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How clean is your inventory?


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It's a mess.


200 slots on my main and it never goes below 100 (more than 120 at the moment).


I'd free up a bit of space though if I could get rid of all those map specific keys and fucking page collection books. If anet could save those into our account rather than the inventory, that'd be great.


I've also got recipe books I don't know what to do with yet, and unique weapon and armour skin chests I can't decide on.


And of course there's always bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, empyreal fragments...



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I keep my three top bags empty for loot collecting. The rest of the bags have my keys, my toys, my 'travel passes', my bounty orders, and other things that seem useful to have with me, organized so that the stuff I access most is at the top. I bought one invisible bag, mainly so my unequipped ascended longbow didn't keep showing up in the merchant window when I was clearing out junk and runes. Don't want to accidentally sell it for one measly gold piece.


Once I clicked the command to consolidate the inventory, and it moved all my stored items into the loot space. That took a while to sort out.


My bank is less organized, and contains a lot of stuff I just don't know what to do with but don't want to throw out.



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I tend to cling to a bunch of things I probably shouldn't. Spare weapons for each class (best that I can find/craft), collection books that I can't easily replace (I still have Marjory's Journal somewhere...), and then I just have a bunch of random stuff I probably shouldn't keep but do for some odd reason. I haven't bought any inventory slots, because I'm always paranoid that it's tied to the character and what if I delete him/her for whatever reason. Even then, I don't do a lot of gold farming so I can't afford too many nice bags.

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Clean, structured, perfectly organized.... * blushing *


I have to. I can't cope with mess. I need clear overview. When I play with a toon, before to swap or log out, I always clear her bag, sell to BL what is worth it, sell junk to merchant, store in bank, according to structure, and so on..... Please don't laugh too much. I need it that way to "survive"! ROFL


At the beginning I started with the game, I was not doing that. After a few months, I had such a mess... That was just impossible. I have needed days to clear it off and since then, I never let it happen again... B)

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I have the mentality of 'having to keep it clean' really. Too frustrating for me to not know where everything is so I can go right to it when I open my inventory without really having to look. Also nice to know I have plenty of space to go farming on my characters whenever without having to do anything first. Even my two pack mauls have everything grouped up, ascended rings in one corner, accessories in the other, etc...

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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> I like to keep my inventory and bank fairly tidy and organised. Though at the minute I've probably got 10-20 bag inventory slots full of pointless Halloween crap like finishers, stupid tonics etc as I can't be bothered to keep discarding them so I'm just letting them build up so I can throw them all out once halloween is over.


I have learned over the years that you do not clean you inventory of holiday items until the holiday is over. Because you clean it today and it will just be filled up with the same useless crap (holiday junk) the next day.

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I'm not particularly happy about my hoarding tendencies but I'm not really getting any better either. There are probably people who'll get stressed just hearing about how bad my inventory situation is. To give some examples, until about 2 months ago my main character still had those 4 purple crystals you had to collect during the toxic nightmare tower living world release and the candy powered matter meter I got from the first gw2 Halloween.

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Mine is well organised - every thing has it's position. But I keep a lot of stuff - eg additional gear/weapons, a whole bag full of food stacks, birthday stuff and tonics, other essential items (eg ascended mat eaters), boosters and so on.


However I must get more space because still have only got the original 5 x 20 slot bags and the amount of kitten you get clutters it up so much that I can't even keep up sometimes with the copper fed som.

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I usually have about 19-20 items in my main characters inventory (not counting shared slots). Some are useful, like spare weapons or food, others are nostalgia items like the Heroes Band or books/gizmos I might need.


My alts have less, maybe 1 spare weapon and their Heroes Band, and maybe food and as booster.

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