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Should invisible tag be a thing???


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> @Norbe.7630 said:

> heres the thing, im on a guild that is a WvW guild and frequently runs closed squad or as you called "invisible tag", when pugs saw our guild run they follow without hesitation because by experience they knew we will win most of the fights so they follow, but me having my memories being a WvW newbie too before as on their point of view currently, i asked myself, "is this WvW?" , "is WvW not for everyone?", "is WvW just for some people to gather and have fun?", "why can't i join other people's games so i can learn and have fun too like them?"


> are you willing to sacrifice the opportunity to bring more people to WvW or took it for granted for your guild's agenda?


> that is the conclusion to your poll thats why i voted no, i voted no for the WvW community not for my guild


A guild choosing to run invisible isn't gonna hurt population. The only thing that's gonna bring back population is Arena Net making WvW fun and engaging once again. Also tournaments.

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No. And I also disagree with being able to tag and only allow join by invite while in WvW. World vs world is a open public battle, there should be zero closed groups and guild only parties. I get smaller groups, I get guild and I get wanting people on team speak. I feel for guilds, but really, they are taking up a ton of player counts and rolling in small groups often unable to deal with enemy numbers (because on say Sunday, there will be 3 or 4 of these guild groups, they sit waiting for another guild while important objectives get capped by enemy zergs).


But as for players entering teamspeak before invite, I wish this would be wiped out of the game immediately. There are many who don't wish to be shouted at, be in voice comms, find voice stressful or plain prefer to be on voice with friends. They should always still have access to commanders squads for boons. You should not be required to use a third party software, to play an open public game mod in a squad.

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> @Bish.8627 said:

> No. And I also disagree with being able to tag and only allow join by invite while in WvW. World vs world is a open public battle, there should be zero closed groups and guild only parties. I get smaller groups, I get guild and I get wanting people on team speak. I feel for guilds, but really, they are taking up a ton of player counts and rolling in small groups often unable to deal with enemy numbers (because on say Sunday, there will be 3 or 4 of these guild groups, they sit waiting for another guild while important objectives get capped by enemy zergs).


> But as for players entering teamspeak before invite, I wish this would be wiped out of the game immediately. There are many who don't wish to be shouted at, be in voice comms, find voice stressful or plain prefer to be on voice with friends. They should always still have access to commanders squads for boons. You should not be required to use a third party software, to play an open public game mod in a squad.


There are pug tags and there are guilds who run pug tags. What you are saying is that every guild and party should be forced to run open. Not every guild wants to do that. Especially the fight guilds or a guild that wants to improve and get better. Wanting to run closed with invisible tag should be an option for those fight guilds wanting to get better. Currently arena net just trying to fees casual community a little too much. They should also think players like me and guilds like the one I run with. Invisible tag isn't gonna hurt WvW in any sort of way.

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> @CrimeMaker.8612 said:

> > @Bish.8627 said:

> > No. And I also disagree with being able to tag and only allow join by invite while in WvW. World vs world is a open public battle, there should be zero closed groups and guild only parties. I get smaller groups, I get guild and I get wanting people on team speak. I feel for guilds, but really, they are taking up a ton of player counts and rolling in small groups often unable to deal with enemy numbers (because on say Sunday, there will be 3 or 4 of these guild groups, they sit waiting for another guild while important objectives get capped by enemy zergs).

> >

> > But as for players entering teamspeak before invite, I wish this would be wiped out of the game immediately. There are many who don't wish to be shouted at, be in voice comms, find voice stressful or plain prefer to be on voice with friends. They should always still have access to commanders squads for boons. You should not be required to use a third party software, to play an open public game mod in a squad.


> There are pug tags and there are guilds who run pug tags. What you are saying is that every guild and party should be forced to run open. Not every guild wants to do that. Especially the fight guilds or a guild that wants to improve and get better. Wanting to run closed with invisible tag should be an option for those fight guilds wanting to get better. Currently arena net just trying to fees casual community a little too much. They should also think players like me and guilds like the one I run with. Invisible tag isn't gonna hurt WvW in any sort of way.


I do feel for guilds. But they don't make an impact like a zerg, and I feel zergs are weaker with less players in squad sharing boons. My gripe is more with commanders demanding teamspeak than guilds. Invisible would be great for guilds (maybe guild only tags?) but terrible for the general population who just want to jump in and help out without being hardcore.

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> @Norbe.7630 said:

> heres the thing, im on a guild that is a WvW guild and frequently runs closed squad or as you called "invisible tag", when pugs saw our guild run they follow without hesitation because by experience they knew we will win most of the fights so they follow, but me having my memories being a WvW newbie too before as on their point of view currently, i asked myself, "is this WvW?" , "is WvW not for everyone?", "is WvW just for some people to gather and have fun?", "why can't i join other people's games so i can learn and have fun too like them?"


> are you willing to sacrifice the opportunity to bring more people to WvW or took it for granted for your guild's agenda?


> that is the conclusion to your poll thats why i voted no, i voted no for the WvW community not for my guild


The people that want private tags will continue to not include pugs, private tag or not. The pugs can ask to join guild, which is a different story.


Private tags does not mean banning of public tags. However, there is a population that wants private tags, and will act like how you say players act towards pugs no matter what Anet does. So why not just give these people equal tools to play how they want, since not giving them those tools leads to the same result?

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> @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> > @Norbe.7630 said:

> > heres the thing, im on a guild that is a WvW guild and frequently runs closed squad or as you called "invisible tag", when pugs saw our guild run they follow without hesitation because by experience they knew we will win most of the fights so they follow, but me having my memories being a WvW newbie too before as on their point of view currently, i asked myself, "is this WvW?" , "is WvW not for everyone?", "is WvW just for some people to gather and have fun?", "why can't i join other people's games so i can learn and have fun too like them?"

> >

> > are you willing to sacrifice the opportunity to bring more people to WvW or took it for granted for your guild's agenda?

> >

> > that is the conclusion to your poll thats why i voted no, i voted no for the WvW community not for my guild


> The people that want private tags will continue to not include pugs, private tag or not. The pugs can ask to join guild, which is a different story.


> Private tags does not mean banning of public tags. However, there is a population that wants private tags, and will act like how you say players act towards pugs no matter what Anet does. So why not just give these people equal tools to play how they want, since not giving them those tools leads to the same result?


Pretty much.

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> @Bish.8627 said:

> > @CrimeMaker.8612 said:

> > > @Bish.8627 said:

> > > No. And I also disagree with being able to tag and only allow join by invite while in WvW. World vs world is a open public battle, there should be zero closed groups and guild only parties. I get smaller groups, I get guild and I get wanting people on team speak. I feel for guilds, but really, they are taking up a ton of player counts and rolling in small groups often unable to deal with enemy numbers (because on say Sunday, there will be 3 or 4 of these guild groups, they sit waiting for another guild while important objectives get capped by enemy zergs).

> > >

> > > But as for players entering teamspeak before invite, I wish this would be wiped out of the game immediately. There are many who don't wish to be shouted at, be in voice comms, find voice stressful or plain prefer to be on voice with friends. They should always still have access to commanders squads for boons. You should not be required to use a third party software, to play an open public game mod in a squad.

> >

> > There are pug tags and there are guilds who run pug tags. What you are saying is that every guild and party should be forced to run open. Not every guild wants to do that. Especially the fight guilds or a guild that wants to improve and get better. Wanting to run closed with invisible tag should be an option for those fight guilds wanting to get better. Currently arena net just trying to fees casual community a little too much. They should also think players like me and guilds like the one I run with. Invisible tag isn't gonna hurt WvW in any sort of way.


> I do feel for guilds. But they don't make an impact like a zerg, and I feel zergs are weaker with less players in squad sharing boons. My gripe is more with commanders demanding teamspeak than guilds. Invisible would be great for guilds (maybe guild only tags?) but terrible for the general population who just want to jump in and help out without being hardcore.


Not sure what server you're on, but on my server the guilds drive at least 75% of score from tick and from kills. Few guilds run "public open tag" and actually require militia to verify they're in TS3/Discord if the said guild is in need of additional assistance from militia.


I can comfortably say that the other 25% is driven by off-hour "public" tags who don't follow the same rule and miscellaneous captures from havoc groups - or - roamers.


Unrelated this 25% places 3rd consistently in skirmishes because they are often up against guild groups. This fact doesn't apply when we're matched with servers who have the same issues and the matches are much closer.

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My server has been doing this alot lately (tagless squads). As a roamer, i do not really care, but its killing the wvw population on our server. Pug folks port into wvw, don't see a tag, and then leave. And then i see these same 'invisible tag/tagless' folks on the forums bemoaning the wvw population, and how enemy servers out blob them.

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WvW is by nature an open world map, and the devs already said (indirectly) to deal with it, so why asking for things that are not going to happen? Don't tag or let the pugs do what they want.


Also, it would be bad for WvW. On some days on my server there are like 3 or 4 guild groups on some maps and everybody gets demolished by the enemy zerg because guilds are too proud to make a common effort. WvW isn't GvG. GvG in WvW just makes the experience shitty for everyone else. Why people keep asking the game mode to be turned into something that it's not is beyond my understanding.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> Also, it would be bad for WvW. On some days on my server there are like 3 or 4 guild groups on some maps and everybody gets demolished by the enemy zerg because guilds are too proud to make a common effort. WvW isn't GvG. GvG in WvW just makes the experience kitten for everyone else. Why people keep asking the game mode to be turned into something that it's not is beyond my understanding.

I am not in favor of invisible tags, but on the flipside at least then they can wipe in secret and keep their shame hidden. Maybe thats the reason they want invisible tags to begin with, I dont know.

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