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You know you've played too much Guild Wars 2 when....

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* you look in the mirror and ask your mom to lend you some gems for a total makeover kit

* you meet someone new and before sharing contacts you try to find out what's her AP

* you see a hobo sleeping just outside the gin mill and think that he could've at least died on point (sPvP joke var. A)

you see a toper sleeping right on the bar counter and think that he didn't even try to kite (sPvP joke var. B )

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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> Some thief stole your wallet, you stomped him, be he ain't no butter in his jacket.

> If you're asked what breed your dog is, you answer "Krytan Drakehound".



I got a ridgeback so im definitely saying that from now on...


Just so you know, your comment made me spit coffee on my screen ?

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> * You stop playing GW2.


Yeah, that kind of stuff about game burnout went through my mind.


You don't find any particular enjoyment in the festivals any more and slug through as much of it as possible.

You find dailies an unbearable grind.

You stare at and think about clicking on the Guild Wars 2 shortcut for a little while and feel a dull sense of malaise, then decide to click on a shortcut to a different game.

You log in to do various activities/events with friends/guildies during the week out of a sense of obligation.

You find that any small source of annoyance seems to affect you immensely.

You notice that when you DO log in, you tend to just AFK.

You also notice that you find that looking at the forums is much more interesting to you than playing the game.


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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > * You stop playing GW2.


> Yeah, that kind of stuff about game burnout went through my mind.


> You don't find any particular enjoyment in the festivals any more and slug through as much of it as possible.

> You find dailies an unbearable grind.

> You stare at and think about clicking on the Guild Wars 2 shortcut for a little while and feel a dull sense of malaise, then decide to click on a shortcut to a different game.

> You log in to do various activities/events with friends/guildies during the week out of a sense of obligation.

> You find that any small source of annoyance seems to affect you immensely.

> You notice that when you DO log in, you tend to just AFK.

> You also notice that you find that looking at the forums is much more interesting to you than playing the game.


That's me right now. I mean like point per point.

Usually the only reason i play GW2 is because it's the only game i have on my pc that i can and will play split screen with a movie, series or youtube video, so when i'm watching something, and feel like my hands are restless, then i might pop into gw2. But then i do dailies and tend to log of.

I barely played the Halloween festival, although it has **always** been my favourite content in gw2. It's not just burn out, but also i'm largely disappointed in the direction the game has taken in it's development.

Living world has been largely just the story. The maps kinda blend together into forgetfulness, and even stuff like the Sun's Refuge that was so hyped woefully under delivered, at least in my opinion. So i can't find a reason to play, even when there's stuff, like Reaper's Rumble, that i was excited about playing, i just can't bring myself to even start.

Of course the fact that i once had a guild of 120 guys of which pretty much only 2 are still playing (me being one of them), does add to that unwillingness to play, since most of my friends aren't there any more. And they're not there because Arena Net failed to meet expectations once to many times for all of us, if you look at their manifesto back in 2012, most of what's there has been completely reversed.

No grind, that was broken very early on.

No Holy Trinity... Will not be a reality for years the way they are delivering elite specs. And that's only if they ever manage to get support specs in all professions that can rival with chrono (not going to happen), healers that can rival with Druid, and anything that can be as good as warrior banners. I doubt they'll ever be able to do this, so we'll always be left with the holy trinity of chrono, banners and dps.

Always be able to revisit old maps, through the down-level system and through new events. The first part still applies, but there's no real reason to do so outside maps with World bosses, and the random champ. Especially starting zones. And since the Living world has completely departed from core tyria, it's unlikely we'll ever revisit old content, and will always and forever be left with a ton of hanging plot points.


It saddens me, really.

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When each time you feel ill shout "Shake it off" just to realize it does not work on flu.

When each time you see someone standing close to the edge of a mountain you think a "Fear Me" would be funny to use.

When you think you can carve a pumpkin in 2 seconds.

When you pick up all the gifts under the christmas tree and try to sell it on the TP.

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When you're out walking and grope in your pocket for the X button so you can mount up.

When your friend is dressed up nice, and you say, "Now THAT's quality armor!"

When you see a toad and think, "The Hylek grow small around here."

When you go to a movie and, when the character is trying to escape across the mountain, you try to memorize their jumping pattern for when you play that scene.

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