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What are your Hopes for the Coming Mesmer Changes

K THEN.5162

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Hi there my Mesmer brethren, with the approaching balance patch what changes do you want to see done to the Mesmer class?


As a PU power main, my biased hopes are...

- Projectile reflect on Mass Invisibility no longer revealing

- Sword 3 range increased from 600 to 900

- GS 3 having more utility than just removing a boon

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I do not expect any changes on core Mesmer at all.

There will be balancing on PoF spec's, but what kind is hard to say. But after what they did via "hotfixes" to Firebrand and Scourge I expect nerfs not buffs.

And unfortunately expecting AN changing any skill mechanics is complete utopia - it will be -30% here +10% there as always.

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I hope that they buff clone spamming-shattering mirage and also make axe less clunky to use.

1) Infinite horizon baseline. Our a buff to ambushes.

2) Something that makes ambushes more reliable

3) Axe 2 is too uncomfortable to use on some encounters.

4) Illusiaonary ambush - needs a fix, cause a lot of time it teleports you out of melee range.

5) Jaunt. Small buff to range.

6) Really wish for some change to mirrors.

7) Some stat distribution, so we don't need 2 signets in utility slots to dps.


From the top of my head.

But I think it better to have no expectations, than to be dissapointed after reading patch notes.


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What I hope for in upcoming patches:

**1)** changes to Mirage traitline (IH baseline or removed, Desert Distortion improved or replaced, Mirage Mantle merged with another trait or improved, and more)

**2)** bug fixes and qol to Axe

**3)** Ambushes: Sword, Axe and Staff ones improved. GS and Scepter ones reworked.

**4)** Mirage mirrors removed.


~There are many more things I'd love to see, like Phantasms redesign and old weapons update, but these are very unlikely.


That's what I hope for, however I do not expect any meaningful changes. I don't want to be disappointed again.



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> @mbhalo.1547 said:

> Hope for nerfs to quckness and alacrity uptime, distortion and boon share on Chrono and Condi Mirage dps buff.


That's more of an issue with nerfing gear stats than chrono itself. Just nerf commander concentration and the sigil and voila quickness drops down.


Concentration should have never been a stat to begin with.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @mbhalo.1547 said:

> > Hope for nerfs to quckness and alacrity uptime, distortion and boon share on Chrono and Condi Mirage dps buff.


> That's more of an issue with nerfing gear stats than chrono itself. Just nerf commander concentration and the sigil and voila quickness drops down.


> Concentration should have never been a stat to begin with.


that will just result meta require 2 firebrand + 2 chrono for quickness uptime , or done nothing to current meta and chrono just do burst quickness . or replace chrono with firebrand since it can maintain 100% quickness uptime without 100% boon duration .none of those are better than meta we have now

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- For a fairly conservative change... Axe 2 doesn't replace Phantasms with clones.

- For crazy out there changes, wouldn't mind the passives on signet of domination and midnight merged, though I think power-wise they should probably be merged onto midnight. That and doing SOMETHING with Riddle of Sand for PvE, since shattering at all is so incredibly counterproductive if we're gonna be stuck with phantasm focused DPS builds forever. A trait that triggers exactly once because our best damage option is to totally ignore shatters is frustrating and really disappointing.

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Changes to the interrupt traits and the ability to actually use an interrupt build. Power block is meh, it's way too situational and needs some more stuff tacked onto it like stacking power and ferocity or something for each interrupt.


Dealyed reactions is average but it's certainly better than lost time which is trash. The interrupt idea just seems a lot of work for very little reward, whats the point of landing a power block from the mantra daze. When you could just be bursting them for 10-12k dmg from a mental anguish burst.


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* Axe 2 should have a short evade frame added because this skill just makes Mesmer far too vulnerable due to the animation lock. Having to expend your Mirage dodges to not get killed whilst using this skill seems a tad silly when similar skills on other classes almost always have an evade anyway...and do more damage (Whirlwind Attack, Burning Speed etc).

* Axe 3 needs some sort of pathing overhaul and probably a range increase. It's honestly a bit of a mess to use against other players.

* Mirage Mirror overhaul definitely needed. The whole concept is really clunky and walking about picking up mirrors is simply not engaging gameplay.

* Ambushes need to be an actual threat or provide some worthwhile utility like Mirage Thrust and Ambush Assault being great for gap closers.

* Infinite Horizon needs to be baseline for the concept of Mirage to actually be complete. Will also help Anet balance Ambushes correctly.

* Illusionary Ambush and probably Mirage Advance able to be activated outside of target range. It feels kind of horrible that they can't be used like this.


Also, with the theme of Mirage, it's surely time for Mesmer to have a proper source of taunt now. Decoy and Mirage Retreat seem like great candidates for a short taunt applied by the created clone.

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* Mantras 3rd charge returned

* Reduced recharge rate on mantras (still longer than CDs, just not 2x CD... 1.5x would be better... 5s for Mantra of Pain)

* Break targeting on Staff 2 Phase Retreat

* Staff 4 Chaos Armor reworked to actually be usefull

* Illusions to finally get reworked to not be a completely convoluted and confused class mechanic. (I.E. Short duration Phantasms, only shatter clones, illusions persist after target death, phantasms not counted to 3 illusion limit)

* Ineptitude fixed to actually apply the stated 2 stacks of Confusion when blindness is applied by a shatter skill

* Alacrity added to Time Warp

* Menders Purity restored to removing 2 conditions, LIKE EVERY OTHER CLASS WITH A SIMILAR TRAIT!!!



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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> Not seeing any significant nerfs.


> It's almost like people actually believe things for mesmer are going to get fixed in any way.


> If we get through the next rebalance unscathed, I'd call it a win (looking at chrono there).


the amount of thread that demand nerfs to chrono makes me doubt we will be unscathed .something awful like distortion share only apply aegis .

thing is tho , i have firebrand ready healer rev ready .if anet nerfs chrono to a point that i will have to play those more braindead spec for raid so be it .


people will spend another year to cry how much firebrand can bring with a stupid easy spec while doing high dps .

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> @musu.9205 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > Not seeing any significant nerfs.

> >

> > It's almost like people actually believe things for mesmer are going to get fixed in any way.

> >

> > If we get through the next rebalance unscathed, I'd call it a win (looking at chrono there).


> the amount of thread that demand nerfs to chrono makes me doubt we will be unscathed .something awful like distortion share only apply aegis .

> thing is tho , i have firebrand ready healer rev ready .if anet nerfs chrono to a point that i will have to play those more braindead spec for raid so be it .


> people will spend another year to cry how much firebrand can bring with a stupid easy spec while doing high dps .


Chrono is fine, as distortion share comes entirely from core mesmer. But at this point I doubt anything will change, as Raid design has adapted to it, and its been many months since those videos of the perma distortion mesmer party in WvW. But I still wouldn't be that surprised if we got nerfs

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Well there are a lot of hopes for core Mesmer changes, but I don't think we'll get any of those. There's always A LOT of hope on my end, but here's what I think should realistically be changed:

* Buffing Staff Ambush to actually connect to targets

* Increasing Jaunt to 500 distance (perfection)

* Slightly buffing the healing on False Oasis

* Adding a slight evade to Axe 2

* I honestly don't know what they could do to Mirage Mirrors to make them better, but I'm hopeful for a rework that makes sense. I think if they added confusion and cripple, that would make them worth using for both dps and condi builds.


There are still changes to core Mesmer as well as Chronomancer that I'd love to see, but is this the thread to post those?

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @musu.9205 said:

> > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > Not seeing any significant nerfs.

> > >

> > > It's almost like people actually believe things for mesmer are going to get fixed in any way.

> > >

> > > If we get through the next rebalance unscathed, I'd call it a win (looking at chrono there).

> >

> > the amount of thread that demand nerfs to chrono makes me doubt we will be unscathed .something awful like distortion share only apply aegis .

> > thing is tho , i have firebrand ready healer rev ready .if anet nerfs chrono to a point that i will have to play those more braindead spec for raid so be it .

> >

> > people will spend another year to cry how much firebrand can bring with a stupid easy spec while doing high dps .


> Chrono is fine, as distortion share comes entirely from core mesmer. But at this point I doubt anything will change, as Raid design has adapted to it, and its been many months since those videos of the perma distortion mesmer party in WvW. But I still wouldn't be that surprised if we got nerfs


i don't think anet really designed raid content around meta comp since the low dps requirement . if you meant things like deimos mind crush ignore distortion , that hardly counts since anet already changed world eat from gors to ignore distortion .


my point is it's sort of false belief that people think distortion is too op , ignores mechanic etc.and core mesmer can't build around it since taking inspiration line is dps lose . Also anet did nerf many core mesmer traits due to chrono .


and gw2 had history that anet changed things based on people's feel rather than actual math (otherwise we wouldn't have dps tempest ) . til today , many still believe that chrono stole their tank role by having best defensive tools .hence why distortion share is such a hot topic .

so i don't have much faith in balance team .



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I disagree that those attacks don't count. Anet changed the mechanics of those two fights so you can't distort those attacks, forcing you tot actually use the mechanics. That shows that from a PvE perspective, Anet doesn't think distortion share is broken, since they can, and do, design around it for attacks that we are not supposed to be able to ignore.

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Well reddit has reached a whole new level of stupid since I am starting to see people claim that Mirage is ridiculously OP in PvE. Hell an Ele main even said Mirage was fine because they have to swap to Mirage for Matthias. Combine with the usual stomping of low skill PvP/WvW and this weird notion that Mirage somehow can perma evade and I'd expect nerfs across the board.


Either way you definetly shouldn't expect any reworks to turn this into an actual elite spec with new ways to play instead of just being 'the trait line with slightly better dps traits then Chaos'.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> I disagree that those attacks don't count. Anet changed the mechanics of those two fights so you can't distort those attacks, forcing you tot actually use the mechanics. That shows that from a PvE perspective, Anet doesn't think distortion share is broken, since they can, and do, design around it for attacks that we are not supposed to be able to ignore.


i meant ofc they tried to create raid fight which require different utilities rather than allowing mes distortion through everything. but their options are still very limited as they can't create mechanic too specific that certain class will be required .that would be against core design .they also can't throw many mechanics like world eat , that way combat will feel dull since all utilities don't matter .special action key ability already has this problem in cm 100 and carin but it's rather a small problem by now .so i won't call raid design has already adapted to it .they are certainly trying tho. and there is nothing to stop them to take easy approach ,that is nerf mes distortion share.


this is why i said , distortion share ignores mechanic is sort of false belief . most ignored mechanic can be overcome by heal + aegis or stability or aoe block etc .it just feels cheaper than other method.basically mes single handle mechanic vs teamwork . the problem has never been it ignores mechanic , it's always that it's too good on relatively low cds (dom/ins). even you have other tools ,it's simply better and meta already run 2 chrono , no reason to take others for utility .


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A buff to Sceptre (it is the one weapon I currently do not enjoy using), maybe needs a better cleave effect than #3 or perhaps really go hard on single target dps to make it exceed other weapons in that field.

Mirage Thrust needs a damage buff in PvE only, just so it isn't a DPS loss to dodge.

Chaos Vortex needs better accuracy against moving foes, making it unblockable would solve the issues with mesmer reflects.

Mirage Advance needs a reduced cast time, it feels really clunky.

I'm not a massive fan of Mirage Mantle but can be used for perma prot, so some may like it.


But mostly I would like buffs to a clone & ambush & shatter DPS build to raid with which makes it the best damage dealer for Mirage. There will never be another spec for mesmer which focuses on clone dps and Anet need to seize the opportunity to bring this to fruition.

Possible choices for this could include making Infinite Horizons base and providing a power or shatter boosting new Grand Master trait. Or even an Ambush buffing trait. Would even be ok with a fancy utility effect.


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