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[Spoiler] A Branded Crystal Desert

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In the end cinematic of the expansion we see Kralkatorrik turn areas of the desert into a branded version. Those areas are in current maps and not new maps.

Would it be possible for Anet to use some sort of phasing mechanic to allow two versions of the maps at the same time?

Like a normal Crystal Oasis and a Branded Crystal Oasis.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> In the past, the Devs have stated that phasing is not something they were looking to do.

> You could try a search in the old forums, the archive of the old forums, or with a Search Engine of your choice, if you so desire.


> Good luck.


I know that but it was a long time ago when they said that. Perhaps it's time to bring phasing in the game by making a Branded version of the maps.


> @Randulf.7614 said:

> We actually dont know if he brands existing maps. He appears to move further south from vabbi, branding as he goes. All we see in Amnoon is a residual storm


Which doesn't make any sense, why would he go to some other unknown land instead of charging head on to the already existing enemies?

Anyway I'd much rather LS4 take place on current desert maps, or a phased version, than on new maps as it could certainly boost the re-playability and longevity of the PoF maps that certainly need it.

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Not a fan of phasing tbh. For once it creates strange effects if you play with a friend who is in a different stage of the map. And I wouldn't want to be stuck in a branded oasis version of the map only because I finished the story. It's actually what I feared was happening after the cinematic and was glad nothing changed.

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Why would he charge into existing enemies? He has been beaten up twice now and Dragons seem to prefer to let their corruption and minions do the direct attack and only get involved as a las resort


Phasing wouldnt increase replayability of existing maps though, since they would have separate populations and need to have new events, collections etc, in essence making them new maps.


Im much more interested in seeing new areas of Elona at this time

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> Phasing wouldnt increase replayability of existing maps though, since they would have separate populations and need to have new events, collections etc, in essence making them new maps.



It depends. They could keep some parts the same on both versions, like bounties for example. Combined with some new incentive to play on the maps it could increase replayability. Going to different maps wouldn't increase replayability of these maps either, I don't want PoF maps to die like LW3 maps.

Or maybe no phasing is needed and they will revamp the PoF maps anyway, yes that can certainly happen but I fear the revamp needed to make PoF maps better is very large-scale.


> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> I am pretty sure our current policy is "maps are locked in time" so if anything changed we will see it in LW4 instances and on new maps.


That's true but given how in the past (LW1) it was the opposite, they might change it again. Given how a certain extra push is needed to make PoF maps better.

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They could do that, but that restricts the amount of new content we get. I'm guessing the playerbase would much rather have brand new maps to play in rather than slightly changed older ones - there isn't much replay in that either.


I do agree PoF needs replayability - phasing certainly wont fix that at all, since it is a deeper issue with metas, rewards and unevenly spread content in maps. I'm not sure I agree with the LS3 comment though. Up until PoF they were busier than ever and although I haven't checked in the last month, PoF and Halloween is going to cause a dip in population across the board anyway and right now is not a true reflection of a maps true state at this time.

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If he would have flown above the Crystal Desert we would have got a black screen and "The End" on it...


If you look carefully you can see the sun that is shadowed by Kralkatorrik. I think this sun is a sign we are going further into Elona (The Land of the Golden Sun)- My guess for the next map is Kourna.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> In the past, the Devs have stated that phasing is not something they were looking to do.

> You could try a search in the old forums, the archive of the old forums, or with a Search Engine of your choice, if you so desire.


> Good luck.


The Gryffon quest area, around Tahlkora’s corpse is subject to phasing, though, so anet might be testing engines, for better or for worse.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > In the past, the Devs have stated that phasing is not something they were looking to do.

> > You could try a search in the old forums, the archive of the old forums, or with a Search Engine of your choice, if you so desire.

> >

> > Good luck.


> The Gryffon quest area, around Tahlkora’s corpse is subject to phasing, though, so anet might be testing engines, for better or for worse.


LW3 also has lots of phasing, like NPCs spawning only for specific players, for example Exemplar Kerida spawing in DR only for those on the appropriate quest part to open the way. In the past similar things happened in short instances because the game didn't have proper phasing. Who knows, maybe they are testing it.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > I am pretty sure our current policy is "maps are locked in time" so if anything changed we will see it in LW4 instances and on new maps.


> That's true but given how in the past (LW1) it was the opposite, they might change it again. Given how a certain extra push is needed to make PoF maps better.


Pretty unlikely they gonna change anything. At this point it feels like they achieved what they wanted and just push more content without major revamps. Which I actually like a lot.

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