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What got you into Guild Wars 2?

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When I first decided to try pc gaming when I was younger everyone always talked about WoW, but I was to young to even get a job yet, so no way I could afford that. Tried and actually bounty 1-2 other games then realized both I'd bought were subscription based so never rlly got to play them either. Then happened to see guild wars 1 bundle pack in Walmart one day for like $40 and saw it looked cool and didn't cost me every month so decided to give it a go and when GW2 came out I obviously had to see it, especially the new WvW mode, and I was not disappointed.

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I first tried the original Guild Wars probably over 10 years ago now. I immediately fell in love with the art style and music in the game. Pre-Searing Ascalon will always be my favorite area of the game. I find myself playing it over and over and Prophecies being my all time favorite campaign. The original Guild Wars has been one of my favorite games hands down for many years. I still login and play on occasion.


When Guild Wars 2 was announced I was extremely excited. I was like a kid at Christmas :P I pre-ordered the game the first day it went on sale. While there may be some things from the original Guild Wars I miss that wasn’t brought over, I have not been disappointed at all. I love this game personally. The gameplay is very engaging and fun, love, love the artwork style of graphics and the music is the best in my opinion than in any game I have ever played. I was so happy to hear the music from the original was also put in this game.

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If you're intending this to be a response to the '85% unhappy' topic I think it would be more helpful to ask what interested people in GW2 rather than where they heard it from. 2 people could both pick that a friend told them about it but one might have been entirely interested in PvE and another exclusively PvP, which is the aspect of the game the other topic/s are addressing.


I could technically pick 4 options: I played GW1 before GW2 was announced, but when it was announced I wasn't following news about the game that closely so it was friends telling me about it that got me to look into it and the trailers that convinced me I wanted to buy it. And throughout all of that it was the PvE aspects that interested me the most.


What got me interested in GW1 was simple: it was an MMO with no subscription and a low level cap (meaning it wasn't built to be an endless grind to progress) and the charr looked like nothing I'd ever seen before implying there was a fair bit of originality in the world design. When I got GW2 I was fully expecting that I'd keep playing GW1 as well, but over time I got more and more drawn into this game to the point where in the 2nd year I didn't even bother trying for a mini polar bear in GW1 which had been basically all my free time every Wintersday since I found out they existed. I do still play GW1 but very rarely compared to the sequel.


I don't mind PvP in theory, but I've always been more interested in the PvE aspects of all the games I've played with the sole exceptions of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. As a result I very rarely play PvP in any game (I think I've done 11 matches in GW2 and got up to about rank 114 in WvW). Balance issues don't bother me (see previous comment about Mario Kart and Smash Bros - two notoriously unbalanced games) because I never get into it enough to start worrying about that.

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I played the original Guild Wars from the time it came out. and still play it . when it came out their was a new guild wars well I liked the first one. so I gave the second one a go after getting burned with hot . well never got what was promised the people who made the original Guild Wars is no longer with the company . but will say its nice to have some of the stuff from the original Guild Wars in this game . but yet their is major room for improvements

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"You only have to pay ONCE for this MMORPG?!"


Seriously though, a friend recommended it to me so I got it at launch. We've been playing "static" MMORPGS together for years. By "static" I mean you just stand toe-to-toe with a mob and beat it to death, so the idea of dodging around enemy attacks and whatnot seemed like a novel and awesome idea for a combat system - that was what got us to look into it at first.


But yeah, the idea of a one-time purchase with no monthly fees also played a part, I won't lie.

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After the game launched, I had a hard look at it and decided GW2 was new coke, and wanted nothing to do with it. My son bought me the game for Christmas and I played it so he would not be disappointed. I've played on and off since, bought Gemcards, bought PoF, and usually post criticisms of GW2 during those times I am playing simply because playing it reminds me of what it could have been. This will never be GW1 and it has not lived up to that standard. I'll continue to play it, off and on, not for its own merits but because the MMO market is not delivering past a generic level of LCD. ESO did the same thing but I dodged that one.

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Friend got me to try it but horrible design choices in the past 2 expansions of the game i previously focused on also contributed to me picking GW2 up.


Now im just kicking myself for not making the move earlier since this game fits my view of an MMO a lot better than a Gambling/Raiding simulator.

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I was playing WoW, and told me niece about it. She called WoW the evil empire and told me I'd enjoy Guild Wars 1 much better (even though she wasn't playin that herself, she just knew my tastes). I was still playing WoW when I happened into a local computer store that had Prophecies on sale cheap. I figured, well, what the hell, I might as well try it. I never looked back. Played Guild Wars 1 for six years before Guild Wars 2 came out.

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back in 2012, i was playing LOTRO and took 2 weeks vacation for their next expac release (rohan or isengard, i think). But they postponed the launch for a couple of weeks and since i didnt purchase the expac yet, I got gw2 instead, which was launching the same weekend.

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> @Wanze.8410 said:

> back in 2012, i was playing LOTRO and took 2 weeks vacation for their next expac release (rohan or isengard, i think). But they postponed the launch for a couple of weeks and since i didnt purchase the expac yet, I got gw2 instead, which was launching the same weekend.


Wise considering Riders of Rohan was utter pony.


Pun intended


I bought GW2 because of GW1. Ironically to the above post, I played Lotro whilst waiting for GW2 to get released.

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I always was a cheapskate and paranoid with giving out my banking data, so GW1 was the logical choice after the demise of DAOC.


I was both super excited about GW2 and very sad all at once when GW1 went on maintenance only, killing my interest in that superb game very quickly. GW2 was myn only game for years and i really liked it despite breaking every promise or sometimes just hope it had made. Then raids and a exploration/move/minigames phase began. I fought valiantly to stay in the game but could not stand the smug raiders and hardcore supporters who had then finally won and made GW2 their game and so I dropped out early in the year.


I came back in August for PoF and was surprised in a good way. Finally you could get legendary armor without bashing your head in against the same foe over and over again, and none of the PoF maps was such a convoluted mess like TD.

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