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Monthly AT Class Representation


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Just the number of players using each class during yesterday's monthly tournament which were observed by Jebro's stream on NA and Sindrener's stream on EU. Obviously many teams which competed did not end up visible on stream and were thus not counted. Teams which were shown in multiple games were only counted once. I did not count teams that lost in the first round as pretty much all first round matches are one sided stomps. I counted Misha as a warrior since he only played mesmer for the easy first 2 rounds. I wanted to use Helseth's stream as well but I can't re-watch it without a paid subscription and I am poor; If anyone has that data and could add it, I would appreciate it.



Elementalist: 1

Engineer: 5

Guardain: 14

Mesmer: 7

Necro: 18

Ranger: 3

Revenant: 1

Thief: 11

Warrior: 20



Elementalist: 1

Engineer: 7

Guardain: 21

Mesmer: 12

Necro: 21

Ranger: 11

Revenant: 0

Thief: 11

Warrior: 11



Elementalist: 1

Engineer: 7

Guardain: 17

Mesmer: 12

Necro: 18

Ranger: 7

Revenant: 1

Thief: 8

Warrior: 9


Make of it what you will.

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> @Falan.1839 said:

> Do you still remember when some experts said that balance was bad because Anet was balancing PvP around Pro League/Esports? =) =) =)


oh, _number 1 mesmer at pvp forum QQ_ amongst others were very vocal about this. it still makes me laugh. oh, such fools


but on topic, like have we ever had good class representation in gw2? I guess we had close to it with late HoT meta, but Guardian was super underplayed even then. so like idk.


honestly, if we had firebrand instead of DH with HoT I think we could have been in a much better place.

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Well right now that said Mesmer has identified Holosmith as the main balance problem, so she's clearly still on track. :D


On topic: the team that should have won the EU monthly AT was rolling with 2 Spellbreakers and a Scourge, while the other team, that actually won it (due to 5v4) had 2 Scourges and a Spellbreaker. The team that has won most of those tournaments went without such a comp and lost the semifinal. This basically sums it up. Firebrand is the best babysitter for Scourge, so it's Meta aswell, while Thief does the same thing as always. Even though the ability of SB to survive 2v1 for ages has made it somewhat less effective. Right now there is virtually no reason to use any other classes besides, Scourge, SB, FB and Thief. Even though I suspect that even the thief could be sacked with 2 spellbreakers locking sides. I'd honestly roll with 2 Scourges, 2 SBs and Fb right now if I had the players for it and wanted to be tryhard.

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Yeah, class stacking should be removed (unranked, ranked, and ATs). If reality is that the player base must wait for extended periods of time for balance patches, this could very well be a functional mechanism for the sPvP devs to help keep in check oppressive builds to some degree until the balance does manage to finally hit.

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> @ZhouX.8742 said:

> "more rangers than those 2 combined"... Yes , overwhelming to see 3 rangers, gasp , 1 more than 2!


> How you managed to pick the 2 lowest used classes and then STILL manage to attempt to bash the 2nd lowest used class is beyond me.


I was merely pointing out how those three classes were barely represented at all, some even more than others. There is no bashing whatsoever.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> > @Falan.1839 said:

> > Well right now that said Mesmer has identified Holosmith as the main balance problem, so she's clearly still on track. :D

> >

> > On topic: the team that should have won the EU monthly AT was rolling with 2 Spellbreakers and a Scourge, while the other team, that actually won it (due to 5v4) had 2 Scourges and a Spellbreaker. The team that has won most of those tournaments went without such a comp and lost the semifinal. This basically sums it up. Firebrand is the best babysitter for Scourge, so it's Meta aswell, while Thief does the same thing as always. Even though the ability of SB to survive 2v1 for ages has made it somewhat less effective. Right now there is virtually no reason to use any other classes besides, Scourge, SB, FB and Thief. Even though I suspect that even the thief could be sacked with 2 spellbreakers locking sides. I'd honestly roll with 2 Scourges, 2 SBs and Fb right now if I had the players for it and wanted to be tryhard.


> her eagle eye sees what no pro can. 30 seconds of invun on holo. very op. much need nerf


> oh man, comps are so depressing rn. another wave of powercreep- & unsurprisingly the only class that’s been able to ride that wave is thief (pictured below, riding said wave of imbalance). still if i was wild enough, i’d try & run 4-5 sages firebrands just to see if you can heal & burn your way to victory


> ![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/f3bd39b7e2ae39eedd9920f48f921f5e/tumblr_oylkqqRQ1I1spt7qzo1_500.gif "")




Holosmith is pretty strong. Rocket boots (two 1200 leaps each with 2 seconds super speed), along with elixir s invuln Plus 2 conversion of two conditions to boons on a passive proc. You really shouldn't die running it. combine that with massive damage and hard cc and you have a pretty strong class.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> This is just depressing...One ele, three rangers, five engineers. These are the type of numbers that would make someone wanna start drinking.


> Would Anet even give a kitten if you showed of how overly used and under used that some of these classes are? Sheesh..


They have the data and know. They don't care.

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> @NotoriousNaru.1705 said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > I'd like to see them turn weaver into a physical dps version of scourge. Might make them a good pick to deal with the cleanse from fb.


> What you're looking for is called holosmith.


You mean the holo mode leap? It's a good attack but i was thinking more about the ability to maintain consistently high phys dps pressure on a point and not burst dps. Something more akin to meteor shower. I'm just not sure a staff weaver has enough sustain to not explode instantly if they use a glassy amulet.

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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> I'd like to see them turn weaver into a physical dps version of scourge. Might make them a good pick to deal with the cleanse from fb.


I'd like to see them turn Reaper into a physical dps version of scourge so that the class can finally do what it was supposed to be doing back in 2015.

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