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Incinerator Footfall


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I finally crafted this amazing dagger and while everything is just as how I imagined it would be I noticed a difference in my footfall to that of a few youtube videos. Now I have a good PC and decent settings so I see all my particles, but when I run or walk I notice that not 1 footfall ever does this small flame burst around the foot. I get the small ember particle effect, but isn't it supposed to randomly have a small mini flame rise up from the footfall - was this changed? I tried walking around for 5min in LA and not once did a footfall flame up around near my feet. Any ideas?


For reference in this video, go to 1:48-2:09 and you'll see every 2-3 footfalls it will have this mini flame burst. I don't have that at all, is it unique to a class/race or something?




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> @Alatar.7364 said:

> You might wanna check your settings once again. There is a ticked option that limits the Number of particles and Effects shown.

> If you don't have it ticked then I have no idea :/


Is this graphical settings > effect lod? I've tried with it ticked on and off and still no random flames on the footfall - it was unticked when I first saw it. I mean I have another legendary that shows full footfall animations, so I am really puzzled. My settings are all on medium+, I tried with them on high and nothing changed, though that was just a throw in the dark.


I tried using incinerator on a few races/profs and it's all the same result, I get the molten ground + ember soft particles but no random flame flicker. :(

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I have no problem seeing the flame burst but as I continue to walk it seems to stop after a while. If I stop moving then start walking again it shows up again. It is almost like the footfalls are part of an animation sequence where the flame burst are only in the beginning and when it loops it goes to the middle.


> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> I get the flames and footsteps with incinerator equipped in mainhand.


Works with either hand as long as you don't have another legendary in the main hand.

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Thanks for the other 2 responses. I tried just having it in the mainhand and it being the only weapon. I tried walking for a while, stopping, trying again, same results as before. Can anyone think of a setting that may be preventing it? It seems to only be for this footfall, other footfalls I see all have their animation like Eternity galaxy explosions etc. I definitely would like to solve this issue because the foot flame flare in the video looks so much better.

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> I also found it more difficult to see with dark boots or while moving(it was in the GH so it was with +33% movement speed). When running unless I have my camera pointed behind me it was pretty difficult to see.


Well during a WVW session I saw a few others with incinerator, I watched their footfalls and no flames were coming up randomly, but I did forget to ask them if they can see from their end. At this point maybe it's something I have to live with, I'll keep trying to solve it though. I mean amidst running or anything else I guess you'd barely see it anyway, but just KNOWING I don't have it displaying on my end is frustrating.

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> @Butch.4957 said:

> I have incenerator and am having no problems seeing rising flames. One way to check and make sure it works isn’t to bind a key to make your character walk (f11 controls menu) and walk while playing close attention.


Your post gave me hope. I unbound autorun and walk, and just held forward but still no rising flames on random footfalls. Do you have anything special in your settings for visuals? I can't think of anything at this point? I can't see it on other players as well.

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Honestly, I cannot think of anything to tell you. I run with most of my settings on high or max. I do not use the in game shaders but instead use Reshade (a 3rd party shader suite. Google it if you want more info) but that should not affect what I can and can’t see.


Edit: looking back, I meant to bind a key for walk but my phone’s voice to txt is not very accurate yet... I could see it more clearly when my character was walking.

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