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AikijinX's Thief Roaming Vol. 5


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> @Silinsar.6298 said:

> I've seen you roaming / dueling plenty of times. Too bad we didn't get to fight yet since we're on the same server. Or are you based on Gunnar's?


I am not originally from EU. I only travel here due to better skill, and tiered fighting. But I am on Piken Square right now. We can always go guild hall. But i must warn you my ping isn't the best in EU. Although i am on the east coast of the united states, and normal ping for me in EU is like 160+(Which is playable for me), i do spike above 200+ plenty of times. (Which is unplayable)


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The core s/d build seems a bit wasted with all of that power imo, looks like it's meant for 1 shot d/d.


Been using a bit more of a defensive build for core s/d. With endless stamina and durability runes you get 36% boon duration + what ever boons you steal. LS can also hit 6-7k as well so it does hurt still



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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> The core s/d build seems a bit wasted with all of that power imo, looks like it's meant for 1 shot d/d.


> Been using a bit more of a defensive build for core s/d. With endless stamina and durability runes you get 36% boon duration + what ever boons you steal. LS can also hit 6-7k as well so it does hurt still


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYVl0MhSnY5TwwJw/EHwElOBCgdznGnRb0LsQMRB-jVDEQBNRZABeEBG4EI4O9BtRDDAOQAOUJH82f4iKFSkqKASJ4DOiA+TtiAAIA3sNbzbmNv5Nv5hO0hO0hO0uuNv5Nv5Nv5Nv5QvZpAWdoF-w


He's keeping an eye on his health and keeps his distance for good openers/distance closers, I think Scholars is just more fitting for how he's playing. I like boon duration for sword also but he's pocketing things like Larcenous Strike to go with Mug/Steal blinking in, that's going to be brutal with most of his power behind it.

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> @Jesse.4631 said:

> kitten that Pink s/d thief you fought so good omgzzzz, lmao good video man


He was such a good Thief. ;) I even have more clips of me and that Thief ;) Twas fun haha. You'll be in my next montage as well. Vol. 6 <3


> @kash.9213 said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > The core s/d build seems a bit wasted with all of that power imo, looks like it's meant for 1 shot d/d.

> >

> > Been using a bit more of a defensive build for core s/d. With endless stamina and durability runes you get 36% boon duration + what ever boons you steal. LS can also hit 6-7k as well so it does hurt still

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYVl0MhSnY5TwwJw/EHwElOBCgdznGnRb0LsQMRB-jVDEQBNRZABeEBG4EI4O9BtRDDAOQAOUJH82f4iKFSkqKASJ4DOiA+TtiAAIA3sNbzbmNv5Nv5hO0hO0hO0uuNv5Nv5Nv5Nv5QvZpAWdoF-w


> He's keeping an eye on his health and keeps his distance for good openers/distance closers, I think Scholars is just more fitting for how he's playing. I like boon duration for sword also but he's pocketing things like Larcenous Strike to go with Mug/Steal blinking in, that's going to be brutal with most of his power behind it.


And Yes, just as Kash explained. It's great to have good boons and all and sustain. But if i catch you with a 2k+ blink (Shadowstep, Infil step, Steal) Then my opener will be lethal, because youll be forced to use your heal when you don't want to, which at that point i count down from (the 14 secs), and you will be pressed to use your steal, which I will almost always intuitively know when, because of the stress i put people in with dealing alot of dmg in a short amount of time.


Another opener I use pretty effectivly is (CnD + Shadowstep), I take a good chunk of HP from my enemy. Due to the food, and scholar runes. I try my best to stay above 90% at all times. But of course, it's not as easy as it sounds ^^.


I actually didn't think anyone would be replying to this Thief thread, so I haven't looked at it in a bit. Thank you guys for the support :)

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> @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

> the S/D build is the same build i use minus shadowstep and just with haste. So far im doing great with it in SPvP and WvW nice to see someone using somewhat the same thing. Still learning the Build though since im re learning PvP in this game.


And I used to run entirely different sigils. (Back when Seaweed food wasn't nerfed), But it's not worth it to run in anymore.

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> @ZvolTx.3165 said:

> Dang me and Jesse in your next? Got any ETA on when it's coming? I can't wait :open_mouth:


Yeah You and Jesse in there. But they're really quick fights. Because of the damage i put out, they were fast. But I am expecting my video editor to be done with the editing process by like Saturday. I already have Vol. 6 (The next montage), 7, and 8 already completed. It just needs to be edited. But my video editor has real life responsibilities. But as you see, he is great. So greatness takes time :) !

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> @Shirk.6421 said:

> > @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > > @Shirk.6421 said:

> > > I had to watch the whole video because you used songs I already know and love ~.~ But your chatcover is worse than ebola, I'll make a proper one if you want.

> >

> > LOOOOOL You hate my chatcover Q_Q


> yes <3


Let's see what you got then, Show me them skillz :)

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> @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > @Shirk.6421 said:

> > > @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > > > @Shirk.6421 said:

> > > > I had to watch the whole video because you used songs I already know and love ~.~ But your chatcover is worse than ebola, I'll make a proper one if you want.

> > >

> > > LOOOOOL You hate my chatcover Q_Q

> >

> > yes <3


> Let's see what you got then, Show me them skillz :)


PM me a high res (bmp) pic of you char then, preferably on a neutral background like a sky, without any aura effects. (I can add them later, tho)

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> @Shirk.6421 said:

> > @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > > @Shirk.6421 said:

> > > > @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > > > > @Shirk.6421 said:

> > > > > I had to watch the whole video because you used songs I already know and love ~.~ But your chatcover is worse than ebola, I'll make a proper one if you want.

> > > >

> > > > LOOOOOL You hate my chatcover Q_Q

> > >

> > > yes <3

> >

> > Let's see what you got then, Show me them skillz :)


> PM me a high res (bmp) pic of you char then, preferably on a neutral background like a sky, without any aura effects. (I can add them later, tho)


I will try my best to take a good picture on my toaster :)> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> Aiki lies about ping,lol.


> Awesome vid as usual mate. Maybe the next time we duel (hopefully outside PvP so we both can use out full builds), we will have epic enough fights that I may be in a vid :p


My Ping is shit in EU. I xferred back to EU to see if i could get some good fights, but 1 week later xffered back to NA. My ping was just spiking tremendously. Alot worse than normal. My usual ping in EU is 150-160 (which is playable), but my ping would spike 200-300+ everytime i tried to play. It was intolerable, so i xffered back a week later, when I could. Now i am back on maguuma. I look forward to fighting you in WvW.> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> Good to see the Core thief is kicking kitten still!


Thanks brotha!, love the support! I'm trying to keep core alive :)

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