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How clean is your inventory?


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I like to be as tidy as possible :)

(but only ingame...my kitchen is a mess at the moment hahaha...haha...sob. I will clean up later. Promise!)


That's how I like to organize my stuff:




**20 Shared Inventory Slots:**

- Mystic Forge Conduit

- Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

- Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

- Ley-Energy Matter Converter

- Merchant Expresses

- Bank Access Expresses

- Trading Post Exppresses

- 3 slots for my unlimited gathering tools

- Home Portal Stone

- Living World Portal Tome

- Royal Terrace Pass

- Captain's Airship Pass

- Lava Lounge Pass

- Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey

- Invitation to "Lily of Elon"

- Spearmarshal's Plea

- Teleport to Friend

- Instant Repair Canisters


**1st 20 Slot Bag:**

Starter Bag

- contains Consumables and pets that I can summon (like Fire elemental powder)


**2nd 20 Slot Bag:**

Ancient Karka Shell Box

- for loot collecting


**3rd 20 Slot Bag:**

Craftsman's Bag

- for loot collecting (crafting materials)


**4th 20 Slot Bag:**

Equipment Box

- for loot collecting (armor and weapons)


**5th 20 Slot Bag:**

Equipment Box

- for loot collecting (armor and weapons)


**6th 20 Slot Bag:**

Invisible Bag

- most of the time it's empty.


**7th 20 Slot Bag:**

Invisible Bag

- for my other weapons that I like to use sometimes

- for Special Items that I need to combine for something else or for achievements


**8th 20 Slot Bag**:

- Invisible Bag

- Exalted Portal Stone

- Selfless Potion

- Revive Orbs

- Treasure Hunter Kits

- Lots of Keys (Machetes, Exalted, Chak Acid, Pact Crowbars, Trader's, Atherkeys etc)

- Converters (Herta, Princess, Star of Gratitude, Sentient Oddity, Sentient Anomaly)


I like to organize my bank tab accounts too. I hate clutter. I am constantly cleaning up and organizing my inventory space, it's fun for me...*blush*


I love hearing how others organize their inventory space because I am always searching for new and better ways to organize my stuff :) And it's interesting to know which items people like to put into their shared inventory space. Which items they think are important enough to put there.




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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > I have a "Trophy" issue. I never know if I can throw these out safely or not.

> > For the rest, can be cleaner, can be messier.


> So much this. As soon as it wants to have its name typed to delete, my drive to delete it suddenly vanishes.^^




My inventory is cluttered but I try my best to keep it clean. My bank is a nightmare that I need to address but everything wants me to type to confirm deletion.

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I am not interested in RNG and crafting, so loot is 99% irrelevant to me. I trash everything I get and have no use for, which is, uh, almost everything.. I have two sets of clothes, three weapon sets and that's it. But still, my inventory is always full. When I see the red bag icon in the top of the screen I am getting issues because I know the next thing I accidently click on or pick up mid-fight will cause that stupid, always-on-top window to appear, and hitting ESC won't do a single thing, so I have to move it into a corner, still blocking precious vision.


I really might to trash everything except one bag where I keep my actual gear and equipment.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> I'm a shameless altoholic, so I tend to keep a lot of "some alt might use this some day" gear around. Or skins. Or currency. Or...

> At least it's somewhat organized? >.>


Lol this sounds like me to a T. The "I might yet use this" syndrome.


I'm usually pretty good about keeping 80% of my inventory space cleared on any given character. Although, at the end of a play session I may or may not tidy up inventory before logging, and if I don't, it's the first thing I do when I log back in. However, my bank vault is an entirely different matter. It looks like someone set off a bomb in there...Stuff everywhere. I've tried organizing... It just doesn't stay that way. haha.

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I really wish we got less garbage and a small number of more valuable drops. My inventory is garbage dump. When I log on I clear out maybe 20 slots then fill them up throughout the night(dumping them occasionally). My inventory is only completely clean once my bf logs onto my account to open and break down like 300 rare and exotic bags for me. (And I love him for it :D )


I wish there was a way to feed my loot bags into the mystic forge and get random, fewer but more valuable items out of it. I'm so lazy. I just want them gone, but I can't stand the thought of loosing the potential gold.

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Here's my main character's inventory and my bank. Neither is as clear as it could be, but it's pretty typical.

![](https://i.imgur.com/8CYoh08l.jpg "")

Full size version: https://imgur.com/8CYoh08


I keep my inventory (split by bag) as a 5x4 grid above the chat box so I can open it while fighting. That first line is stuff I need to sort out, in this case Halloween consumables. Then I always keep whatever booster & food I'm currently using at the bottom right of the 1st bag, with anything else that might be useful (e.g. keys) next to it.


Then it's empty until the bottom of the Oiled (junk) bag where I store things I can't sell/salvage/otherwise lose that I always carry, like an overflow from my invisible bag, which stores important stuff, mostly spare weapons and accessories (I have more weapons than usual because I've been experimenting with builds). Then my shared inventory slots which are always pretty full because I feel like I'm wasting them if they're empty.


My bank is much fuller but pretty simple:

Line 1: stuff I need to get rid of, usually extra crafting mats, food, keys etc. (Yes that is the Fallen Balthazar helm and Hydra staff, I got "lucky" trying for the spooky mount minis with free keys)

Line 2: Stuff I need to use up, longer term. At the moment mainly equipment that can be upgraded/converted.

Line 3: Boosters. I'm useless at remembering to use them but I like to imagine keeping them here will remind me.

Line 4: Gathering tools from Wintersday 2014 I'm _still_ using up (I had about 500 originally).

Line 5: Character upgrades - XP Scrolls/Tomes & Dye choice packs.

Line 6: Tools - Karmic Converter, ascended mat eaters, Krytan torch.

Line 7, 8 & 9: Exotic & Ascended equipment for alts.

Line 10: Bits of items I may use in future.

Line 11: Tokens.

Line 12: Tools I rarely use. (Infinite Continue Coin, mining pick with an ugly animation, Current Events items.

Line 13: Stuff that was in my main character's inventory for PoF, stored temporarily for Halloween. (And a name change contract from PoF Deluxe.)

Line 14 & 15: Nostalgia items: Celebration Hat I never converted from town clothes, toy frame from the 1st Wintersday, Gift from Scarlet, old soulbound Mad Memories, Zephyr Sanctum model, various lorebooks, infinite tonics & the new version of Mad Memories (the 1st edition is being used by an alt). The two gaps are for Memories of Vlast which a bug deleted.

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Since the option I'd choose isn't on there I didn't vote...both inventory and bank space are a mix...the only clean inventory is on newer characters. Three characters are parked at their assigned crafting stations, in 3 different cities...and I honestly don't care whether my inventory and bank space(plus the guild space I use as "personal" storage) is a mess or not, since I'm the only that accesses it, as long as I know where everything is it's fine.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> I have a "Trophy" issue. I never know if I can throw these out safely or not.

> For the rest, can be cleaner, can be messier.


I created 2 characters just for the HOT stuff, one holds trophies, the other "this is only part of a collection" items. I may have to do the same for POF items because you never really know if those things are really only apart of collections.


Yes, I have a problem, but it's all good, I put those guys to work doing menial tasks like daily LD UM collector and a Peach a day.

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> @Hydroclasm.8572 said:

> On the messy side, and could definitely be cleaned up a bit, but I think Anet should still be helping players out with clutter. Key-ring, something for tonics, something for the toys/instruments/LS books/gizmos that do neat things but are either prohibitively expensive or impossible to re-obtain.


Yeah, I totally agree! At least a keyring would be really helpful. But I like your other suggestions too!

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I use normal 'Bag View'. My invisible 12 slot bags hold my gathering tools (still using my frosted ones from Wintersday 3 years back) and items like merchant, rez orb, tp. My next bag is 16 slot with buff items and other stuffs. The other 2 16 slot bags and my 20 are for drops. I keep those cleaned out regularly, using my CFS to grind blues up for mats.


My bank though...seriously needs some reworking. It is a bit too scattered, full of special holiday drop stuff, lore books, buff items, crafting stuff that can't be deposited, and weaponry.

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