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[POLL] Would You Buy.


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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > I think some people were over thinking this, this is not Plato, this is "if you could vote with your wallet, what would buy?

> >


> We all know you'd but the WP to ens of Mad Kings Clock tower package.


> Hawhhahaohohohuahawguffaw


oh that.. finally beat it, not sure why people thought that was so important, I don't feel like a better person because I did it.. and I'd gladly give away several of the consecutive completions I did afterwards, if it made someone's day better. But some people are so shallow that I could stand in a puddle of their personality and not get my feet wet.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The poll questions are skewed towards the idea that ANet can offer us any sort of choice like that. By necessity, they have to deliver an entire package that succeeds. It's not enough for something to be popular among a subset of players, it's not enough to charge extra cash, it's about viewing the game holistically and making sure it appeals to enough of the target audience to keep enough veterans entertained and bring in fresh blood regularly.


> I trust ANet to deliver a game that entertains me. Even though I'm going to hate some decisions they make and feel that others are a bad idea for the future, I think they have a better handle on making a great game than any 5000 of us trying to simplistically reduce the question to "for what would you pay extra."




Anet has done a lot of shit to disenfranchise me to a bad level... but in the end this is spot on.


What they do is absolutely calculated, and for xyz reason, mainly to keep the entertainment in a central level across all the playerbase.


Which annoys me. But as a company and business I cannot fault them.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > I think some people were over thinking this, this is not Plato, this is "if you could vote with your wallet, what would buy?

> > >

> >

> > We all know you'd but the WP to ens of Mad Kings Clock tower package.

> >

> > Hawhhahaohohohuahawguffaw


> oh that.. finally beat it, not sure why people thought that was so important, I don't feel like a better person because I did it.. and I'd gladly give away several of the consecutive completions I did afterwards, if it made someone's day better. But some people are so shallow that I could stand in a puddle of their personality and not get my feet wet.


You beat it?! More than once!


Well congrats! I didn't even make it 1/4th of the way. You may not feel like a better person but surely you feel satisfied ?

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> @Cyrin.1035 said:

> "maybe kill off the people we don't like" - One name: BRAHAM. It must be done.


Sorry but Braham is last on my list.




All of the shining blade

Threah- nvm



In that order.


Actually let Logan live. Live with the knowledge of his love being goooooone.


Why do people hate braham for being a whiny impudent brat but not several other leading characters that share the exact same behaviours and emotional capacity?


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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Anyone surprised that the thing we DON'T get any of, gets the most votes? (Dungeons) I'm not.




I love how the cited reason was "liquid gold"

And shorter content...


Man nobody cares about measly gold! It was all anout the drops. And shorter content my ass. Have you seen shattered observatory? ACp2 takes half the time.

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I would pay for more content like the [bonus Mission Pack](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_Bonus_Mission_Pack). Those missions were side stories in which we didn't play as our characters, rather as famous NPCs from the Guild Wars universe, with their own special character-specific skills. They allowed us to see pivotal moments in Tyria's history while experiencing unique gameplay. And they had killer cinematics, the best ones in the original Guild Wars.Plus, completing those missions also gave unique skins as rewards, which would fit nicely with the collection system.

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Personally, I would like to see some Dungeon love, but I know it's not on the roadmap. I said multiple because some Festivals and perhaps some Living Story material (LS1) or enhancements would be interesting. I couldn't spend a lot on the game, so these would have to be smaller, more manageable things. At $5-10 each, I'd likely buy several a year on top of the expansion release schedule (about every 2 years). To me, that's a very reasonable amount of money to spend on something that I enjoy this much.

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No options match for me, so I cannot vote. I am happy the way it is. I am a casual player with a busy real life. I already don't find the time for all we already have in the game now. I am always happy at new adds, but this is just extending the list of my pendings beyond the limit of what I could do in a lifetime! ROFL.. OK, maybe I exaggerate a bit... =)


I am fine with current rhythm of the additions. Up to now, I have very rarely been done with previous one when next one already came. That's great and keeps me perfectly busy and motivated at the game. It has the big advantage that I can select to do what I really likes only, and put the rest on waiting list. Should I ever start to be bored, I could work out that list, by now quite long.


Note that in my case, paying is not the issue. I regularly invest money in the game. I am entertained by this game since years and find it therefore normal to contribute to its continuity. That's also a way to say thanks and make sure it keeps going long enough.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @messiah.1908 said:

> > what about pvp and wvw content????

> > i vote for it


> I vote for this one.


I could not think of what to add to WvW that was not Power Creep, a Nerf., or would require everyone to buy it, So I left it out

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