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Why can mesmers insta-down people?


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**A sad testimony from a new player being 1 shotted with link**

-thief. mes....what is the difference?


'Hi everyone

I am a fairly new player, at the moment just trying out different professions before deciding which I want to commit to.

WvW / PvP is my main interest so I tried out some EotM to start off with. Then I tried out one of the real WvW maps and had some slightly worrying experiences which involved me getting (almost literally) one shot.

The first time was a 5v1, we were chasing down this almost dead guy to finish him off. I was on about 80% hp, he turned around and one shot me with an 11k crit.

The next time I was playing near the back of a zerg group, I was at full hp. Out of nowhere I am downed before I can even comprehend what happened, with a thief running away from my body. He backstabbed me for around 90% of my hp.

Since then it has happened a few more times.

The characters this happened on (thief and ele) are only around level 35. I know upscaled characters are not as powerful as true 80s, but this is a bit worrying. I am practising evading attacks more effectively, but these examples happened before I could even react. Is there something else I am doing wrong, or should it stop happening when I get closer to level 80?

Thanks for any help'


> @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> > > If they introduce several skills to different classes that go through / negate dodges ON SHORT CD it would be some step in the right direction for the balance, because the current state of wvw roaming especially is only evade spam, there is no skill in chaining evades even my grandma can do it ...

> > >

> > > I got bored of my mirage for a month & a half i dont know how are other ppl not getting bored being 1 trick ponies & even dare to think they have skill.

> > >

> >

> > that is the reason why the game will never be taken serious as a 'competitive game'. Do you know how much money Anet marketing team spend advertising the game as 'competitive'? Quite a lot.

> >

> > So the next question is, why spend so much money advertising a game as 'competitive' whereas social media>youtube, twitch are telling a whole different story? like for example: mesmer and thief 1 shotting players over 40k-50k damage....quadrupling the highest armor gear status?

> >

> > It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

> >

> > (there is a reason why there is something called social media)

> >

> > Anyhow, i can't tell Anet what to do but the truth remain: the social media is listening and watching everything they do and how they treat their customers/players. And most importantly, they will not hide anything and will boldly expose the truth...and they're serious!!

> >

> >

> >


> to be honest i think anet already lost its battle with every other mmo & popularity shows it gw2 is in heavy decline, i wouldnt give it more than 5 years untill its completely dead & the sole reason for this would be the bad balance.


You are right. More people are becoming awake so i would bet gw2 final death in 2 years.

(pvp is in its final stage leaving pve to fight for its life alone)

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> **A sad testimony from a new player being 1 shotted with link**

> -thief. mes....what is the difference?


> 'Hi everyone

> I am a fairly new player, at the moment just trying out different professions before deciding which I want to commit to.

> WvW / PvP is my main interest so I tried out some EotM to start off with. Then I tried out one of the real WvW maps and had some slightly worrying experiences which involved me getting (almost literally) one shot.

> The first time was a 5v1, we were chasing down this almost dead guy to finish him off. I was on about 80% hp, he turned around and one shot me with an 11k crit.

> The next time I was playing near the back of a zerg group, I was at full hp. Out of nowhere I am downed before I can even comprehend what happened, with a thief running away from my body. He backstabbed me for around 90% of my hp.

> Since then it has happened a few more times.

> The characters this happened on (thief and ele) are only around level 35. I know upscaled characters are not as powerful as true 80s, but this is a bit worrying. I am practising evading attacks more effectively, but these examples happened before I could even react. Is there something else I am doing wrong, or should it stop happening when I get closer to level 80?

> Thanks for any help'



> @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> > > > If they introduce several skills to different classes that go through / negate dodges ON SHORT CD it would be some step in the right direction for the balance, because the current state of wvw roaming especially is only evade spam, there is no skill in chaining evades even my grandma can do it ...

> > > >

> > > > I got bored of my mirage for a month & a half i dont know how are other ppl not getting bored being 1 trick ponies & even dare to think they have skill.

> > > >

> > >

> > > that is the reason why the game will never be taken serious as a 'competitive game'. Do you know how much money Anet marketing team spend advertising the game as 'competitive'? Quite a lot.

> > >

> > > So the next question is, why spend so much money advertising a game as 'competitive' whereas social media>youtube, twitch are telling a whole different story? like for example: mesmer and thief 1 shotting players over 40k-50k damage....quadrupling the highest armor gear status?

> > >

> > > It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

> > >

> > > (there is a reason why there is something called social media)

> > >

> > > Anyhow, i can't tell Anet what to do but the truth remain: the social media is listening and watching everything they do and how they treat their customers/players. And most importantly, they will not hide anything and will boldly expose the truth...and they're serious!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > to be honest i think anet already lost its battle with every other mmo & popularity shows it gw2 is in heavy decline, i wouldnt give it more than 5 years untill its completely dead & the sole reason for this would be the bad balance.


> You are right. More people are becoming awake so i would bet gw2 final death in 2 years.

> (pvp is in its final stage leaving pve to fight for its life alone)


Look arround, get lvl 80 , get equipment.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> **A sad testimony from a new player being 1 shotted with link**

> -thief. mes....what is the difference?


> 'Hi everyone

> I am a fairly new player, at the moment just trying out different professions before deciding which I want to commit to.

> WvW / PvP is my main interest so I tried out some EotM to start off with. Then I tried out one of the real WvW maps and had some slightly worrying experiences which involved me getting (almost literally) one shot.

> The first time was a 5v1, we were chasing down this almost dead guy to finish him off. I was on about 80% hp, he turned around and one shot me with an 11k crit.

> The next time I was playing near the back of a zerg group, I was at full hp. Out of nowhere I am downed before I can even comprehend what happened, with a thief running away from my body. He backstabbed me for around 90% of my hp.

> Since then it has happened a few more times.

> The characters this happened on (thief and ele) are only around level 35. I know upscaled characters are not as powerful as true 80s, but this is a bit worrying. I am practising evading attacks more effectively, but these examples happened before I could even react. Is there something else I am doing wrong, or should it stop happening when I get closer to level 80?

> Thanks for any help'



> @Sasajoe.1509 said:



Wait, a level 35 upscaled playing on a thief and mesmer got 1 shot and that's your evidence that thief and mesmer are too powerful?

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That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.


So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence


This should Never be a acceptable to any competitive game. No risk, No effort, No hard-work, just rewards after rewards?


'Since then it has happened a **few more times'**


**Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**


Is this the future of gw2?

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.


> This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence


> **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**


Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

League of Legends.

Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1


Outside of the oneshot Topic.


90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it.

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Why is this even a thread lol.


Pretty much everything can build to properly OHKO with fair reliability. Of all the builds out there right now, thief's probably on the lower end given the massive nerf to Assassin's Signet.


Hell, I built a SB that can AA for 14k's on longbow. My reaper presses one button and hits 5 targets for almost 35k. My warrior has one-shotted people with Bull's Charge alone lol.


Be-all-end-all is that offense and defense got powercreeped massively since HoT and unless you play heavily into furthering innate defenses you're gonna get one-shotted by a lot of builds.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.

> >

> > This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence

> >

> > **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**


> Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

> League of Legends.

> Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

> Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

> A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

> Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1


> Outside of the oneshot Topic.


>**90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it**


whose 90%? By the way, i've played more than 200 hours on each classes, so don't even go there. And please do not speak for everyone, thanks

secondly, the following points are ridiculous because you and i know that age and level has nothing to do with a bad design.


In fact: i will show you this...since you refuse to stay focus on topic


Sep 7, 2012


first time player playing thief: 'wtf is this class', 'I don't even know what i did', 'i never killed anyone so fast in my warrior', 'i'm going thief man kitten warrior', 'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief', 'oh my god he died instantly...,i don't know what i'm doing'


Even his colleagues are laughing at this. Did you also noticed how shocked he was after killing a guardian? A tank c;lass so easily? a class whose designed to excell in defence?


i'll leave it there. So....what do u have to say now?


Experience or not: the matter remains, thief and mesmer requires no effort, hard-work or risks whatsoever to be efficient.


The verdict stands, 1 shotting is toxic, non competitive and unhealthy for the duration of the game

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> Right... so Mesmer is further invading Thief's territory, what else is new :/. What will Anet do? Nerf thief, buff mesmer.


both need to be seriously addressed

nerfing them will never be enough. (5 years should be evident of that) They must be re-designed from the ground up, at least that's the only solution i see that's available

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > Right... so Mesmer is further invading Thief's territory, what else is new :/. What will Anet do? Nerf thief, buff mesmer.


> both need to be seriously addressed

> nerfing them will never be enough. (5 years should be evident of that) They must be re-designed from the ground up, at least that's the only solution i see that's available


It is ANet we are talking about, the only way they would redesign to fix classes would be to be more gimmick easilly to play in pve..

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.

> > >

> > > This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence

> > >

> > > **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**

> >

> > Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

> > League of Legends.

> > Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

> > Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

> > A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

> > Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1

> >

> > Outside of the oneshot Topic.

> >

> >**90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it**


> whose 90%? By the way, i've played more than 200 hours on each classes, so don't even go there. And please do not speak for everyone, thanks

> secondly, the following points are ridiculous because you and i know that age and level has nothing to do with a bad design.


> In fact: i will show you this...since you refuse to stay focus on topic


> Sep 7, 2012



> first time player playing thief: 'kitten is this class', 'I don't even know what i did', 'i never killed anyone so fast in my warrior', 'i'm going thief man kitten warrior', 'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief', 'oh my god he died instantly...,i don't know what i'm doing'


> Even his colleagues are laughing at this. Did you also noticed how shocked he was after killing a guardian? A tank c;lass so easily? a class whose designed to excell in defence?


> i'll leave it there. So....what do u have to say now?


> Experience or not: the matter remains, thief and mesmer requires no effort, hard-work or risks whatsoever to be efficient.


> The verdict stands, 1 shotting is toxic, non competitive and unhealthy for the duration of the game


You should have a disclaimer on your post telling people that it's from the week after the game was released instead of pretending nerfs to quickness, ferocity, and pistol whip didn't happen in the mean time if you're going to use them as evidence... Not to mention he died just as fast when focused. His targets also died to svanir and you can hear his friends commenting on how bad the they are.


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> @Maugetarr.6823 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.

> > > >

> > > > This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence

> > > >

> > > > **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**

> > >

> > > Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

> > > League of Legends.

> > > Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

> > > Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

> > > A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

> > > Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1

> > >

> > > Outside of the oneshot Topic.

> > >

> > >**90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it**

> >

> > whose 90%? By the way, i've played more than 200 hours on each classes, so don't even go there. And please do not speak for everyone, thanks

> > secondly, the following points are ridiculous because you and i know that age and level has nothing to do with a bad design.

> >

> > In fact: i will show you this...since you refuse to stay focus on topic

> >

> > Sep 7, 2012

> >

> >

> > first time player playing thief: 'kitten is this class', 'I don't even know what i did', 'i never killed anyone so fast in my warrior', 'i'm going thief man kitten warrior', 'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief', 'oh my god he died instantly...,i don't know what i'm doing'

> >

> > Even his colleagues are laughing at this. Did you also noticed how shocked he was after killing a guardian? A tank c;lass so easily? a class whose designed to excell in defence?

> >

> > i'll leave it there. So....what do u have to say now?

> >

> > Experience or not: the matter remains, thief and mesmer requires no effort, hard-work or risks whatsoever to be efficient.

> >

> > The verdict stands, 1 shotting is toxic, non competitive and unhealthy for the duration of the game


> You should have a disclaimer on your post telling people that it's from the week after the game was released instead of pretending nerfs to quickness, ferocity, and pistol whip didn't happen in the mean time if you're going to use them as evidence... Not to mention he died just as fast when focused. His targets also died to svanir and you can hear his friends commenting on how bad the they are.



pretending? did i mention anything about pretending? did you bother to read my previous posts as to why i posted this video?



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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Maugetarr.6823 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > > That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.

> > > > >

> > > > > This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence

> > > > >

> > > > > **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**

> > > >

> > > > Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

> > > > League of Legends.

> > > > Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

> > > > Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

> > > > A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

> > > > Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1

> > > >

> > > > Outside of the oneshot Topic.

> > > >

> > > >**90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it**

> > >

> > > whose 90%? By the way, i've played more than 200 hours on each classes, so don't even go there. And please do not speak for everyone, thanks

> > > secondly, the following points are ridiculous because you and i know that age and level has nothing to do with a bad design.

> > >

> > > In fact: i will show you this...since you refuse to stay focus on topic

> > >

> > > Sep 7, 2012

> > >

> > >

> > > first time player playing thief: 'kitten is this class', 'I don't even know what i did', 'i never killed anyone so fast in my warrior', 'i'm going thief man kitten warrior', 'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief', 'oh my god he died instantly...,i don't know what i'm doing'

> > >

> > > Even his colleagues are laughing at this. Did you also noticed how shocked he was after killing a guardian? A tank c;lass so easily? a class whose designed to excell in defence?

> > >

> > > i'll leave it there. So....what do u have to say now?

> > >

> > > Experience or not: the matter remains, thief and mesmer requires no effort, hard-work or risks whatsoever to be efficient.

> > >

> > > The verdict stands, 1 shotting is toxic, non competitive and unhealthy for the duration of the game

> >

> > You should have a disclaimer on your post telling people that it's from the week after the game was released instead of pretending nerfs to quickness, ferocity, and pistol whip didn't happen in the mean time if you're going to use them as evidence... Not to mention he died just as fast when focused. His targets also died to svanir and you can hear his friends commenting on how bad the they are.

> >


> pretending? did i mention anything about pretending? did you bother to read my previous posts as to why i posted this video?




You don't have to mention it, but don't post a comment about current damage in game and include a video from game launch where everything in it allowing for the burst damage has been nerfed while complaining the devs never nerf anything. I do read your posts, and I think the conclusions you reach aren't well founded because you lay all your complaints at the feet of thief and mesmer. While I actually don't think damage is too high in this game, if you think it is, you should be looking at the damage formulas, not a specific class. The multiplicative damage modifiers allow for hits to be about 4.2 times higher than their base damage, making any nerfs to a single skill or class moot because any hit about the strength of an auto attack could hit people for half their health with the proper setup.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.

> > >

> > > This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence

> > >

> > > **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**

> >

> > Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

> > League of Legends.

> > Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

> > Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

> > A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

> > Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1

> >

> > Outside of the oneshot Topic.

> >

> >**90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it**


> whose 90%? By the way, i've played more than 200 hours on each classes, so don't even go there. And please do not speak for everyone, thanks

> secondly, the following points are ridiculous because you and i know that age and level has nothing to do with a bad design.


> In fact: i will show you this...since you refuse to stay focus on topic


> Sep 7, 2012



> first time player playing thief: 'kitten is this class', 'I don't even know what i did', 'i never killed anyone so fast in my warrior', 'i'm going thief man kitten warrior', 'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief', 'oh my god he died instantly...,i don't know what i'm doing'


> Even his colleagues are laughing at this. Did you also noticed how shocked he was after killing a guardian? A tank c;lass so easily? a class whose designed to excell in defence?


> i'll leave it there. So....what do u have to say now?


> Experience or not: the matter remains, thief and mesmer requires no effort, hard-work or risks whatsoever to be efficient.


> The verdict stands, 1 shotting is toxic, non competitive and unhealthy for the duration of the game


I say 90% , because i know some played mesmer enough to know the class.


Please look at some Comments


"Do an ICD for shatter so those MAKRO HACKERS cant use all shatter with 1 button"


Shatters have an ICD since 2013. How am i supposed to Take guys like him seriously ?


and again ; noobs killing noobs is no evidence for bad design... Gw 2 uses the dodge mechanic. If u dont dodge anything u die. If u dont look behind u ( while u are chased from 3 People ) u die


If u dont cleanse imob u die. Nothing to see here.


Now look at time stamp of first kill

From imob to downstate it's 2 seconds.


"'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief"

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> @EvilSardine.9635 said:

> Why is there not much talk about this? Instant kill abilities with no counter-play should not exist in a game. There should be skillful counter-play to everything.


Hm, don't I agree, I am missing more abilities to produce "Headshoot" :) (Probably I played to much Counter Strike ;) )

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> @Dayra.7405 said:

> > @EvilSardine.9635 said:

> > Why is there not much talk about this? Instant kill abilities with no counter-play should not exist in a game. There should be skillful counter-play to everything.


> Hm, don't I agree, I am missing more abilities to produce "Headshoot" :) (Probably I played to much Counter Strike ;) )


Yeah probably. One shots is a shooter or solo player Thing. Never in MMO's. Problem is ; one shot is 100% fitting for the LORE of DE for example. Mark ur target, hunt it down Stealth , wait for the perfect shot , boom. Its super fitting for the theme, but super unhealthy for the game.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Maugetarr.6823 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > > That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.

> > > > >

> > > > > This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence

> > > > >

> > > > > **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**

> > > >

> > > > Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

> > > > League of Legends.

> > > > Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

> > > > Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

> > > > A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

> > > > Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1

> > > >

> > > > Outside of the oneshot Topic.

> > > >

> > > >**90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it**

> > >

> > > whose 90%? By the way, i've played more than 200 hours on each classes, so don't even go there. And please do not speak for everyone, thanks

> > > secondly, the following points are ridiculous because you and i know that age and level has nothing to do with a bad design.

> > >

> > > In fact: i will show you this...since you refuse to stay focus on topic

> > >

> > > Sep 7, 2012

> > >

> > >

> > > first time player playing thief: 'kitten is this class', 'I don't even know what i did', 'i never killed anyone so fast in my warrior', 'i'm going thief man kitten warrior', 'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief', 'oh my god he died instantly...,i don't know what i'm doing'

> > >

> > > Even his colleagues are laughing at this. Did you also noticed how shocked he was after killing a guardian? A tank c;lass so easily? a class whose designed to excell in defence?

> > >

> > > i'll leave it there. So....what do u have to say now?

> > >

> > > Experience or not: the matter remains, thief and mesmer requires no effort, hard-work or risks whatsoever to be efficient.

> > >

> > > The verdict stands, 1 shotting is toxic, non competitive and unhealthy for the duration of the game

> >

> > You should have a disclaimer on your post telling people that it's from the week after the game was released instead of pretending nerfs to quickness, ferocity, and pistol whip didn't happen in the mean time if you're going to use them as evidence... Not to mention he died just as fast when focused. His targets also died to svanir and you can hear his friends commenting on how bad the they are.

> >


> pretending? did i mention anything about pretending? did you bother to read my previous posts as to why i posted this video?




Yeah man, those Mug crits are super OP right now just like they were in 2012 l0l.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > That was a miss post but i'll answer it anyway. The point to that post was to demonstrate a new player experience being 1 shotted. This new player was astounded by the damage he/she received by the thief.

> > >

> > > This should Never be a acceptable to a competitive game. So the new player complaints to social about his/her negative experience to social media in return, social media will spread the news to other media outlets...with evidence

> > >

> > > **Great way to promote a game to a new player hugh!!**

> >

> > Dude that's nonesense. Let's take this example into other games/even Real life.

> > League of Legends.

> > Lv 18 Champion without items vs Lv 18 Champion with 6 Items. - Who's gonna win ?

> > Counter Strike one Player without any Weapon , the other Player has an Ak 47 with infinite Ammo. - Who's gonna win?

> > A 12 year old boy vs a 22 year old Profi Boxer. - Who's gonna win?

> > Take ur lvl 1 Char in lv 80 area - get one shoted by lvl 80 PvE mobs -> PvE Mobs too stronk , stupid game , cant do lvl 80 content with lvl 1

> >

> > Outside of the oneshot Topic.

> >

> >**90% of you didn't play Mesmer for at least 200 houres. It's so obvious that most people have literally no clue about the class. Instead of whining every day in Forums, take ur time, create a Mesmer, and learn it**


> whose 90%? By the way, i've played more than 200 hours on each classes, so don't even go there. And please do not speak for everyone, thanks

> secondly, the following points are ridiculous because you and i know that age and level has nothing to do with a bad design.


> In fact: i will show you this...since you refuse to stay focus on topic


> Sep 7, 2012



> first time player playing thief: 'kitten is this class', 'I don't even know what i did', 'i never killed anyone so fast in my warrior', 'i'm going thief man kitten warrior', 'he died in 0.1 seconds--laughing+scratching head in disbelief', 'oh my god he died instantly...,i don't know what i'm doing'


> Even his colleagues are laughing at this. Did you also noticed how shocked he was after killing a guardian? A tank c;lass so easily? a class whose designed to excell in defence?


> i'll leave it there. So....what do u have to say now?


> Experience or not: the matter remains, thief and mesmer requires no effort, hard-work or risks whatsoever to be efficient.


> The verdict stands, 1 shotting is toxic, non competitive and unhealthy for the duration of the game


I don't think I have seen that bad of players in a long time, no stun breaks, no dodging, just lots of face tanking and dying, *shock*.

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> this whole thread is literally just one salty player on a nerf crusade vs mesmer, because he cannot beat them in fights. he proclaims the game dead/dying too.


> Ok please stop with hyperbole nonsence, either quit game or git gud burnfall. ty.


well he is kind of right many many MANY players (including several of my friends) have already quit because of terrible balance & imbalanced classes & that is the reason why gw2 is so unpopular & failed as a competitive game... it really is on it's dying breath.


No twitch coverage no nothing only pve scripted bullshit

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> @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > this whole thread is literally just one salty player on a nerf crusade vs mesmer, because he cannot beat them in fights. he proclaims the game dead/dying too.

> >

> > Ok please stop with hyperbole nonsence, either quit game or git gud burnfall. ty.


> well he is kind of right many many MANY players (including several of my friends) have already quit because of terrible balance & imbalanced classes & that is the reason why gw2 is so unpopular & failed as a competitive game... it really is on it's dying breath.


> No twitch coverage no nothing only pve scripted kitten


Currently, reports from...pretty much everwhere point to GW2 being in the top 3 of MMO's in terms of population. But if that's how you feel, maybe it's time you left? Surely you shouldn't continue spending your time on something you think to be a failure?

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> Hi there, as a power Mesmer player I can understand your frustration and whether the burst combo is broken or not there are traits on each class that can prevent you from being 1 shot entirely.

> **Necro:** Reaper's Protection (same reason as above), Unholy Sanctuary


No reaper or scourge is running the Death Magic trait line though so that isn't really that useful in terms of advice.


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