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If you were to remove/fix a class to better WvW what class would it be and why?


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> @Lionwait.4815 said:

> I voted Thief's. Because I think stealth should be fixed. one way I would fix stealth is to always apply reveal for 2 seconds when coming out of stealth no matter in or out of combat. Hitting a target or not hitting a target.


cool that would be a buff, as i only come out of stealth when attacking and then the reveal buff is more then 2s :D

but i would like to know what you would try to fix about stealth with this?


i vote nothing because i roam mostly and removing a class there even if its the most annoying to fight for you, will just put the 2nd annoying in the place of the first.

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> voted guardian cause other classes are good on power creep builds.


Voted Guardian too, but not for the same reason. Voted it because I'm tired of it being the de facto class that commanders want in squad and that often group them 2 in each party within the squad that they expect to be frontline parties. Just because an Ele/Weaver/Tempest is in the squad doesn't mean that they are backliners. I've seen enough good tempests and weavers frontline that if they removed a lot of so called "advantages" from guardian, then people would realize that their other classes out there that can frontline too.

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> There is no option for thief and mesmer, it is stealth that required fix, any melee attack that hit a stealthed target should have a chance to apply reveal, more or less.


> Even there is just a small sparking effect hinting your attack is connected...


a few people used sigil of fire a while back to spot stealthed targets. i dont think that you would have much of an advantage just from a little visiual effect. maybe in a 30 vs thief (dunno about mesmer stopped playing mine)

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