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[POLL] Would You Buy.


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Ok we all know that Anet has limits, they literally can't make everything we want all at the same time. So here is the question, if it meant that it Anet would put direct focus and it's own team to take care of it, where that content would receive development and progress because it sold, Which of these would you be willing to pay cash for to see it get direct focused development, just so they could sell you more of it.

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I choose this because the option for : "Just expansions" isnt there.

I payed for Hot, got hot and LS3.

I payed for PoF and got PoF and soon LS4.

And i will continue to do so.

I also pay for some sweet aesthetics too.

Everything else like: New fractals, raids, dungeons, collections and side quest stories can be added with LS chapters or expansions.

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I would pay for unlocks tied to HOT. They will never get a cent from me for the expansion, I simply cannot function in that kind of Platform/Environment+Mobs vs Player design. I would pay for the following.

Hot Profession Unlocks.

Hot Gear stat Unlocks.

Items like the WvW provisioner.


Since Gliders are intrinsic to HoT and require it for Masteries I certainly would not expect those as a purchaseable Unlock. Same for the legendary crafting that requires HoT content.


As to the main question.. Purchasable Raids and dungeons with unique and high level loots are only half a bubble off "pay to win" Dungeon keys offered in other games, so no. Dev time on these should be spent on enhancing, adding and improving Raids and Dungeons in the core expansions content.


As far as purchased JPs and Festivals.. If people want to pay for limited fluff content that will have them wanting a new one in 2 weeks... ugh... ok. Does not seem a productive use of Dev time unless they churn them out like Black Lion "specials" twice a month and ignore a lot of other stuff to do so.


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I'll pay for expansions, but most of what you listed doesn't really appeal to me at all. The only slightly tempting one is dungeons, and to be successful, we need EVERYONE to be able to access them.


There is other stuff I would pay for, like a good personal housing system, but that wasn't on the list.

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There are actually multiple things I would like to have. Dungeons, new Festivals and Jumping Puzzles being the most important ones. However I feel that Festivals should be available to everyone. Not just the ones who paid for them. And JPs are fine the way they currently are introduced: One at a time when a new map is released. So since Festivals and JPs can't really be marketed well, I voted for Dungeons.

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**Dungeons**: I haven't even done all the ones in the game so far. Never have people to do them personally.


**Collections**: So I'll pay for the collection but still have to go through unlocking them? I rather just buy the legendary I want from gems to gold if that's the case. (I have 0 legendaries and only have 1 ascended item atm)


**Festivals**: I have no clue what this is so I won't pay for something I have no clue what it is.


**Jump Puzzles**: I would pay to never see a jumping puzzle again. How about that?


**Raid**: I've never done the ones in the game so I would not pay for more.


**Living Story**: Seeing as I've missed Season 2 and a little of Season 3, I'm already paying for them. (need to unlock Season 2 one day)

I would say though, I would pay for Season 1 to see it/play it.


**Maybe more than one option**: Nope


**Never again**: Can't say that. Can't say I would never give them money again. 100% guaranteed to give them money again IF THEY GIVE ME THE BLOODY JUNGLE EXPLORER OUTFIT!


**Nothing**: Isn't this the same option? As if they paid in the above choice and never again... but this option say they paid for the game and expect other things free. Or maybe this option is for those that got the core game when it costed money?


**Meh...**: Yup. That sounds like my catchphrase. I'll do with this one.


I'll pay for expansions.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> **Dungeons**: I haven't even done all the ones in the game so far. Never have people to do them personally.


> **Collections**: So I'll pay for the collection but still have to go through unlocking them? I rather just buy the legendary I want from gems to gold if that's the case. (I have 0 legendaries and only have 1 ascended item atm)


> **Festivals**: I have no clue what this is so I won't pay for something I have no clue what it is.


> **Jump Puzzles**: I would pay to never see a jumping puzzle again. How about that?


> **Raid**: I've never done the ones in the game so I would not pay for more.


> **Living Story**: Seeing as I've missed Season 2 and a little of Season 3, I'm already paying for them. (need to unlock Season 2 one day)

> I would say though, I would pay for Season 1 to see it/play it.


> **Maybe more than one option**: Nope


> **Never again**: Can't say that. Can't say I would never give them money again. 100% guaranteed to give them money again IF THEY GIVE ME THE BLOODY JUNGLE EXPLORER OUTFIT!


> **Nothing**: Isn't this the same option? As if they paid in the above choice and never again... but this option say they paid for the game and expect other things free. Or maybe this option is for those that got the core game when it costed money?


> **Meh...**: Yup. That sounds like my catchphrase. I'll do with this one.


> I'll pay for expansions.


so very much I agree with here.



By festivals, he is referring to things line halloween, wintersday, and the like. Essentially holiday events.

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I choose nothing, but not for the biased reason put there. Anet promises content with expansions that it doesn't fully deliver on. I was told here that the price of these expansions includes future content. Why should I pay again for something that I already paid for. Even more so, when they practically remove content people paid for, like dungeons.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> so very much I agree with here.


> FYI,

> By festivals, he is referring to things line halloween, wintersday, and the like. Essentially holiday events.


Ah, then yeah I wouldn't pay for that. I already play a game that sometimes the main lobbies (which you can see Lion's Arch is) changes for certain holidays or festivals or seasons which makes it hard to see the original looks and sometimes hard to even hear the original music which I'm one of the ones enjoy hearing and seeing the original areas at times.

Festivals would just change Lion's Arch completely and that wouldn't be fun to me.


And if they really had to, they can be all corporal and just do one every month if they had to. You know... like how businesses have something for each month to have a sale or celebration on. New years, Valentines, Saint Patricks Day, Easter, etc.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > so very much I agree with here.

> >

> > FYI,

> > By festivals, he is referring to things line halloween, wintersday, and the like. Essentially holiday events.


> Ah, then yeah I wouldn't pay for that. I already play a game that sometimes the main lobbies (which you can see Lion's Arch is) changes for certain holidays or festivals or seasons which makes it hard to see the original looks and sometimes hard to even hear the original music which I'm one of the ones enjoy hearing and seeing the original areas at times.

> Festivals would just change Lion's Arch completely and that wouldn't be fun to me.


> And if they really had to, they can be all corporal and just do one every month if they had to. You know... like how businesses have something for each month to have a sale or celebration on. New years, Valentines, Saint Patricks Day, Easter, etc.


Yeah, "hallmark holidays," created as much to increase sales of greeting cards and chocolate as anything else.


I tend to enjoy festivals, but think that they lose their impact if there are too many of them. What am I supposed to be wishing people happy X this month?

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > so very much I agree with here.

> > >

> > > FYI,

> > > By festivals, he is referring to things line halloween, wintersday, and the like. Essentially holiday events.

> >

> > Ah, then yeah I wouldn't pay for that. I already play a game that sometimes the main lobbies (which you can see Lion's Arch is) changes for certain holidays or festivals or seasons which makes it hard to see the original looks and sometimes hard to even hear the original music which I'm one of the ones enjoy hearing and seeing the original areas at times.

> > Festivals would just change Lion's Arch completely and that wouldn't be fun to me.

> >

> > And if they really had to, they can be all corporal and just do one every month if they had to. You know... like how businesses have something for each month to have a sale or celebration on. New years, Valentines, Saint Patricks Day, Easter, etc.


> Yeah, "hallmark holidays," created as much to increase sales of greeting cards and chocolate as anything else.


> I tend to enjoy festivals, but think that they lose their impact if there are too many of them. What am I supposed to be wishing people happy X this month?


Arenanet makes Black Lion Company have a "Black Lion Friday" where they put up every single item that's been available in the shops ever to be up for 24 hours and at least on a 10% sale on an item... some could get more of a sale in case it's some big hit or something.

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> @DearlyMe.5320 said:

> If I had to pay an entry fee to join a festival, sure! The Living Season one, though...I'd be extremely unhappy if people tossing money at it could decide who dies. Regardless of who it is. That contradicts the wish for "better writing and acting", which is also personal opinion in itself.


Just have to say 1 name. Just 1.


One reason I have not completed my Necro's story. Did the story on my Thief who is Vigil... saw how that turned out. Did the story on my Revenant who is Priory... saw how that turned out. Put 2 and 2 together and went, "I'm never finishing my Necro's story who is Whispers."

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This poll is flawed as its options are already suggesting positive or negative thoughts from the author. At this point it can't be taken seriously and should serve only as a game, not a real suggestion.


> Nothing: I paid for the game, I expect everything handed to me for free, and if I have to wait, so be it.


This is amazing option. I paid for the game, so I'm not getting stuff for free. You can't claim people who paid and funded all that we have in game already are getting anything for free.

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As long as there are new expansions I'm paying. However I would assume dungeons and fractals would be included. Just like new maps, elites etc. But mounts was added this time just like gliding was in hot. So whichever they have I'm supporting. It's still the best MMO to me. HaVent played wow though but played the others and this MMO is just amazing. Even with a jacked up mac client that gives me 20 fps. I'm still gonna play this game till arenanet says they can't no more.

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