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Balance Patch Wishes


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> @Zuko.7132 said:

> What are your balance patch wishes? What do you think should be nerfed and how? What do you think should be buffed and how?


1) Renegade buffs, mostly range of his Legendary AoEs.

2) Tablet buffs to make Rev on pair with Firebrand.

3) Druid buffs (utility stuff to support team, not 1v1 stuff obviously).

4) Some nerfs reverted to Tempest to make it a bit on pair with other stuff.

5) Core Death Shroud buffs/redesign.

6) Some nurfs reverted to Reaper.

7) Some tuning down to Scrouge/Spellbreaker/Yolosmith/Mirage.

8) ^ Honestly I would like to see Scrouge redone to support role with Barriers and stuff, while I would like to see Reaper kicking stuff again as it used to do after HoT release.



9) While I would like to see Yolosmith tunned down a bit, MAKE SCRAPPER GREAT AGAIN!

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Oh boy, here we go again. . .


Easy to read version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N2pL7pT-XOFDy2qqPZBJtCVTBvsrNmjkW5NwoOv7NKo/edit?usp=sharing


-Restorative Strength-

Swap places with Empowered


-Building Momentum-

Gain 3% damage bonus after each burst. Stacks 3 times, lasts 9 seconds.


-Stick and Move-

Gain a damage 10% damage bonus for 15 seconds after a dodge


-Berserker’s Power-

Becomes: Destroyer’s Power: Each successful strike increases your damage by 5% for 15 seconds (Stacks 6 times; only 3 in pvp. Each additional hits refreshes the duration)



-Versatile Rage-

Next attack used on weapon swap has its cooldown reduced by 2 seconds (5 second ICD)


-Versatile Power-

Grants a 7% damage buff on weapon swap for 9 seconds.


-Destruction of the Empowered-

Deal 0.50% additional damage for each stack of vulnerability.


-Heightened Focus-

Critical hits deal an additional 15% damage. Each critical hit increases ferocity by 10. Stacks 10 times.


-Inspiring Battle Standard-

Swap places with Leg Specialist; Inspiring Battle Standard now increased the potency of banners by 20%




Berserk Mode:

(Descriptions will include fatal frenzy changes)

You can now enter berserk at 10, 20, and 30 adrenaline. Gain bonuses associated with the level of adrenaline you had when entering berserk mode.

15 (s) Duration

15 (s) Cooldown

10 Adrenaline: (Counts as a level 1 burst)

-10% Health as *Temporary Hit-Points

-Quickness (3s)

-Fury (3s)

-Swiftness (3s)

Attack speed increase: 3%(stacks with quickness) _

20 Adrenaline: (Counts as a level 2 burst)

_-20% Health as Temporary Hit-Points

-Quickness (6s)

-Fury (6s)

-Swiftness (6s)

-Attack speed increase: 6%

30 Adrenaline: (Counts as a level 3 Burst)

30% Health as Temporary Hit-Points

-Quickness (9s)

-Fury (9s)

-Swiftness (9s)

-Might: 10 Stacks (9s)

-Attack speed increase: 9%

*(Temporary Hit-Points: Grants a barrier that does not decay, but will disappear once out of combat)

(All primal bursts count as a level 1 Burst when entering Berserk with 10 adrenaline)

(All primal bursts count as a level 2 Burst when entering Berserk with 20 adrenaline)

(All primal bursts count as a level 3 Burst when entering Berserk with 30 adrenaline)

(All boons durations, temporary hit-points, and attack speed bonuses are halved in PvP)


-Savage Instinct-

Clear up to 3 conditions when activating berserk mode. Lose 1 additional condition every 5 seconds in berserk mode

Level 1 Clear: 1 condition

Level 2 Clear: 2 conditions

Level 3 Clear: 3 Conditions


-Always Angry-

Gain up to 9% increased damage and condition damage when you enter berserk mode

Level 1: 3% Increase

Level 2: 6% Increase

Level 3: 9% Increase


-Fatal Frenzy-

Gain boons when activating berserk mode (Up to: 30% HP as barrier, 9 seconds of fury, quickness, swiftness and 9 stacks of might. All bonuses are halved in PvP)


-Eternal Champion-

Gain Stability when you enter berserk mode. Each attack against you while in berserk mode increase your resistance to damage by 1% for 15 seconds.(Stacks 5 times)

Level 1: 3 Stability (Pulsing; Over 15 seconds)

Level 2: 6 Stability (Pulsing; Over 15 seconds)

Level 3: 9 Stability (Pulsing; Over 15 seconds)


---Greatsword Changes---


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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> I'd like to see reaper be something other than a punching bag for thieves and mesmers.


> Seriously why anet thought making reaper into a attrition class with zero long term sustain was a good idea is beyond me.


And they were suppose to be the slow moving horrors that you don't wanna end up in a teamfight with. Now look, a thief or mesmer can take the reaper out on a date and have a real good time with them now.




> Reaper is supposed to be slow-moving bruiser (Gets gutted)


> Scourge was suppose to be their support (Gets turned into DPS)


Anet you're not doing good with your descriptions here.

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-Nerf riptide. -0.25 evade duration and slightly less healing.

-Buff sword autoattack damage.

-Tailored Victory (weave self 2nd part) can be casted while moving.

-Buff weaver scepter's fire /water dual skill to be casted without needing to face target

-Buff weaver scepter's air /water dual skill projectile speed

-Fix cone abilities at last so they can actually hit when they're supposed to (Fire grab, lightning touch)

-Lightning flash is a stun break again

-Cleansing fire cooldown reduced to 25 seconds from 40

-Ride the lightning gains evade frames

-Staff autoattack cast times & aftercasts lowered slightly

-Dragon's Tooth cast time and aftercast lowered. No longer whiffs if the animation is already out.

-Signets get a revision



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> @Zuko.7132 said:

> What are your balance patch wishes?

For my Necromancer:


Revert Speed of Shadows rework and Chilling Nova, Chilling Victory, "Rise!" nerfs.

"Nothing Can Save You!": casting time removed.

Terrify: casting time removed.


Rune of the Soldier: remove 1 additional condition.



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> @Razor.6392 said:

> Elementalist:

> -Nerf riptide. -0.25 evade duration and slightly less healing.

> -Buff sword autoattack damage.

> -Tailored Victory (weave self 2nd part) can be casted while moving.

> -Buff weaver scepter's fire /water dual skill to be casted without needing to face target

> -Buff weaver scepter's air /water dual skill projectile speed

> -Fix cone abilities at last so they can actually hit when they're supposed to (Fire grab, lightning touch)

> -Lightning flash is a stun break again

> -Cleansing fire cooldown reduced to 25 seconds from 40

> -Ride the lightning gains evade frames

> -Staff autoattack cast times & aftercasts lowered slightly

> -Dragon's Tooth cast time and aftercast lowered. No longer whiffs if the animation is already out.

> -Signets get a revision




Hmmm...that would make ele that much more competitive against well known pet classes of anet...hmm..not gonna happen


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SB needs a sustainability nerf, but daggers damage need a buff. Warrior needs a power build viable in PvE.

FB support should be a bit reduced. Core guardian slightly buffed. LB also needs some improvements and axe needs a slight buff.

Scourge ability to corrupt boons significantly weakened. Reaper needs major power buff. GS damage should be upped across the board.

Rev all and every build needs a buff.

Weaver sword damage and sustainability need improvements. Not sure for Tempest, but it feels that they are power creeped out of support.

Dead Eye needs major work. The concept of nuking from orbit is not working, and quite frankly is a terrible concept.

Mirage mirrors do not make any sense. Completely out of context. Maybe a slight nerf to confusion application?


Resistance needs to be removed. Condi damage need to subject to toughness, protection and all other class specific damage reduction skills.





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> @otto.5684 said:

> SB needs a sustainability nerf, but daggers damage need a buff. Warrior needs a power build viable in PvE.

> FB support should be a bit reduced. Core guardian slightly buffed. LB also needs some improvements and axe needs a slight buff.

> Scourge ability to corrupt boons significantly weakened. Reaper needs major power buff. GS damage should be upped across the board.

> Rev all and every build needs a buff.

> Weaver sword damage and sustainability need improvements. Not sure for Tempest, but it feels that they are power creeped out of support.

> Dead Eye needs major work. The concept of nuking from orbit is not working, and quite frankly is a terrible concept.

> Mirage mirrors do not make any sense. Completely out of context. Maybe a slight nerf to confusion application?


> Resistance needs to be removed. Condi damage need to subject to toughness, protection and all other class specific damage reduction skills.






Weaver sword is the best weapon Weaver has, if sword needs imporvements, then dual attacks for other weapons need them too.


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Only goinf to comment on stuff I played or played against a lot with focus on Weaver.



- Increase FC CD to 10 or 12 sec base

- Revenge Counter Conditions Copied down to 3 and needs to connect to get Resistance

- Reduce pulsing Stability ond Last Stand to 1 Stack



- Reduce Sword AA Casttime to 1/2, 1/2, 1/2

- Increase Sword dmg by 5-10%

- Reduce Casttime of Cauterizing/Quantum/Gale Strike to 1/2 OR increase Hitbox. Reduce CD to 15 sec

- Increase Primordial Stance Radius to 240

- Change Unravel => Remove Global Attunment CD on activation. Basically become Core Ele for 5 seconds

- Tailored Victory can be used while moving

- Nerf Elements of Rage to justify some Sword Dmg Buffs and nerf Staff dmg for PvE simultaniously



- F2 and F5 need tells (maybe different color on the shade?) to them on activation. Let them stay instant cast but activation needs to be after 1/4 or 1/2 sec



- Fix Axe 2 and Axe 3, make IH baseline and come up with a different Grandmaster



- Increase CD on Holo Leap to 4 seconds

- Crystal Configuration: Eclipse down to 1 Stack of Stability. Double the Barrier



- if Scourge and Spellbreaker get some nerfs, Firebrand may need some nerfs to its support capabilities to not create another unkillable bunker meta



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Mirage first minor now ; when gaining miragecloak gain superspeed(1sec) and vigor(3sec).

Master trait Mirage Mantle now heals(750+40-60%healing Power) when gaining mirage cloak, and gives protection(2sec) when mirage cloak ends.

Second Minor now inflicts bleed(5 sec) on shatterskills, and regenerate endurance when using a shatter skill(15).

Elusive Mind grandmaster trait cleanses one additional condition.

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This is more for PvP modes cannot speak to PvE,


Bring Weaver up just a little mostly with AA Chain buffs, Then bring the power creep on all classes to the weavers current level of power creep.


It is not that weaver is super amazing or that all classes need to work like it, I just feel the amount of power creep on weaver was not as game breaking while still making the class satisfying to play. As where renegade was a step backwards and spell breakers and scourges power creep-ed too much the other way.


Also for the sake of having a more diverse meta I really hope nothing gets too heavily over-tuned one way or the other. I don't want to trade one major imbalance for another. I understand rotating meta builds and all that, but when 2-4 classes take up the meta forcing the other half of current classes to be basically useless is just not fun. I fear we may see scourges and spell-breakers brought down too much only to be replaced with a different but equally broken meta balance wise. (Not that scourges and spell-breakers don't need to be balanced though.)

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* Holosmith doesn't get nerfed.

* Oh, and holosmith is better for PvE.


That's about it.


> @Sarathes.3810 said:

> Holosmith

> - Increase CD on Holo Leap to 4 seconds

> - Crystal Configuration: Eclipse down to 1 Stack of Stability. Double the Barrier


Oh honey...


Holo leap is like our only gap closer in that melee mode, and 4 seconds would only allows us to use maybe twice in an entire barrage? Also, decreasing our (only) access to stability for a measly amount of barrier? Lul!

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