way.


It makes taking and keeping SMC key to your section of the map's security.


I've never personally been a fan of SMC, but I can see why it was used in this way.


I've taken SMC with six, on reset, with two full map blobs.

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