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What titles do you display on your characters?


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If there is one thing I REALLY REALLY hate is not able to turn of JUST THE titles. I hate titles since they are a visual clutter. I even asked someone if then can hex the exe to null the title variable :-)


But I do use them tho, i have a bunch but I only use 3: Golden, Combat Healing, Honorary Skritt. That shows how much I like titles :-)

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Seeing someone with Unhappy Camper always makes me smile. :)


My sylvari guardian "canon commander" used Sanctum Sprinter for the longest time because it was the first title I ever earned, and because I really enjoyed the Zephyrite map and lore, and the Sanctum Sprint itself. When the Caladbolg mini-episode was released, I happily swapped to Knight of the Thorn because it's perfect for sylvari, which is why my ranger also uses it. My revenant has Mistwarden. My elementalist on the other hand uses The Blazing Light, because she's the one I used to beat Liadri back then, and I'm still a bit proud of that.


None of my other characters use any titles, because I haven't found any that suit them. I'm weird that way, even though I don't RP here. A title has to thematically fit the character in question or at least be tied to something "meaningful", or I won't use it.


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