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Crossbow Rifle skin?


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The only problem is, from what I've seen only legendary weapons have unique weapon sounds. Laser rifles sound like normal rifles when being used by a Warrior, normal rifles sound like laser rifles when being used by a thief, and everything sounds like a shotgun on engi. So either it would have to be a legendary, or ANet would have to break that rule.

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> @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> The only problem is, from what I've seen only legendary weapons have unique weapon sounds. Laser rifles sound like normal rifles when being used by a Warrior, normal rifles sound like laser rifles when being used by a thief, and everything sounds like a shotgun on engi. So either it would have to be a legendary, or ANet would have to break that rule.


There's non-legendary weapons with unique sounds and projectiles. But they do not affect all skills, only those using generic sounds. For example, super adventure box pistols and rifles only affect the sound of skills that fire bullets for engineers.


A crossbow doing a Jump shot would be just weird, so I'd prefer crossbows for a new weapon rather than a skin for a existing weapon.

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I like the idea of providing more weapon variety through the use of different skin types for existing weapons, but I don't think that should preclude getting actual new weapons when it's appropriate. I'm not sure that crossbow doesn't just deserve to be its own weapon type. I actually think it might make sense to modify harpoon guns to be land crossbows, while spears and tridents could be combined into being land-based polearms.


It still blows my mind they didn't jump on making land spears available as part of this expansion. I think greataxes deserve to be their own weapon type also. A Hammer is a bludgeoning weapon - it is not wielded in the same way at all as a two handed axe would be.


I think they could get by permanently with just 4-5 new weapon additions, and any additional variation could be handled through skins. I also think there should be a viable empty offhand option, since IRL single-wielding a one-handed weapon would be quite common.


Spear/lance - new (can use existing spear/trident skins)

Greataxe - new

Chakram - new

Whip - new


Scythe - greataxe skin

Morning star - mace skin

Crossbow - rifle/harpoon gun skin


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New Weapon Types should definetely be:


**Chakram** = Throwing Weapon, can then be used for skins that look also like Wind Spirit Shurikens, Boomerangs and whatever else for throwing weapons you can think off

**Whips** = can then be used also for skins of chain whips/chain sickles, flails, the animations do already exists since the release of the main game! Sylvari Nightmare Court...

Halloween, the lunatics which swings its whip at you, that is even of longer size, than that of the sylvari nightmare court..introduction of Whips as weapon type is long overdue..there aren#t many MMOs out there, which provide actually this exotic weapon in a useable way in the game for classes, it owuld make GW2 only more unique.

**Polearm** = same with whips, it was even considered to be a useable weapon and then whyever anet removed it short before release of the game ...>.< without ever giving us a good reason for why they did that... its reimplementation is same as overdue, like addign whips to the game, and alot of skisn for it already exist. Just need to turn Spear into polearms as hybrid weapon that can be now used on land as like underwater. Harpoon Gun and Trident just need to get merged with Rifle/Stiff, there two are 100% obsolete and need to get removed to make space for better more senseful weapon types, that make sense to be in the game, like Whips and Chakrams

**Greataxe** = needs to become another melee alternative over the Hammer and the Greatsword.. Warrior is running out of good new weapon choices for E-Specs, if anet doens't add soon finally some new weapon types. The only Weapon left for Warriors that makes sense, before they run out of choices is the Staff now for some kind of Warrior "Monk"-Spec maybe, calling it Ascetic, you'll see ;) with the ability to use Light Armor as part of its E-Spec concept, cause i find, usign E-Specs to change also your Armor Type would work very well as concept for E-Specs and it would be also logical,y that if you want to change your Armor type, then you need to change with an E-Spec practically also your "Class" first. But that way you'd be able to mix equipment of different armro types together with E-Specs, which would allow that.


Scythe = Just a Polearm/Staff Reskin, we already have them as reskins for staffs, for a more melee orientated reskin would make Polearm next sense to me, as a scythe, if sen as weapon (warscythe) is just a polearm weapon with a sickle on its top. So I agree with this here


Morningstar/Flail = Mace Reskin , I agree here too.


Crossbows I do see only as Rifle reskin, if they change also the shot animations from bullets to bolts for that reskin and change the shootign sound file for the reskin as well, because it would be totalyl weird, if you use a crossbow, and it shoots then bullets instead of bolts and sounds thebn also like a loud rifle, and not like a silent crossbow.

and if they have to make already all this work just to make a reskin sound and look like a viable crossbow, then I think they can add Crossbows also directly as complete own new weapon type with its own skills, where the weapon can just then easiyl share the holdign animations from the rifle, because thats then the only similariy of the crossbow with the rifle, that both weapons get holded in hands the same way, if crossbows are made like arbalests as a 2H weapon. instead of smaller 1h crossbows that could be also pistol reskins then again xD I#d love to run around with my thief with two (1)hand crossbows basicalyl like some kind of epic demonhunter : D, but that would need basicalyl the same efforts, as like with the rifle in regard of sound and animation effects


[Dual Wield Crossbows Concept Art](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9f/a1/bf/9fa1bfd2ddccc45208c8343f2eaf796e.jpg "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9f/a1/bf/9fa1bfd2ddccc45208c8343f2eaf796e.jpg")


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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> > @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> > The only problem is, from what I've seen only legendary weapons have unique weapon sounds. Laser rifles sound like normal rifles when being used by a Warrior, normal rifles sound like laser rifles when being used by a thief, and everything sounds like a shotgun on engi. So either it would have to be a legendary, or ANet would have to break that rule.


> There's non-legendary weapons with unique sounds and projectiles. But they do not affect all skills, only those using generic sounds. For example, super adventure box pistols and rifles only affect the sound of skills that fire bullets for engineers.


> A crossbow doing a Jump shot would be just weird, so I'd prefer crossbows for a new weapon rather than a skin for a existing weapon.


A crossbow with explosive arrow can do jump shot, if a rifle can do that....

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> > @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> > The only problem is, from what I've seen only legendary weapons have unique weapon sounds. Laser rifles sound like normal rifles when being used by a Warrior, normal rifles sound like laser rifles when being used by a thief, and everything sounds like a shotgun on engi. So either it would have to be a legendary, or ANet would have to break that rule.


> There's non-legendary weapons with unique sounds and projectiles. But they do not affect all skills, only those using generic sounds. For example, super adventure box pistols and rifles only affect the sound of skills that fire bullets for engineers.


> A crossbow doing a Jump shot would be just weird, so I'd prefer crossbows for a new weapon rather than a skin for a existing weapon.


Im not sure that a crossbow is any more weird for jumpshot than is a rifle.

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I'm not saying it would not be possible, it would just feel off.


A shotgun or a rocket launcher have a barrel, and they are usually made of metal. They are made to stand explosions, as bullets are propelled by explosions inside the barrel.


But crossbows are usually made of wood. So they'd be more likely to break from the point blank explosion.



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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> I'm not saying it would not be possible, it would just feel off.


> A shotgun or a rocket launcher have a barrel, and they are usually made of metal. They are made to stand explosions, as bullets are propelled by explosions inside the barrel.


> But crossbows are usually made of wood. So they'd be more likely to break from the point blank explosion.




Really no more likely than *our bodies* though... The physics of a rocket jump is already so completely out there that a crossbow withstanding close proximity explosions is really not stretching anything...

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> I'm not saying it would not be possible, it would just feel off.


> A shotgun or a rocket launcher have a barrel, and they are usually made of metal. They are made to stand explosions, as bullets are propelled by explosions inside the barrel.


> But crossbows are usually made of wood. So they'd be more likely to break from the point blank explosion.




What I meant was that, if we are going to apply even a rudimentary bit of realism, a rifle isnt going to launch you any more than would a crossbow. Even a rifle with a truly punishing kick will, at most, rock you back on your heels a bit.

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