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What got you into Guild Wars 2?

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I held up a huge dislike for U.S. MMORPGs, mostly because WoW is cringy and ugly, this wanna-be J.R.R. Tolkien world and then Pandas. Whenever I walked into our local electronics store and saw the cardboard cutouts I just skipped by. Also, I just had laptops, so no actual GPU power going on. In 2013 I had plans to get a tower PC and got it. My cousin, a die hard Final Fantasy fan said that we both play FF14 then. He quitted after A Realm Reborn, and I got stuck there and FF14 became more and more garbage. Since 2010, my first character in League of Legends being Tristana, I mostly and solely enjoyed playing diminutive races. Lalafell in FF14, mained mostly Yordles in LoL. So I required an MMO with a small race that is adorable (read as: No gnomes). There was TERA and GW2. First the Asura were so .. weird that I checked gameplay videos and found GW2 to look like it's from 1998. (Punch me for that, but the Norn stater zone is green and blue and looks like a map from SUDDEN STRIKE). TERA fell flat because people said it has no substance. Then I tried it once again on Youtube, and then it happened:


A German female player, a female Asura engineer totally in pink, waved into the camera, then zoomed out and burnt people with her flamethrower. I was totally jumped in my seat! On the date of Heavensward release, I uninstalled FF14 and pre-ordered HoT. And I hate it so much I never considered Guild Wars. Now I am here, and I have the feel the game gets better and better (unlike FF14, which is stalled and on the way down because of that incompetent Yoshida guy).


I am glad I have GW2 on my hard drive. A great story, my (our all) character is well-written and the German voice acting is also very, very well done. Graphics are sometimes a bit dated, but when I saw the reflections on the shards of the Raptor and the detailled textures on the springer, I always forget about it. Deadeye is probably the coolest profession(branch) in a MMORPG I have seen so far, and my Asura is easily the most satisfying character I played as. Thanks to many decisions done by Anet (nice tech support, great converations with Gaile on forum matters, etc.) and clever gating decisions (dying clothes is a joke in FF14 and expensive, here it's not) and the possibility to buy lesser currencies (Gold) with real money to save me from grinding frustrations as well as the permanent character development through the masteries make me stay.


I have never ever been a fanboy for something before, but I can not defend GW2 enough. And I am gladly here to spend more money on it. So, aNet, go on!



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I loved Guild Wars and most of the ppl I played with more or less retired so I came onto GW2. It took me a while to accept that it wasn't Guild Wars in anything but name and that they had overshot by light years in their attempt to distance the game from its predecessor. It looks like Anet recognises this on some level with the game slowly evolving into Nostalgia Wars when it's not being ridiculous. I recently came back after a year or so hiatus and I having fun again, so that is pretty cool beans. I still log onto GW1 every now and then, and while its population is always surprising, it is slowly becoming more of a ghost town.

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I had seen the slow destruction of the community in warcraft, starting with recount (dps meter) then some kind of achievement numbers you 'had to' have.. it seemed every month some tool made a new way to sub divide the community even more - and they lapped it up. The funny thing was, although at that time warcraft had 3 separate talent (trait) trees and many ways to pick your talents, because everyone used a dps meter, everyone had to have the same talents that some spreadsheet wizard had calculated gave the best dps.. so the dev team might as well as just cut down the choice to those talents.


I could go on.. man it was toxic. going through an entire dungeon and no one spoke until the end then a quick /gg if you were lucky and off to the next one. raids were even worse.


I see GW2 going a little bit in that direction but Im having no part of it. I have played every major mmo since Asheron's call came out in 1999 - Asheron's Call, then dark age of camelot, anarchy online, horizons, eve online, LOTRO, EQ2, warcraft, Asherons Call 2, and about 6 others I can't even remember.

I play for fun and to relax, not to satisfy some nutjob I don't even know because he's in a hurry to speedrun a dungeon so he can speedrun another dungeon (it's almost always younger males)


I saw the teasers for GW2 and listened to Colin expalin how you can just roll up to an event and participate - you don't neeed anyone's permission you just take part. It didn't hurt the graphics were amazing.

My guardian and I have had many adventures since then and I look forward to many more. Just don't expect to see me in any raids :)

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i played wow before but there was something negative with it but i forgot it. so i wanted gw2 as alternative. dont care for other mmo's. played 2 gw2 beta's and pre ordered it. dunno if i needed a pre order to play the beta, its long ago. and played at release and few months after i hit lvl 80 i quit. game was too difficult compared to wow that i already learned in years. new start is hard, and making money in gw2 was difficult for me so i go back to wow. (easy way) but i few times came back to gw2 to give it a try. in 2015 i quit wow and then i did halloween event 2 weeks and quit again. then early 2016 i played again 2 weeks and quit. then march or something i tried it again (i forced me to like the game, nice graphics and i paid for it) then i got in a nice guild and they are very helpful. i played some days or weeks and liked the game but i had a problem. i needed bag slots and more upgrades so i bought heart of thorns deluxe edition and with those gems i bought upgrades :) and now i am still playing gw2 :D

gw2 made me think less on WoW so it was easyer to permanently stop with wow. my last day in wow was 21-10-2015 :D


gw2 is much better for me :D

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Had to go with the none. What got me in was the fact we got an MMO that was different endgame from the others. No Raiding/Trinity, not a massive gear grind. This was based on launch, not over time as game changed.


Edit - Oh and how could I forget. An MMO with no sub. I don't mind paying upfront but I got tired of the pay a monthly sub, buy expansion model.

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Friend played it since launch and has been trying to get me to but my last computer wasn't the best for games. Something of this scale would just hurt it. After I got a more powerful one, I finally gave in and have been playing almost every day. I already surpassed her in number of characters. A lot of what GW2 does caters to my style of gaming. I no longer have the patience for the grind of the others. I don't like feeling trapped in a constant story that doesn't let me progress on the map beyond what I haven't completed. Skills being tied to weapons makes even two of the same profession feel new and different from each other, so I never get terribly burnt out on playing. I can be as stubbornly independent as I want. The lore and worldbuilding is as detailed as I love. It even made me love all the races. I said I'd never make an asura and charr when I first started. Charr still aren't high on my list, but I did make three and am working on one as my first maxed elemental. Asura, however, are in a battle with sylvari for the number one spot.

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My boyfriend was playing this game and wouldn't spend time with me. We got into a huge fight about how he alway playing this stupid game instead of hanging out with me. He promised to stop playing to hang out with me, i felt bad so i bought the game to see what is all the fuss about (the only game i've ever played in my life, not counting plant vs. zombies). I got hook on it, even after he already moved o to abother game, i am still playing and keep him updated on what is going on in Tyria

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First and foremost it WAS advertised as the MMO without the grind. The combat was fairly unique and the graphics and maps are visually stunning.


Another mmo I was playing for several years although the gameplay and character customisation was amazing had far too many bugs

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Was getting tired of the first mmo I had ever played called Spiral Knights when their content releases slowed way down and there wasn't much to do anymore but grind. So I started trying to look for something new that didn't have a subscription. Lo and behold I ran into it browsing amazon, read some reviews and comments that were recent then and that inspired me to give it a try. Three plus years later, so glad I did.

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