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Why can mesmers insta-down people?


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Well i guess being on different teirs/servers differs then. There are possibly 2 guilds in the past 2 links worth of match ups that actually did run a grp of 5 thievs but apart from that, they are much rarer then they use to be because other classes have enough escape tools as well now (engi with stealth and double rocket booster jump thing is an example)


Mesmer was no more hard countered the day anet made it so you can shatter at will (while being in cc or mid casting a skill) though mesmer was still at a disadvantage vs thief. Chrono in no was it ever hardcountered, not even daredevil hardcountered it but again, it was still at a disadvantage in some builds vs builds. Now endurance has been nerfed on daredevil and some acro traits and dash being nerfed, the up rise of mirage burst builds are back again.


Thief always had "evade spam" and that was the old acro s/d which was a bit hsrder to pull of and not many complained about that because d/p was the meta and still is but they nerfed Acro to oblivion back before hot to make room for the daredevil.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Well i guess being on different teirs/servers differs then. There are possibly 2 guilds in the past 2 links worth of match ups that actually did run a grp of 5 thievs but apart from that, they are much rarer then they use to be because other classes have enough escape tools as well now (engi with stealth and double rocket booster jump thing is an example)


> Mesmer was no more hard countered the day anet made it so you can shatter at will (while being in cc or mid casting a skill) though mesmer was still at a disadvantage vs thief. Chrono in no was it ever hardcountered, not even daredevil hardcountered it but again, it was still at a disadvantage in some builds vs builds. Now endurance has been nerfed on daredevil and some acro traits and dash being nerfed, the up rise of mirage burst builds are back again.


> Thief always had "evade spam" and that was the old acro s/d which was a bit hsrder to pull of and not many complained about that because d/p was the meta and still is but they nerfed Acro to oblivion back before hot to make room for the daredevil.


Are we talking power or condi because power chrono was countered easily by daredevil where condi chrono countered daredevil if they used ID but was otherwise not particularity in favour of either party if DD ran escapists absolution. There was a really nice bit of footage from one of the best mesmers fighting as power chrono vs a thief who was so bad he didn’t land steal often yet he lost because power chrono wasn’t good. The nerf to endurance since PoF has hit DD and the UC nerf was dumb but DD still gets more dodges than any class if they want them. Mirage relies on energy sigils, vigor and food all of which are available to a DD should they want it, sure vigor is only 10s in trickery otherwise you have to take acro but still it’s there if you want it.


I see more mirages than thieves myself, not by a large amount but I don’t often see power mirages. They’re all condi and I’ve fought a lot of servers as RoF is plummeting down the ranks. Right now my honest opinion is that with the rise of scourges chrono would be better, most likely power for the CC spam and burst, you can’t last in a prolonged fight vs scourge especially with snap to target on those shades so your only option is CC and burst however in TB you would need more burst than any mesmer is capable of. Even on my full zerk mesmer and all damage boosting traits I need lucky crits to get a scourge below 50% but have no follow up for 12s, chrono allows for double or even triple bursting which while might be lower in damage is made up for by having more clones and hitting more reliably.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> I see more mirages than thieves myself, not by a large amount but I don’t often see power mirages. They’re all condi and I’ve fought a lot of servers as RoF is plummeting down the ranks. Right now my honest opinion is that with the rise of scourges chrono would be better, most likely power for the CC spam and burst, you can’t last in a prolonged fight vs scourge especially with snap to target on those shades so your only option is CC and burst however in TB you would need more burst than any mesmer is capable of. Even on my full zerk mesmer and all damage boosting traits I need lucky crits to get a scourge below 50% but have no follow up for 12s, chrono allows for double or even triple bursting which while might be lower in damage is made up for by having more clones and hitting more reliably.


having fought against RoF now for 2 weeks , i feel like i see alot of power mirages - you really got alot of them :D

i personally think its harder for me to fight a power mirage than a power chrono as mirage is more often in evade while bursting and more mobile while i can interrupt alot more of chrono stuff. but i am no scourge as you know, tho i think being able to evade while bursting as well as the mobility should make it easier for mrage to fight scourge, also the EM trait should handle a few of those condis while you will have less condi remove on chrono or need to give up damage for it.



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> @MUDse.7623 said:

> > @apharma.3741 said:

> > I see more mirages than thieves myself, not by a large amount but I don’t often see power mirages. They’re all condi and I’ve fought a lot of servers as RoF is plummeting down the ranks. Right now my honest opinion is that with the rise of scourges chrono would be better, most likely power for the CC spam and burst, you can’t last in a prolonged fight vs scourge especially with snap to target on those shades so your only option is CC and burst however in TB you would need more burst than any mesmer is capable of. Even on my full zerk mesmer and all damage boosting traits I need lucky crits to get a scourge below 50% but have no follow up for 12s, chrono allows for double or even triple bursting which while might be lower in damage is made up for by having more clones and hitting more reliably.


> having fought against RoF now for 2 weeks , i feel like i see alot of power mirages - you really got alot of them :D

> i personally think its harder for me to fight a power mirage than a power chrono as mirage is more often in evade while bursting and more mobile while i can interrupt alot more of chrono stuff. but i am no scourge as you know, tho i think being able to evade while bursting as well as the mobility should make it easier for mrage to fight scourge, also the EM trait should handle a few of those condis while you will have less condi remove on chrono or need to give up damage for it.




It doesn’t, scourge lands 2 attacks on you and you’re at 50% health while they have to only evade a single burst from GS as getting close is suicide, they also kill clones stupidly fast and easily so they don’t land unless detonated at 0 range which again restricts your ability to burst them down. Chrono has superspeed shatters so they hit almost every time, gravity well and the ability to chain multiple bursts when you do get them in the GW, the shield block is also much more effective against scourge as many aren’t running unblockables except staff which you can avoid in some capacity. The main issue for mirage is the lack of being able to effectively pressure a scourge outside its attack range without having to get close and the burst from range is incredibly easy to dodge.


Mirage is better against thief I agree there and generally better against other classes but scourge is so dominant atm that it’s completely warping the meta. Being able to let a thief steal unto you, stunbreak and cleanse the weakness to follow it up with a 15k burst to the face makes mirage much better against DP even for those not very good at mirage or dodging steal.

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> @apharma.3741 said:


> Mirage is better against thief I agree there and generally better against other classes but scourge is so dominant atm that it’s completely warping the meta. Being able to let a thief steal unto you, stunbreak and cleanse the weakness to follow it up with a 15k burst to the face makes mirage much better against DP even for those not very good at mirage or dodging steal.


You're blaming balance on the skill floor and ceiling of a class and that's not balance. That's a player skill issue.

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> > @apharma.3741 said:


> > Mirage is better against thief I agree there and generally better against other classes but scourge is so dominant atm that it’s completely warping the meta. Being able to let a thief steal unto you, stunbreak and cleanse the weakness to follow it up with a 15k burst to the face makes mirage much better against DP even for those not very good at mirage or dodging steal.


> You're blaming balance on the skill floor and ceiling of a class and that's not balance. That's a player skill issue.


Um so how should you balance classes if you don’t take into account skill floor and ceiling? In fact what are you even making a point of here other than trying to make out I have a player skill issue against...scourge I’m guessing?

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> @apharma.3741 said:


> Um so how should you balance classes if you don’t take into account skill floor and ceiling? In fact what are you even making a point of here other than trying to make out I have a player skill issue against...scourge I’m guessing?


You balance a game around its potential to be played at. You don't balance sPvP around the bronze-gold players which is the majority, you balance it around plat-legend. If you want to have an enjoyable experience fighting scourages, then learn to fight scourages.


> @Kirin.7306 said:

> are the fotm really saying "lrn2play" wat.


Got to legend on s/d daredevil. Got to legend on Bunker Guardian. Got to legend on scepter chrono with signet heal. People are getting legend on naked core dps guardians and revenants. S/F elementalist wasn't even considered good until someone got r1 with it.... its not FOTM. Your ability to do well with a class defines its viability.

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I do play pow> @LordOtto.2650 said:

> This is why I don't play PvP anymore! kitten people using broken combo traits with broken combo skills! At least in WvW you can avoid this problem!


True, but you can only avoid them if you play thief, other classes are not blessed with such OP mobility.

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We had a new player who recently joined a guild wars 2 competitor's game who said this quote 'we no longer can have a future together, if you do not care about me'

We(former gw2 players) asked the new player, what does she mean by that? She said, she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. 'Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players'


Here is a new player who was to be the potential future of gw2 and how anet prevented her including many potential players from enjoying the game.

(gw2 was her first mmo game)

(gw2 was her first competitive game)


**Someone Needs To Be Held Accountable!!**

And It's Not The Players!

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> We had a new player who recently joined a guild wars 2 competitor's game who said this quote 'we no longer can have a future together, if you do not care about me'

> We(former gw2 players) asked the new player, what does she mean by that? She said, she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. 'Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players'


> Here is a new player who was to be the potential future of gw2 and how anet prevented her including many potential players from enjoying the game.

> (gw2 was her first mmo game)

> (gw2 was her first competitive game)


> **Someone Needs To Be Held Accountable!!**

> And It's Not The Players!


Lol. So I am sure you explained what happened.


Or did you forgo that opportunity to come in here and vent?

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > We had a new player who recently joined a guild wars 2 competitor's game who said this quote 'we no longer can have a future together, if you do not care about me'

> > We(former gw2 players) asked the new player, what does she mean by that? She said, she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. 'Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players'

> >

> > Here is a new player who was to be the potential future of gw2 and how anet prevented her including many potential players from enjoying the game.

> > (gw2 was her first mmo game)

> > (gw2 was her first competitive game)

> >

> > **Someone Needs To Be Held Accountable!!**

> > And It's Not The Players!


> Lol. So I am sure you explained what happened.


> Or did you forgo that opportunity to come in here and vent?


i certainly did speak the truth.

You see, all it takes for the truth to spread out like wildfire' is for new curious minds to experience it for themselves. This is why for the past many years i kept reminding Anet that new curious minded players will guarantee gw2 end. No amount of money or amount of contents they add in gw2 will prevent gw2 short-coming.


The threat is real and this doesn't only include Anet, but includes many business who fail. **There is a severe price to be payed by taking advantage of your customers and abusing their trust**


New players experience/ New customers aren't blind by this nor aren't stupid. They pay more attention than you think. They read the forum, watch the video streamings, and the videos. Once they experience it:: the flames are turned higher and the door of hell is open.


Some will complain about the mistreatment and the unfairness on the forum, and some won't but will pay attention to everything...including silence: which will add more flames to the fire.


It is Anet responsibility to be in touch with their players and to prevent toxic gaming environment from happening. Most importantly, make the game inviting and fun for new players and for present players alike, for a fortunate future for GW2.


I will end it here,


' **If You Want To Know

The Past, Look At Your Present. If You

Want To Know The

Future, Look At Your Present** '


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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > We had a new player who recently joined a guild wars 2 competitor's game who said this quote 'we no longer can have a future together, if you do not care about me'

> > > We(former gw2 players) asked the new player, what does she mean by that? She said, she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. 'Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players'

> > >

> > > Here is a new player who was to be the potential future of gw2 and how anet prevented her including many potential players from enjoying the game.

> > > (gw2 was her first mmo game)

> > > (gw2 was her first competitive game)

> > >

> > > **Someone Needs To Be Held Accountable!!**

> > > And It's Not The Players!

> >

> > Lol. So I am sure you explained what happened.

> >

> > Or did you forgo that opportunity to come in here and vent?


> i certainly did speak the truth.

> You see, all it takes for the truth to spread out like wildfire' is for new curious minds to experience it for themselves. This is why for the past many years i kept reminding Anet that new curious minded players will guarantee gw2 end. No amount of money or amount of contents they add in gw2 will prevent gw2 short-coming.


> The threat is real and this doesn't only include Anet, but includes many business who fail. **There is a severe price to be payed by taking advantage of your customers and abusing their trust**


> **New players experience/ New customers aren't blind by this nor aren't stupid. They pay more attention than you think. They read the forum, watch the video streamings, and the videos.** Once they experience it:: the flames are turned higher and the door of hell is open.


> Some will complain about the mistreatment and the unfairness on the forum, and some won't but will pay attention to everything...including silence: which will add more flames to the fire.


> It is Anet responsibility to be in touch with their players and to prevent toxic gaming environment from happening. Most importantly, make the game inviting and fun for new players and for present players alike for a future for gw2.


> I will end it here,


> ' **If You Want To Know

> The Past, Look At Your Present. If You

> Want To Know The

> Future, Look At Your Present** '



If this was honestly the case then the player who you said “she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players“ would actually know that this was indeed not hacking or exploiting.


That doesn’t mean I’m ok with stealth ganks just that you have completely and utter contradicted yourself.


I’m looking forward to your reply after saying you will end it there.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > We had a new player who recently joined a guild wars 2 competitor's game who said this quote 'we no longer can have a future together, if you do not care about me'

> > > > We(former gw2 players) asked the new player, what does she mean by that? She said, she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. 'Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players'

> > > >

> > > > Here is a new player who was to be the potential future of gw2 and how anet prevented her including many potential players from enjoying the game.

> > > > (gw2 was her first mmo game)

> > > > (gw2 was her first competitive game)

> > > >

> > > > **Someone Needs To Be Held Accountable!!**

> > > > And It's Not The Players!

> > >

> > > Lol. So I am sure you explained what happened.

> > >

> > > Or did you forgo that opportunity to come in here and vent?

> >

> > i certainly did speak the truth.

> > You see, all it takes for the truth to spread out like wildfire' is for new curious minds to experience it for themselves. This is why for the past many years i kept reminding Anet that new curious minded players will guarantee gw2 end. No amount of money or amount of contents they add in gw2 will prevent gw2 short-coming.

> >

> > The threat is real and this doesn't only include Anet, but includes many business who fail. **There is a severe price to be payed by taking advantage of your customers and abusing their trust**

> >

> > **New players experience/ New customers aren't blind by this nor aren't stupid. They pay more attention than you think. They read the forum, watch the video streamings, and the videos.** Once they experience it:: the flames are turned higher and the door of hell is open.

> >

> > Some will complain about the mistreatment and the unfairness on the forum, and some won't but will pay attention to everything...including silence: which will add more flames to the fire.

> >

> > It is Anet responsibility to be in touch with their players and to prevent toxic gaming environment from happening. Most importantly, make the game inviting and fun for new players and for present players alike for a future for gw2.

> >

> > I will end it here,

> >

> > ' **If You Want To Know

> > The Past, Look At Your Present. If You

> > Want To Know The

> > Future, Look At Your Present** '

> >


> If this was honestly the case then the player who you said “she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players“ **would actually know that this was indeed not hacking or exploiting**


> That doesn’t mean I’m ok with stealth ganks just **that you have completely and utter contradicted yourself**


> I’m looking forward to your reply after saying you will end it there.


Let me ask you this question, which class/s has been reported the most for hacking and exploiting ?

hint: in gw2 competitor's games, those class/s would be banned.


Here is a read: (i will censor name of game, name of player with the profession)


player: 'How are you suppose to sneak past what you can’t see, that also has an unknown position?

They harm the stealth game part of game because in order to be sneaky (i.e. stealthy) we need to have some idea of what our enemies can see and what they know. I commonly give the example of a stealth game where the guards are all invisible and their position is unknown. How could the player avoid / dodge those guards? They couldn't really, not without repeatedly getting caught or screwing up and endless trial and error. This is basically what we have with profession'


"Another player reply to player 'I think you played too much of silly stealth games. change-(what you are asking for) This is not a good gameplay at all"


You see. player is complaining how the company restrict stealth and try to make a case about it. Another player answer and say that, what you are looking for is not competitive gameplay.


**The goal of a company is to make the game challenging with learning curve for their players, and to restrict abuse unhealthy game play and to prevent toxic environments**


**To have fun. to make efforts, to take risks, to make mistakes, to learn, to be rewarded, and to grow**

(remove anyone of these, you're game is doomed to fail)


-this is what players only ask for and only need-


“If you aren’t taking care of your customers, your competitor's will"


'If you show concern about what matters to your customers, you can bet on it, you’ve just acquired a customer for life'


'you have completely and utter contradicted yourself'??

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> @Strages.2950 said:

> What would honestly help would be having a 1/4 second cooldown between shatters. That way the gigantic amount of macro mesmers around in WvW would become a lot more innefective. The fact that these cheaters are ruining the game for a large part of the population should be dealt with swiftly.


It's not hard to hit all 4 shatter buttons if that was a choice, at once with a 20 button mouse.


It's not macros that are the problem here, nor do I consider people using the build effectively cheaters.

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> @Strages.2950 said:

> What would honestly help would be having a 1/4 second cooldown between shatters. That way the gigantic amount of macro mesmers around in WvW would become a lot more innefective. The fact that these cheaters are ruining the game for a large part of the population should be dealt with swiftly.


*Don't forget the thieves also* when mentioning the ruining of the game.


(basically they should lower the burst on every class taht has huge burst - either mesmers, thieves, & every other burst build)


burst = taking away the fun

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> @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> > @Strages.2950 said:

> > What would honestly help would be having a 1/4 second cooldown between shatters. That way the gigantic amount of macro mesmers around in WvW would become a lot more innefective. The fact that these cheaters are ruining the game for a large part of the population should be dealt with swiftly.


> *Don't forget the thieves also* when mentioning the ruining of the game.


Yes. Because thief needs to be removed from the game. You have made that clear.


Constructive suggestions would be helpful, thanks.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> > @Strider Pj.2193

> > edited for more clarification after ur quote


> Fair change. :)


> And one I am not opposed to entirely.


> I just hope that the burst from condi also takes a hit.


yeh condis are ridiculously overpowered atm also, either should nerf the condi dmg/spam or they should add a - toughness-like stat AS BASELINE - that reduces condi damage.

(just like toughness/armor reduces physical dmg)

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @apharma.3741 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > > We had a new player who recently joined a guild wars 2 competitor's game who said this quote 'we no longer can have a future together, if you do not care about me'

> > > > > We(former gw2 players) asked the new player, what does she mean by that? She said, she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. 'Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players'

> > > > >

> > > > > Here is a new player who was to be the potential future of gw2 and how anet prevented her including many potential players from enjoying the game.

> > > > > (gw2 was her first mmo game)

> > > > > (gw2 was her first competitive game)

> > > > >

> > > > > **Someone Needs To Be Held Accountable!!**

> > > > > And It's Not The Players!

> > > >

> > > > Lol. So I am sure you explained what happened.

> > > >

> > > > Or did you forgo that opportunity to come in here and vent?

> > >

> > > i certainly did speak the truth.

> > > You see, all it takes for the truth to spread out like wildfire' is for new curious minds to experience it for themselves. This is why for the past many years i kept reminding Anet that new curious minded players will guarantee gw2 end. No amount of money or amount of contents they add in gw2 will prevent gw2 short-coming.

> > >

> > > The threat is real and this doesn't only include Anet, but includes many business who fail. **There is a severe price to be payed by taking advantage of your customers and abusing their trust**

> > >

> > > **New players experience/ New customers aren't blind by this nor aren't stupid. They pay more attention than you think. They read the forum, watch the video streamings, and the videos.** Once they experience it:: the flames are turned higher and the door of hell is open.

> > >

> > > Some will complain about the mistreatment and the unfairness on the forum, and some won't but will pay attention to everything...including silence: which will add more flames to the fire.

> > >

> > > It is Anet responsibility to be in touch with their players and to prevent toxic gaming environment from happening. Most importantly, make the game inviting and fun for new players and for present players alike for a future for gw2.

> > >

> > > I will end it here,

> > >

> > > ' **If You Want To Know

> > > The Past, Look At Your Present. If You

> > > Want To Know The

> > > Future, Look At Your Present** '

> > >

> >

> > If this was honestly the case then the player who you said “she report those players for hacking and using exploits yet anet does nothing. Always being instantly killed by invisible players and by clone players“ **would actually know that this was indeed not hacking or exploiting**

> >

> > That doesn’t mean I’m ok with stealth ganks just **that you have completely and utter contradicted yourself**

> >

> > I’m looking forward to your reply after saying you will end it there.


> Let me ask you this question, which class/s has been reported the most for hacking and exploiting ?

> hint: in gw2 competitor's games, those class/s would be banned.


> Here is a read: (i will censor name of game, name of player with the profession)


> player: 'How are you suppose to sneak past what you can’t see, that also has an unknown position?

> They harm the stealth game part of game because in order to be sneaky (i.e. stealthy) we need to have some idea of what our enemies can see and what they know. I commonly give the example of a stealth game where the guards are all invisible and their position is unknown. How could the player avoid / dodge those guards? They couldn't really, not without repeatedly getting caught or screwing up and endless trial and error. This is basically what we have with profession'


> "Another player reply to player 'I think you played too much of silly stealth games. change-(what you are asking for) This is not a good gameplay at all"


> You see. player is complaining how the company restrict stealth and try to make a case about it. Another player answer and say that, what you are looking for is not competitive gameplay.


> **The goal of a company is to make the game challenging with learning curve for their players, and to restrict abuse unhealthy game play and to prevent toxic environments**


> **To have fun. to make efforts, to take risks, to make mistakes, to learn, to be rewarded, and to grow**

> (remove anyone of these, you're game is doomed to fail)


> -this is what players only ask for and only need-


> “If you aren’t taking care of your customers, your competitor's will"


> 'If you show concern about what matters to your customers, you can bet on it, you’ve just acquired a customer for life'


> 'you have completely and utter contradicted yourself'??


Twist and squirm all you want, you said that new players aren’t blind or stupid, that they look at forums, streams and videos, considering most streamers with commentary would actually say “I stealth here so he doesn’t see me run past”. Considering 2 of the top GW2 streamers over the duration of the game played classes that make use of stealth as a mechanic, one of them even uses clones I find it hard to believe these “not stupid and blind” players failed to register that stealth = cannot be seen and that it is a game mechanic not hacks.


You’re the one who said she was sick of people exploiting, an exploit is something unintended and regardless of my own views on stealth it is fully intended to be able to get a first strike in from stealth if you’re quick or clever about it. It is also fully intended for them not to be seen just as there have been plenty of videos showing thieves stealth camping over the years. Heck ANet can’t fail to have noticed excessive stealth durations as most openings in the WTS was 30s-1m of people stealthing and restealthing.

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