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If in game marriage is introduced, do u have anybody in mind?


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At launch I planned my characters over two accounts so that they can be in the game world at the same time. There are specific two characters that I want to see get married, so that in game marriage, bring it! Cause it gots to be _official_ . My character drama series is stalling at this point, waiting.

(they also need more husbands. MORE.)

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Seems pointless without children.


However, love interests is a lot more interesting, that's like the mid-chapters of a book that start to catch your interest and connect you to the characters. Marriage is the the glossary or appendix of a book, referenced throughout the book but boring and only ever partially read.

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Here are my marriage plans:


Step 1: As a heterosexual male, I'll marry the guildmate with the most beautiful female toons, who constantly whispers me with romantic/sexy text conversation.

Step 2: I'll lavish in-game wealth on her toons, spend hours and hours catering to her every whim as I roleplay the doting husband thing to the hilt.

Step 3: As the years go by, I'll start considering a real life relationship, wonder constantly why she never talks on TeamSpeak, admire her very attractive avatar that she says is a real-life photo of her, accept her excuse that she doesn't own a microphone, send her the money to buy one, then accept the excuse that something is wrong her PC and microphones don't work on it.

Step 4: I'll suggest talking on the phone with her instead and then accept her excuse that they don't have phones in her country, just high speed internet.

Step 5: While casually talking to a mutual friend about the love of my life, I'll say something like, "She's totally awesome." and the mutual friend will reply, "She? You mean Greg?"

Step 6: REVENGE!!!!!!

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @tattyana.2356 said:

> > I'll do one better than above I'll charge 500g retainer and no fee for losing half your stuff.


> Now selling divorce services for 499g 99s 99c.

> Will not include a Name Change Contract, because that would cut into my profits.


I will go 2 for 500g, and give a 100g credit for referrals.


You know that one wont be enough.

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